We fix motivic data
of a Galois extension
of characteristic
global fields with arbitrary abelian Galois group
and a Drinfeld module
defined over a certain
Dedekind subring of
. For this
data, we define a
and prove an
equivariant Tamagawa number formula for appropriate Euler product completions of its special value
. This generalizes
to an equivariant setting the celebrated class number formula proved by Taelman in 2012 for the
value of the Goss
zeta function
associated to the pair
(See also Mornev’s 2018 work for a generalization in a very different,
nonequivariant direction.) We refine and adapt Taelman’s techniques to
the general equivariant setting and recover his precise formula in the particular
As a notable consequence, we prove a perfect Drinfeld module analogue
of the classical (number field) refined Brumer–Stark conjecture, relating a certain
-Fitting ideal of
Taelman’s class group
to the special value
in question. In upcoming work, these results will be extended to the category
of -modules and
used in developing an Iwasawa theory for Taelman’s class groups in Carlitz cyclotomic towers.
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