We study eigenvalues of non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators
on nontrapping asymptotically conic manifolds of dimension
Specifically, we are concerned with the following two types of estimates.
The first one deals with Keller-type bounds on individual eigenvalues
of the Schrödinger operator with a complex potential in terms of the
of the potential, while the second one is a Lieb–Thirring-type
bound controlling sums of powers of eigenvalues in terms of the
of the potential. We extend the results of Frank (2011), Frank and Sabin (2017),
and Frank and Simon (2017) on the Keller- and Lieb–Thirring-type bounds
from the case of Euclidean spaces to that of nontrapping asymptotically
conic manifolds. In particular, our results are valid for the operator
being a
nontrapping compactly supported (or suitably short-range) perturbation of the Euclidean
metric and
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