is the completely
positive map given by
. Its right universal
model is an
of weighted right creation operators acting on the full Fock space
generators. We prove
that an operator
is a multi-Toeplitz operator with free pluriharmonic symbol on
if and
only if it satisfies the Brown–Halmos-type equation
is the
Cauchy dual of
is the free unital
semigroup with
generators. This is a noncommutative multivariable analogue of Louhichi and Olofsson
characterization of Toeplitz operators with harmonic symbols on the weighted Bergman
as well as Eschmeier and Langendörfer extension to the unit ball of
All our results are proved in the more general setting of
noncommutative polyhyperballs
and are used to characterize the bounded free
functions with operator coefficients on polyhyperballs and to solve the associated
Dirichlet extension problem. In particular, the results hold for the reproducing kernel
Hilbert space with kernel
This includes the Hardy space, the Bergman space, and the weighted Bergman space
over the polydisk.
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