Volume 19 Number 2
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Volume 19
Issue 2, 213–413
Issue 1, 1–211

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ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
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Author Index – E
Efimov, Alexander
Coherent analogues of matrix factorizations and relative singularity categories
Eggermont, Rob
Noetherianity for infinite-dimensional toric varieties
Topological noetherianity for cubic polynomials
Ein, Lawrence
A vanishing theorem for weight one syzygies
Saturation bounds for smooth varieties
Eischen, Ellen
A $p$-adic Eisenstein measure for vector-weight automorphic forms
Differential operators mod $p$: analytic continuation and consequences
Eisele, Florian
Arbitrarily large Morita Frobenius numbers
Ejiri, Sho
Positivity of anti-canonical divisors and $F$-purity of fibers
El Manssour, Rida
Multiplicity structure of the arc space of a fat point
Elkies, Noam
K3 surfaces and equations for Hilbert modular surfaces
Elkin, Arsen
Ekedahl--Oort strata of hyperelliptic curves in characteristic $2$
Ellenberg, Jordan
Furstenberg sets and Furstenberg schemes over finite fields
Nonvanishing of hyperelliptic zeta functions over finite fields
On $\ell$-torsion in class groups of number fields
Positive motivic measures are counting measures
Elsenhans, Andreas-Stephan
The Picard group of a K3 surface and its reduction modulo p
Emerton, Matthew
p-adic Hodge-theoretic properties of étale cohomology with mod p coefficients, and the cohomology of Shimura varieties
The geometric Breuil-Mezard conjecture for two-dimensional potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations
Enescu, Florian
The Frobenius structure of local cohomology
Engström, Alexander
Entova-Aizenbud, Inna
Duflo-Serganova functor and superdimension formula for the periplectic Lie superalgebra
Monoidal abelian envelopes and a conjecture of Benson and Etingof
Erdélyi, Márton
Erdmann, Karin
Block components of the Lie module for the symmetric group
Homology and cohomology of quantum complete intersections
Erman, Daniel
A probabilistic approach to systems of parameters and Noether normalization
Furstenberg sets and Furstenberg schemes over finite fields
Hilbert schemes of 8 points
Random flag complexes and asymptotic syzygies
The Semigroup of Betti Diagrams
Ernst-West, Danielle
Word measures on GL_N(q) and free group algebras
Eskandari, Payman
On unipotent radicals of motivic Galois groups
Esposito, Francesco
Geometry of quiver Grassmannians of Kronecker type and applications to cluster algebras
Etingof, Pavel
Finite dimensional Hopf actions on algebraic quantizations
On faithfulness of the lifting for Hopf algebras and fusion categories
Etropolski, Anastassia
Eur, Christopher
Polyhedral and tropical geometry of flag positroids