Recent Issues |
Volume 19, 2 issues
Volume 19
Issue 2, 213–413
Issue 1, 1–211
Volume 18, 12 issues
Volume 18
Issue 12, 2133–2308
Issue 11, 1945–2131
Issue 10, 1767–1943
Issue 9, 1589–1766
Issue 8, 1403–1587
Issue 7, 1221–1401
Issue 6, 1039–1219
Issue 5, 847–1038
Issue 4, 631–846
Issue 3, 409–629
Issue 2, 209–408
Issue 1, 1–208
Volume 17, 12 issues
Volume 17
Issue 12, 2055–2260
Issue 11, 1867–2053
Issue 10, 1681–1865
Issue 9, 1533–1680
Issue 8, 1359–1532
Issue 7, 1239–1357
Issue 6, 1127–1237
Issue 5, 981–1126
Issue 4, 805–980
Issue 3, 541–804
Issue 2, 267–539
Issue 1, 1–266
Volume 16, 10 issues
Volume 16
Issue 10, 2265–2531
Issue 9, 2005–2264
Issue 8, 1777–2003
Issue 7, 1547–1776
Issue 6, 1327–1546
Issue 5, 1025–1326
Issue 4, 777–1024
Issue 3, 521–775
Issue 2, 231–519
Issue 1, 1–230
Volume 15, 10 issues
Volume 15
Issue 10, 2403–2653
Issue 9, 2021–15
Issue 8, 1865–2122
Issue 7, 1593–1864
Issue 6, 1343–1592
Issue 5, 1077–1342
Issue 4, 821–1076
Issue 3, 569–820
Issue 2, 309–567
Issue 1, 1–308
Volume 14, 10 issues
Volume 14
Issue 10, 2575–2813
Issue 9, 2295–2574
Issue 8, 2001–2294
Issue 7, 1669–1999
Issue 6, 1331–1667
Issue 5, 1055–1329
Issue 4, 815–1054
Issue 3, 545–813
Issue 2, 275–544
Issue 1, 1–274
Volume 13, 10 issues
Volume 13
Issue 10, 2243–2434
Issue 9, 1983–2242
Issue 8, 1765–1981
Issue 7, 1509–1763
Issue 6, 1243–1507
Issue 5, 995–1242
Issue 4, 749–993
Issue 3, 531–747
Issue 2, 251–530
Issue 1, 1–249
Volume 12, 10 issues
Volume 12
Issue 10, 2237–2514
Issue 9, 2033–2235
Issue 8, 1823–2032
Issue 7, 1559–1821
Issue 6, 1311–1557
Issue 5, 1001–1309
Issue 4, 751–999
Issue 3, 493–750
Issue 2, 227–492
Issue 1, 1–225
Volume 11, 10 issues
Volume 11
Issue 10, 2213–2445
Issue 9, 1967–2212
Issue 8, 1739–1965
Issue 7, 1489–1738
Issue 6, 1243–1488
Issue 5, 1009–1241
Issue 4, 767–1007
Issue 3, 505–765
Issue 2, 253–503
Issue 1, 1–252
Volume 10, 10 issues
Volume 10
Issue 10, 2053–2310
Issue 9, 1845–2052
Issue 8, 1601–1843
Issue 7, 1373–1600
Issue 6, 1147–1371
Issue 5, 939–1146
Issue 4, 695–938
Issue 3, 451–694
Issue 2, 215–450
Issue 1, 1–214
Volume 9, 10 issues
Volume 9
Issue 10, 2197–2415
Issue 9, 1955–2196
Issue 8, 1741–1954
Issue 7, 1515–1739
Issue 6, 1293–1514
Issue 5, 1035–1292
Issue 4, 767–1034
Issue 3, 511–765
Issue 2, 267–509
Issue 1, 1–265
Volume 8, 10 issues
Volume 8
Issue 10, 2297–2572
Issue 9, 2027–2295
Issue 8, 1787–2026
Issue 7, 1539–1786
Issue 6, 1297–1538
Issue 5, 1045–1296
Issue 4, 781–1044
Issue 3, 513–779
Issue 2, 257–511
Issue 1, 1–256
Volume 7, 10 issues
Volume 7
Issue 10, 2369–2592
Issue 9, 2059–2368
Issue 8, 1781–2057
Issue 7, 1535–1779
Issue 6, 1281–1534
Issue 5, 1019–1279
Issue 4, 765–1018
Issue 3, 507–763
Issue 2, 243–506
Issue 1, 1–242
Volume 6, 8 issues
Volume 6
Issue 8, 1579–1868
Issue 7, 1289–1577
Issue 6, 1061–1288
Issue 5, 833–1059
Issue 4, 611–832
Issue 3, 405–610
Issue 2, 195–404
Issue 1, 1–194
Volume 5, 8 issues
Volume 5
Issue 8, 1001–1143
Issue 7, 849–1000
Issue 6, 693–848
Issue 5, 567–691
Issue 4, 431–566
Issue 3, 289–429
Issue 2, 131–288
Issue 1, 1–129
Volume 4, 8 issues
Volume 4
Issue 8, 969–1114
Issue 7, 821–967
Issue 6, 649–820
Issue 5, 493–648
Issue 4, 357–491
Issue 3, 231–356
Issue 2, 111–229
Issue 1, 1–109
Volume 3, 8 issues
Volume 3
Issue 8, 847–990
Issue 7, 729–846
Issue 6, 611–727
Issue 5, 489–609
Issue 4, 367–487
Issue 3, 255–365
Issue 2, 121–254
Issue 1, 1–119
Volume 2, 8 issues
Volume 2
Issue 8, 859–1000
Issue 7, 721–858
Issue 6, 613–720
Issue 5, 501–611
Issue 4, 369–499
Issue 3, 249–368
Issue 2, 121–248
Issue 1, 1–120
Volume 1, 4 issues
Volume 1
Issue 4, 349–488
Issue 3, 239–346
Issue 2, 119–238
Issue 1, 1–117
Author Index – F
Faber, Eleonore
Friezes satisfying higher SL_k-determinants
Faenzi, Daniele
Ulrich bundles on K3 surfaces
Fakhruddin, Najmuddin
A topological property of quasi-reductive group schemes
The algebraic dynamics of generic endomorphisms of $\mathbb{P}^n$
Fanelli, Andrea
Effective Matsusaka's theorem for surfaces in characteristic p
Fantechi, Barbara
Symmetric obstructions theories and Hilbert schemes of points on threefolds
Favre, Charles
Continuity of the Green function in meromorphic families of polynomials
Fazzari, Alessandro
A weighted one-level density of families of $L$-functions
Fedorov, Roman
On the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture about principal bundles and its generalizations
Fehm, Arno
Axiomatizing the existential theory of F_q((t))
The existential theory of equicharacteristic henselian valued fields
Feigin, Evgeny
On reduced arc spaces of toric varieties
Quiver Grassmannians and degenerate flag varieties
Fernández-Fernández, María-Cruz
Characteristic cycles and Gevrey series solutions of $A$-hypergeometric systems
Ferrand, Daniel
Enveloppe étale de morphismes plats
On the algebra of some group schemes
Ferrara, Joseph
An equivariant Tamagawa number formula for Drinfeld modules and applications
Ferretti, Andrea
The Chow ring of double EPW sextics
File, Daniel
Test vectors and central L-values for GL(2)
Filipazzi, Stefano
Index of coregularity zero log Calabi-Yau pairs
Finston, David
Proper triangular $\mathbb{G}_{a}$-actions on $\mathbb{A}^{4}$ are translations
Fiorenza, Domenico
L_{infty} structures on mapping cones
Fiori, Andrew
Lower bounds for the least prime in Chebotarev
Fiorilli, Daniel
Highly biased prime number races
Surpassing the ratios conjecture in the 1-level density of Dirichlet $L$-functions
Fisher, Thomas
A formula for the Jacobian of a genus one curve of arbitrary degree
Minimisation and reduction of 2-, 3- and 4-coverings of elliptic curves
Minimisation and reduction of 5-coverings of elliptic curves
Fité, Francesc
Endomorphism algebras of geometrically split abelian surfaces over Q
Sato--Tate distributions of twists of $y^2=x^5-x$ and $y^2=x^6+1$
Flach, Matthias
On the local Tamagawa number conjecture for Tate motives over tamely ramified fields
Flander, Max
Differential operators mod $p$: analytic continuation and consequences
Florea, Alexandra
Moments of quadratic twists of elliptic curve L-functions over function fields
The mean values of cubic L-functions over function fields
Ford, Kevin
On common values of phi(n) and sigma(m), II
The image of Carmichael's $\lambda$-function
Ford, Nicolas
Towards Boij-Söderberg theory for Grassmannians: the case of square matrices
Forey, Arthur
Uniform Yomdin-Gromov parametrizations and points of bounded height in valued fields
Fourier, Ghislain
Posets, tensor products and Schur positivity
Fourquaux, Lionel
Triangulable $\mathcal O_F$-analytic $(\varphi_q,\Gamma)$-modules of rank 2
Fouvry, Étienne
New equidistribution estimates of Zhang type
On binary cyclotomic polynomials
On the Spiegelungssatz for the 4-Rank
Fraczek, Markus
Symmetries of the transfer operator for Gamma_0(N) and a character deformation of the Selberg zeta function for Gamma_0(4)
Frączyk, Mikołaj
Betti numbers of Shimura curves and arithmetic three--orbifolds
Franc, Cameron
Classification of some vertex operator algebras of rank 3
Franzen, Hans
Semi-stable Chow-Hall algebras of quivers and quantized Donaldson-Thomas invariants
Frei, Christopher
Counting rational points over number fields on a singular cubic surface
Freitas, Nuno
Fermat's last theorem over some small real quadratic fields
On asymptotic Fermat over $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$
Sums of two cubes as twisted perfect powers, revisited
The unit equation over cyclic number fields of prime degree
Fresán, Javier
Quadratic relations between Bessel moments
Friedlander, Eric
Cohomology for Drinfeld doubles of some infinitesimal group schemes
Support theory for Drinfeld doubles of some infinitesimal group schemes
Friedman, Robert
On the ample cone of a rational surface with an anticanonical cycle
Fritz, Tobias
Homogeneous length functions on groups
Frolenkov, Dmitry
On the mean value of symmetric square L-functions
Fujino, Osamu
Base point free theorems---saturation, b-divisors, and canonical bundle formula---
Fulman, Jason
Enumeration of conjugacy classes in affine groups
Fulton, William
The Picard group of M_{1,1}