Recent Issues |
Volume 19, 2 issues
Volume 19
Issue 2, 213–413
Issue 1, 1–211
Volume 18, 12 issues
Volume 18
Issue 12, 2133–2308
Issue 11, 1945–2131
Issue 10, 1767–1943
Issue 9, 1589–1766
Issue 8, 1403–1587
Issue 7, 1221–1401
Issue 6, 1039–1219
Issue 5, 847–1038
Issue 4, 631–846
Issue 3, 409–629
Issue 2, 209–408
Issue 1, 1–208
Volume 17, 12 issues
Volume 17
Issue 12, 2055–2260
Issue 11, 1867–2053
Issue 10, 1681–1865
Issue 9, 1533–1680
Issue 8, 1359–1532
Issue 7, 1239–1357
Issue 6, 1127–1237
Issue 5, 981–1126
Issue 4, 805–980
Issue 3, 541–804
Issue 2, 267–539
Issue 1, 1–266
Volume 16, 10 issues
Volume 16
Issue 10, 2265–2531
Issue 9, 2005–2264
Issue 8, 1777–2003
Issue 7, 1547–1776
Issue 6, 1327–1546
Issue 5, 1025–1326
Issue 4, 777–1024
Issue 3, 521–775
Issue 2, 231–519
Issue 1, 1–230
Volume 15, 10 issues
Volume 15
Issue 10, 2403–2653
Issue 9, 2021–15
Issue 8, 1865–2122
Issue 7, 1593–1864
Issue 6, 1343–1592
Issue 5, 1077–1342
Issue 4, 821–1076
Issue 3, 569–820
Issue 2, 309–567
Issue 1, 1–308
Volume 14, 10 issues
Volume 14
Issue 10, 2575–2813
Issue 9, 2295–2574
Issue 8, 2001–2294
Issue 7, 1669–1999
Issue 6, 1331–1667
Issue 5, 1055–1329
Issue 4, 815–1054
Issue 3, 545–813
Issue 2, 275–544
Issue 1, 1–274
Volume 13, 10 issues
Volume 13
Issue 10, 2243–2434
Issue 9, 1983–2242
Issue 8, 1765–1981
Issue 7, 1509–1763
Issue 6, 1243–1507
Issue 5, 995–1242
Issue 4, 749–993
Issue 3, 531–747
Issue 2, 251–530
Issue 1, 1–249
Volume 12, 10 issues
Volume 12
Issue 10, 2237–2514
Issue 9, 2033–2235
Issue 8, 1823–2032
Issue 7, 1559–1821
Issue 6, 1311–1557
Issue 5, 1001–1309
Issue 4, 751–999
Issue 3, 493–750
Issue 2, 227–492
Issue 1, 1–225
Volume 11, 10 issues
Volume 11
Issue 10, 2213–2445
Issue 9, 1967–2212
Issue 8, 1739–1965
Issue 7, 1489–1738
Issue 6, 1243–1488
Issue 5, 1009–1241
Issue 4, 767–1007
Issue 3, 505–765
Issue 2, 253–503
Issue 1, 1–252
Volume 10, 10 issues
Volume 10
Issue 10, 2053–2310
Issue 9, 1845–2052
Issue 8, 1601–1843
Issue 7, 1373–1600
Issue 6, 1147–1371
Issue 5, 939–1146
Issue 4, 695–938
Issue 3, 451–694
Issue 2, 215–450
Issue 1, 1–214
Volume 9, 10 issues
Volume 9
Issue 10, 2197–2415
Issue 9, 1955–2196
Issue 8, 1741–1954
Issue 7, 1515–1739
Issue 6, 1293–1514
Issue 5, 1035–1292
Issue 4, 767–1034
Issue 3, 511–765
Issue 2, 267–509
Issue 1, 1–265
Volume 8, 10 issues
Volume 8
Issue 10, 2297–2572
Issue 9, 2027–2295
Issue 8, 1787–2026
Issue 7, 1539–1786
Issue 6, 1297–1538
Issue 5, 1045–1296
Issue 4, 781–1044
Issue 3, 513–779
Issue 2, 257–511
Issue 1, 1–256
Volume 7, 10 issues
Volume 7
Issue 10, 2369–2592
Issue 9, 2059–2368
Issue 8, 1781–2057
Issue 7, 1535–1779
Issue 6, 1281–1534
Issue 5, 1019–1279
Issue 4, 765–1018
Issue 3, 507–763
Issue 2, 243–506
Issue 1, 1–242
Volume 6, 8 issues
Volume 6
Issue 8, 1579–1868
Issue 7, 1289–1577
Issue 6, 1061–1288
Issue 5, 833–1059
Issue 4, 611–832
Issue 3, 405–610
Issue 2, 195–404
Issue 1, 1–194
Volume 5, 8 issues
Volume 5
Issue 8, 1001–1143
Issue 7, 849–1000
Issue 6, 693–848
Issue 5, 567–691
Issue 4, 431–566
Issue 3, 289–429
Issue 2, 131–288
Issue 1, 1–129
Volume 4, 8 issues
Volume 4
Issue 8, 969–1114
Issue 7, 821–967
Issue 6, 649–820
Issue 5, 493–648
Issue 4, 357–491
Issue 3, 231–356
Issue 2, 111–229
Issue 1, 1–109
Volume 3, 8 issues
Volume 3
Issue 8, 847–990
Issue 7, 729–846
Issue 6, 611–727
Issue 5, 489–609
Issue 4, 367–487
Issue 3, 255–365
Issue 2, 121–254
Issue 1, 1–119
Volume 2, 8 issues
Volume 2
Issue 8, 859–1000
Issue 7, 721–858
Issue 6, 613–720
Issue 5, 501–611
Issue 4, 369–499
Issue 3, 249–368
Issue 2, 121–248
Issue 1, 1–120
Volume 1, 4 issues
Volume 1
Issue 4, 349–488
Issue 3, 239–346
Issue 2, 119–238
Issue 1, 1–117
Author Index – H
Hà, Huy
Saturation bounds for smooth varieties
Haase, Christian
Polyhedral adjunction theory
Habegger, Philipp
Galois orbits of torsion points near atoral sets
Singular moduli that are algebraic Units
Hacking, Paul
The moduli space of curves is rigid
Hain, Richard
Algebraic de Rham theory for weakly holomorphic modular forms of level one
Hajir, Farshid
On Ozaki's theorem realizing prescribed p-groups as p-class tower groups
Hajli, Mounir
On the normalized arithmetic Hilbert function
Hall, Christopher
Variance of arithmetic sums and $L$-functions in $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$
Hall, Jack
Artin's criteria for algebraicity revisited
Coherent Tannaka duality and algebraicity of Hom-stacks
Hallouin, Emmanuel
Global descent obstructions for varieties
Hamacher, Paul
Irreducible components of minuscule affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties
Hambleton, Ian
Dress induction and the Burnside quotient Green ring
Han, Kangjin
On the first non-trivial strand of syzygies of projective schemes and condition ND(l)
Hanihara, Norihiro
Auslander correspondence for triangulated categories
Hanke, Timo
Noncrossed product bounds over Henselian fields
Hanson, Brandon
On iterated product sets with shifts II
Hara, Nobuo
$F$-blowups of normal surface singularities
Harari, David
Artin-Mazur-Milne duality Theorem for fppf cohomology
Le défaut d'approximation forte pour les groupes algébriques commutatifs
Harcos, Gergely
New equidistribution estimates of Zhang type
Harpaz, Yonatan
Hasse principle for Kummer varieties
Supersolvable descent for rational points
Harper, Adam
Moments of random multiplicative functions, II: High moments
Harris, Corey
The Euclidean distance degree of smooth complex projective varieties
Harris, Michael
L-functions and periods of adjoint motives
Harron, Robert
Equidistribution of shapes of complex cubic fields of fixed quadratic resolvent
Hartl, Urs
The universal family of semi-stable $p$-adic Galois representations
Harvey, Jeffrey
The umbral moonshine module for the unique unimodular Niemeier root system
Hassanzadeh, Seyed Hamid
Residual intersections and the annihilator of Koszul homologies
Hast, Daniel
Functional transcendence for the unipotent Albanese map
Hattori, Shin
On lower ramification subgroups and canonical subgroups
Hauseux, Julien
Parabolic induction and extensions
Hazrat, Roozbeh
Graded Steinberg algebras and their representations
He, Xuhua
Affine Deligne–Lusztig varieties with finite Coxeter parts
Flag manifolds over semifields
Heap, Winston
Lower bounds for discrete negative moments of the Riemann zeta function
Heckenberger, István
Weyl groupoids of rank two and continued fractions
Heidersdorf, Thorsten
Monoidal abelian envelopes and a conjecture of Benson and Etingof
Heitmann, Raymond
Big Cohen-Macaulay algebras and the vanishing conjecture for maps of Tor in mixed characteristic
Hellmann, Eugen
The universal family of semi-stable $p$-adic Galois representations
Helm, David
Curtis Homomorphisms and the integral Bernstein center for GL_n
Tate cycles on some unitary Shimura varieties mod $p$
Hemmer, David
Realizing Large Gaps in Cohomology for Symmetric Group Modules
Hemo, Tamir
A categorical Künneth formula for constructible Weil sheaves
Hendel, Yotam
A number theoretic characterization of $E$-smooth and (FRS) morphisms: estimates on the number of $\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z}$-points
Henniart, Guy
Jordan blocks of cuspidal representations of symplectic groups
Hering, Milena
Cox rings and pseudoeffective cones of projectivized toric vector bundles
Hernández, Daniel
Log canonical thresholds, $F$-pure thresholds, and non-standard extensions
Hernandez, David
Cluster algebras and category O for representations of Borel subalgebras of quantum affine algebras
Herr, Leo
Herrero, Sebastián
p-Adic distribution of CM points and Hecke orbits. I. Convergence towards the Gauss point
Hertling, Claus
The integral monodromy of isolated quasihomogeneous singularities
Herzig, Florian
Adequate groups of low degree
Héthelyi, László
On Oliver's p-group conjecture
Hida, Haruzo
$\mathfrak{p}$-rigidity and Iwasawa $\mu$-invariants
Higgins, Zachary
An equivariant Tamagawa number formula for Drinfeld modules and applications
Himstedt, Frank
Equivariant Hilbert series
Hindes, Wade
Isotriviality, integral points, and primitive primes in orbits in characteristic p
Hindry, Marc
Torsion pour les variétés abéliennes de type I et II
Hivert, Florent
The biHecke monoid of a finite Coxeter group and its representations
Hochster, Melvin
The F-rational signature and drops in the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity
The Frobenius structure of local cohomology
Holschbach, Armin
\'{E}tale contractible varieties in positive characteristic
Hong, Serin
Classification of subbundles on the Fargues-Fontaine curve
Horesh, Tal
Equidistribution and freeness on Grassmannians
Horozov, Ivan
Noncommutative Hilbert modular symbols
Hossain, Ehsaan
Rational dynamical systems, $S$-units, and $D$-finite power series
Howard, Benjamin
Corrigendum to: On the supersingular locus of the GU(2,2) Shimura variety
On the Ekedahl-Oort stratification of Shimura curves
On the supersingular locus of the GU(2,2) Shimura variety
Howe, Everett
Split abelian surfaces over finite fields and reductions of genus-2 curves
Howe, Sean
Motivic Euler products in motivic statistics
Hoyois, Marc
Generically split octonion algebras and A^1-homotopy theory
Hoyt, Crystal
Grothendieck rings for Lie superalgebras and the Duflo-Serganova functor
Kac-Wakimoto character formula for the general linear lie superalgebra
Hsia, Liang-Chung
Greatest common divisors of iterates of polynomials
Preperiodic points for families of polynomials
Hu, Fei
Cohomological and numerical dynamical degrees on abelian varieties
Hu, Yong
Division algebras and quadratic forms over fraction fields of two-dimensional henselian domains
Hu, Yueke
Mass equidistribution on the torus in the depth aspect
Huang, Bingrong
Hybrid subconvexity bounds for twists of GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions
Huang, Zhizhong
Rational approximations on toric varieties
Huber-Klawitter, Annette
Differential forms in positive characteristic II: cdh-descent via functorial Riemann-Zariski spaces
Huisgen-Zimmermann, Birge
Closures in varieties of representations and irreducible components
Huizenga, Jack
Nef cones of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
Hulek, Klaus
Arithmetic of singular Enriques Surfaces
Hulse, Thomas
The Laplace transform of the second moment in the Gauss circle problem
Humphries, Peter
Density theorems for exceptional eigenvalues for congruence subgroups
Hwang, Junho
The derived moduli space of stable sheaves