Volume 19 Number 2
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Volume 19
Issue 2, 213–413
Issue 1, 1–211

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Volume 1, 4 issues

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ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
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Author Index – I
Ih, Su-Ion
A Finiteness property of torsion points
Ilten, Nathan
Deformations of smooth complete toric varieties: obstructions and the cup product
Fano schemes of determinants and permanents
İmamoğlu, Özlem
Cycle integrals of modular functions, Markov geodesics and a conjecture of Kaneko
in 't panhuis, Jos
Constructing simply laced Lie algebras from extremal elements
Ingalls, Colin
Terminal orders on arithmetic surfaces
Ingram, Patrick
Specialization of elliptic surfaces, and divisibility in the Mordell-Weil group
Irving, Corey
Geometry of Wachspress surfaces
Ivanov, Alexander
Stable sets of primes in number fields
Iyama, Osamu
Intermediate co-$t$-structures, two-term silting objects, $\tau$-tilting modules, and torsion classes
Lifting preprojective algebras to orders and categorifying partial flag varieties
Iyengar, Srikanth
Multiplicities and Betti numbers in local algebra via lim Ulrich points
Reflexivity and rigidity for complexes I. Commutative rings
Reflexivity and rigidity for complexes II, Schemes
Support varieties and modules of finite projective dimension for modular Lie superalgebras
Izquierdo, Diego
On a conjecture of Kato and Kuzumaki
On Kato and Kuzumaki's properties for the Milnor $\mathrm{K}_2$ of function fields of $p$-adic curves
Izumi, Masaki
Algebraic realization of noncommutative near-group fusion categories