Volume 19 Number 2
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Volume 19
Issue 2, 213–413
Issue 1, 1–211

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ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
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Author Index – L
Laga, Jef
The average size of the 2-Selmer group of a family of non-hyperelliptic curves of genus 3
Lai, King
On the $\mu$-invariants of abelian varieties over function fields of positive characteristic
Lai, Kuan-Wen
New cubic fourfolds with odd degree unirational parametrizations
Lairez, Pierre
Separation of periods of quartic surfaces
Laksov, Dan
A formalism for equivariant Schubert calculus
Lalín, Matilde
Functional equations for Mahler measures of genus-one curves
The mean values of cubic L-functions over function fields
Lam, Thomas
Cohomology of cluster varieties. I. Locally acyclic case
Dual graded graphs for Kac-Moody algebras
Electrical networks and Lie theory
Lamzouri, Youness
The distribution of large quadratic character sums and applications
Lan, Kai-Wen
Families of nearly ordinary Eisenstein series on unitary groups
Relative cohomology of cuspidal forms on PEL-type Shimura varieties
Toroidal compactifications of PEL-type Kuga families
Lanard, Thomas
Unipotent l-blocks for simply-connected p-adic groups
Landesman, Aaron
Surjectivity of Galois representations in rational families of abelian varieties
The geometric average size of Selmer groups over function fields
Landsberg, Joseph
On the geometry of geometric rank
Lang, Jaclyn
On the image of the Galois representation associated to a non-CM Hida family
Lange, Herbert
The Prym map of degree-7 cyclic coverings
Lanini, Martina
GKM-theory for Torus actions on cyclic quiver Grassmannians
Lapid, Erez
On an analogue of the Ichino-Ikeda conjecture for Whittaker coefficients on the metaplectic group
Lara, Marcin
Fundamental Exact Sequence for the Pro-Étale Fundamental Group
Larsen, Michael
A note on Lie algebra cohomology
A probabilistic Tits alternative and probabilistic identities
Exponential generation and largeness for compact p-adic Lie groups
Most words are geometrically almost uniform
Positive motivic measures are counting measures
The Tannakian formalism and the Langlands conjectures
Larson, Eric
Interpolation for restricted tangent bundles of general curves
Stability of normal bundles of space curves
Lau, Eike
Higher frames and $G$-displays
Relations between Dieudonn\'{e} displays and crystalline Dieudonn\'{e} theory
Lau, Michael
Maximal ideals and representations of twisted forms of algebras
Launois, Stéphane
On the dimension of H-strata in quantum matrices
Lauter, Kristin
A Gross--Zagier formula for quaternion algebras over totally real fields
Explicit CM-theory in dimension 2
Lauve, Aaron
The characteristic polynomial of the Adams operators on graded connected Hopf algebras
Lavner, Hagai
Optimal lifting for the projective action of SL3(Z)
Lazarsfeld, Robert
A vanishing theorem for weight one syzygies
Local positivity, multiplier ideals, and syzygies of abelian varieties
Saturation bounds for smooth varieties
Lazda, Christopher
Combinatorical degenerations of surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds
Le, Daniel
Multiplicity one for wildly ramified representations
Serre weights for three-dimensional wildly ramified Galois representations
Le Boudec, Pierre
Affine congruences and rational points on a certain cubic surface
Height of rational points on random Fano hypersurfaces
Le Bras, Arthur-César
The de Rham-Fargues-Fontaine cohomology
Le Fourn, Samuel
A "tubular'' variant of Runge's method in all dimensions, with applications to integral points on Siegel modular varieties
Residual Galois representations of elliptic curves with image contained in the normaliser of a non-split Cartan
Tubular approaches to Baker’s method for curves and varieties
Le Hung, Bao
Serre weights for three-dimensional wildly ramified Galois representations
Le Stum, Bernard
Leary, Ian
Realising fusion systems
Leclerc, Bernard
Cluster algebras and category O for representations of Borel subalgebras of quantum affine algebras
Lee, Dong Uk
Non-emptiness of Newton strata of Shimura varieties of Hodge type
Lee, Jungyun
The behavior of Hecke's L-function of real quadratic fields at s=0
Lee, Kyu-Hwan
Entirety of certain cuspidal Eisenstein series on Kac-Moody groups
Lee, Melissa
Bases for quasisimple linear groups
Lehmann, Brian
Comparing numerical dimensions
Positivity functions for curves on algebraic varieties
Lei, Antonio
Coleman maps and the p-adic regulator
Iwasawa theory for Rankin-Selberg products of p-non-ordinary eigenforms
Lemke Oliver, Robert
Elements of given order in Tate-Shafarevich groups of abelian varieties in quadratic twist families
Lemos, Pedro
Residual Galois representations of elliptic curves with image contained in the normaliser of a non-split Cartan
Len, Yoav
Skeletons of Prym varieties and Brill-Noether theory
Lenart, Cristian
Geometric properties of the Kazhdan-Lusztig Schubert basis
Haglund-Haiman-Loehr type formulas for Hall-Littlewood polynomials of type B and C
León Sánchez, Omar
$D$-groups and the Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence
Differentially large fields
Lercier, Reynald
Reduction type of smooth quartics
Lesieutre, John
Effective cones of cycles on blow-ups of projective spaces
Leslie, Winston
An analogue of the Grothendieck-Springer resolution for symmetric spaces
Lester, Stephen
On the distribution of lattice points on hyperbolic circles
Levin, Aaron
Descent on elliptic surfaces and arithmetic bounds for the Mordell-Weil rank
Ideals of degree one contribute most of the height
Linear forms in logarithms and integral points on higher-dimensional varieties
Levin, Brandon
G-valued crystalline representations with minuscule p-adic Hodge type
Serre weights for three-dimensional wildly ramified Galois representations
Levine, Marc
Motivic Gauß-Bonnet formulas
Torsion orders of complete intersections
Levinson, Jake
Towards Boij-Söderberg theory for Grassmannians: the case of square matrices
Levy, Alon
The Semistable Reduction Problem for the Space of Morphisms on P^n
Lewis, Mark
Groups with exactly one irreducible character of degree divisible by {\slshape p}
Leykin, Anton
Noetherianity for infinite-dimensional toric varieties
Li, Chao
Remarks on the arithmetic fundamental lemma
Li, Huanhuan
Graded Steinberg algebras and their representations
Li, Jiangtao
Motivic multiple zeta values relative to \mu_2
Li, Jianing
On Tamagawa numbers of CM tori
Li, Jinjia
On the (non)rigidity of the Frobenius endomorphisms over Gorenstein rings
Li, Junxian
Lower bounds for discrete negative moments of the Riemann zeta function
Li, Li
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and drift configurations
Li, Wanlin
Nonvanishing of hyperelliptic zeta functions over finite fields
Li, Wen-Wei
Contragredient representations over local fields of positive characteristic
Counting abelian varieties over finite fields via Frobenius densities
Li, Xiannan
The sixth moment of automorphic L-functions
The smallest prime that does not split completely in a number field
Li, Yingkun
Heegner divisors in generalized Jacobians and traces of singular moduli
On a conjecture of Yui and Zagier
Li-Huerta, Siyan
The local Langlands correspondence for GL_n over function fields
Liang, Pei-Xin
On Tamagawa numbers of CM tori
Lichtman, Jared
A modification of the linear sieve, and the count of twin primes
Lido, Guido
Automorphisms of Cartan modular curves of prime and composite level
Liebeck, Martin
Bases for quasisimple linear groups
Lieblich, Max
Compactified moduli of projective bundles
Lilienthal, Markus
On Oliver's p-group conjecture
Lin, Xingjun
Congruence property in conformal field theory
Lin, Yinbang
Nef cones of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
Linnell, Peter
Discretely ordered groups
Lipman, Joseph
Reflexivity and rigidity for complexes I. Commutative rings
Reflexivity and rigidity for complexes II, Schemes
Lipnowski, Michael
Equivariant torsion and base change
Liu, Chunlei
T-adic exponential sums over finite fields
Liu, Dongwen
Entirety of certain cuspidal Eisenstein series on Kac-Moody groups
Liu, Fu
The strong maximal rank conjecture and moduli spaces of curves
Liu, Haidong
Boundedness of log pluricanonical representations of log Calabi--Yau pairs in dimension 2
Liu, Jie
On moment map and bigness of tangent bundles of G-varieties
Liu, Qing
Reduction type of smooth quartics
Liu, Ruochuan
On Families of (Phi,Gamma)-modules
Semistable periods of finite slope families
Liu, Shinan
Modèle local des schémas de Hilbert-Siegel de niveau $\Gamma_1(p)$
Liu, Tong
Crystalline extensions and the weight part of Serre's conjecture
Relative crystalline representations and $p$-divisible groups in the small ramification case
Liu, Yifeng
Arithmetic theta lifting and L-derivatives for unitary groups I
Arithmetic theta lifting and L-derivatives for unitary groups II
Supersingular locus of Hilbert modular varieties, arithmetic level raising and Selmer groups
Liu, Yuan
Tamely ramified covers of the projective line with alternating and symmetric monodromy
Livesey, Michael
Arbitrarily large Morita Frobenius numbers
Löbrich, Steffen
Arithmetic properties of Fourier coefficients of meromorphic modular forms
Loeffler, David
Coleman maps and the p-adic regulator
Iwasawa theory for Rankin-Selberg products of p-non-ordinary eigenforms
P-adic Asai L-functions of Bianchi modular forms
Loeser, François
A non-archimedean Ax-Lindemann theorem
Chai's conjecture and Fubini properties of dimensional motivic integration
Uniform Yomdin-Gromov parametrizations and points of bounded height in valued fields
Logan, Adam
Density of rational points on diagonal quartic surfaces
Lombardi, Luigi
Derived invariants of irregular varieties and Hochschild homology
Lombardo, Davide
Bounds for Serre's open image theorem for elliptic curves over number fields
Longhi, Ignazio
On the $\mu$-invariants of abelian varieties over function fields of positive characteristic
Longo, Matteo
Variation of anticyclotomic Iwasawa invariants in Hida families
Loos, Ottmar
Inner derivations of alternative algebras over commutative rings
Lopatin, Artem
Separating G_2-invariants of several octonions
Lorenz, Martin
Group actions and rational ideals
Lorenzini, Dino
Discriminant groups of wild cyclic quotient singularities
Lorenzo García, Elisa
Reduction type of smooth quartics
Lőrincz, András
Iterated local cohomology groups and Lyubeznik numbers for determinantal rings
Lorscheid, Oliver
Graphs of Hecke operators
Schubert decompositions for quiver Grassmannians of tree modules
Losev, Ivan
Finite-dimensional quotients of Hecke algebras
Lötscher, Roland
Essential $p$-dimension of algebraic groups whose connected component is a torus
Lovering, Thomas
Integral canonical models for automorphic vector bundles of Abelian type
Lowry-Duda, David
The Laplace transform of the second moment in the Gauss circle problem
Lozano-Robledo, Álvaro
Galois representations attached to elliptic curves with complex multiplication
Lozovanu, Victor
Local positivity of linear series on surfaces
Lu, Hengfei
The Prasad conjectures for GSp(4) and PGSp(4)
Lubotzky, Alexander
The congruence topology, Grothendieck duality and thin groups
Luca, Florian
The image of Carmichael's $\lambda$-function
Lucchini Arteche, Giancarlo
On Kato and Kuzumaki's properties for the Milnor $\mathrm{K}_2$ of function fields of $p$-adic curves
Lundqvist, Samuel
A classification of the weak Lefschetz property for almost complete intersections generated by uniform powers of general linear forms
Lunts, Valery
A note on Lie algebra cohomology
Luo, Ma
The elliptic KZB connection and algebraic de Rham theory for unipotent fundamental groups of elliptic curves
Lütkebohmert, Werner
Group actions of prime order on local normal rings