Volume 19 Number 2
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Volume 19
Issue 2, 213–413
Issue 1, 1–211

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ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
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Author Index – Y
Yacobi, Oded
Yangians and quantizations of slices in the affine Grassmannian
Yamauchi, Takuya
Equidistribution theorems for holomorphic Siegel cusp forms of general degree: The level aspect
Yáñez, José
Characterization of Kollár surfaces
Yang, David
A vanishing theorem for weight one syzygies
Yang, Dong
Intermediate co-$t$-structures, two-term silting objects, $\tau$-tilting modules, and torsion classes
Yang, Hsin-Yi
On Tamagawa numbers of CM tori
Yang, Jay
Random flag complexes and asymptotic syzygies
Yang, Tonghai
On a conjecture of Yui and Zagier
Yang, Yu
$p$-groups, $p$-rank, and semi-stable reduction of coverings of curves
Yang, Ziquan
Twisted derived equivalences and isogenies between K3 surfaces in positive characteristic
Yao, Yongwei
The F-rational signature and drops in the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity
Yasuda, Takehiko
$F$-blowups of normal surface singularities
Mass formulas for local Galois representations and quotient singularities II: dualities and resolution of singularities
Yasufuku, Yu
Greatest common divisors of integral points of numerically equivalent divisors
Yazdani, Soroosh
Modular abelian varieties of odd modular degrees
Yekutieli, Amnon
Local Beilinson--Tate operators
Yolland, William
Constructions of difference sets in nonabelian 2-groups
Yong, Alexander
A jeu de taquin theory for increasing tableaux, with applications to K-theoretic Schubert calculus
Governing singularities of symmetric orbit closures
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and drift configurations
Yoshida, Ken-ichi
A duality in Buchsbaum rings and triangulated manifolds
Yott, Dylan
Generating series of a new class of orthogonal Shimura varieties
Young, Alexander
Discriminant formulas and applications
Yu, Chenglong
Moduli spaces of symmetric cubic fourfolds and locally symmetric varieties
Yu, Chia-Fu
On Tamagawa numbers of CM tori
Yu, Han
Additive properties of numbers with restricted digits
Yu, Jeng-Daw
Quadratic relations between Bessel moments
Yu, Jing
Frobenius difference equations and algebraic independence of zeta values in positive equal characterisitic
Yu, Qingchao
Affine Deligne–Lusztig varieties with finite Coxeter parts
Yuen, David
On the paramodularity of typical abelian surfaces