We prove some Bernstein-type theorems for a class of stationary points of the Alt–Caffarelli
functional in
arising as limits of the singular perturbation problem
in the unit ball
is an approximation of the Dirac measure and
. The limit functions
of uniformly
converging sequences
solve a Bernoulli-type free boundary problem in some weak sense. Our approach has two
novelties: First we develop a hybrid method for stratification of the free boundary
blow-up solutions which combines some ideas and techniques of viscosity and variational
theory. An important tool we use is a new monotonicity formula for the solutions
based on a computation of J. Spruck. It implies that any blow-up
either vanishes identically or is a homogeneous function of degree 1, that is,
, in spherical
In particular, this implies that in two dimensions the singular set is empty
at the nondegenerate points, and in three dimensions the singular set of
is at most a singleton. Second, we show that the spherical
part is the
support function (in Minkowski’s sense) of some capillary surface contained in the sphere of radius
. In particular,
we show that
is an almost conformal and minimal immersion and the singular
Alt–Caffarelli example corresponds to a piece of catenoid which is a unique
ring-type stationary minimal surface determined by the support function
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