We prove the solvability of the parabolic
Dirichlet boundary
value problem for
for a PDE of the form
on time-varying domains where the coefficients
satisfy a certain natural small Carleson condition. This result brings the state of
affairs in the parabolic setting up to the elliptic standard.
Furthermore, we establish that if the coefficients
of the operator
satisfy a vanishing Carleson condition and the time-varying domain is of VMO type then
the parabolic
Dirichlet boundary value problem is solvable for all
. This
result is related to results in papers by Maz’ya, Mitrea and Shaposhnikova, and
Hofmann, Mitrea and Taylor, where the fact that the boundary of the domain has a
normal in VMO or near VMO implies invertibility of certain boundary operators in
for all
which then (using the method of layer potentials) implies solvability of the
boundary value problem in the same range for certain elliptic PDEs.
Our result does not use the method of layer potentials since the coefficients we
consider are too rough to use this technique, but remarkably we recover
solvability in the
full range of
as in the two papers mentioned above.
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