We show that the set of augmentations of the Chekanov–Eliashberg
algebra of a Legendrian link underlies the structure of a unital
This differs from the nonunital category constructed by Bourgeois and Chantraine (J.
Symplectic Geom. 12 (2014) 553–583), but is related to it in the same way that
cohomology is related to compactly supported cohomology. The existence of such a
category was predicted by Shende, Treumann and Zaslow (Invent. Math. 207
(2017) 1031–1133), who moreover conjectured its equivalence to a category of
sheaves on the front plane with singular support meeting infinity in the
knot. After showing that the augmentation category forms a sheaf over the
we are able to prove this conjecture by calculating both categories on thin slices of
the front plane. In particular, we conclude that every augmentation comes from
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