A subgroup
is said to be
almost normal if every conjugate of
is commensurable
. If
is almost normal, there is a well-defined
quotient space
. We show that if
a group
has type
and contains an
almost normal coarse
, then whenever
is quasi-isometric to
it contains an almost
normal subgroup
that is
quasi-isometric to
. Moreover,
the quotient spaces
quasi-isometric. This generalises a theorem of Mosher, Sageev and Whyte, who prove the case
in which
is quasi-isometric to a finite-valence bushy tree. Using work of Mosher, we generalise
a result of Farb and Mosher to show that for many surface group extensions
, any group
quasi-isometric to
virtually isomorphic to
We also prove quasi-isometric rigidity for the class of finitely presented
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