The space
of “almost
on a compact Kähler manifold plays an important role in the study of
the deformed Hermitian Yang–Mills equation of mirror symmetry, as
emphasized by recent work of Collins and Yau (2018), and is related
by mirror symmetry to the space of positive Lagrangians studied by
Solomon (2013, 2014). This paper initiates the study of the geometry of
. We show
is an infinite-dimensional Riemannian manifold with nonpositive
sectional curvature. In the hypercritical phase case we show that
has a well-defined metric structure, and that its completion is a
geodesic metric space, and hence has an intrinsically defined ideal
boundary. Finally, we show that in the hypercritical phase case
geodesics, improving a result of Collins and Yau (2018). Using results of Darvas and
Lempert (2012) we show that this result is sharp.
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