We investigate the relations between algebraic structures, spectral invariants and
persistence modules, in the context of monotone Lagrangian Floer homology with
Hamiltonian term. Firstly, we use the newly introduced method of filtered
continuation elements to prove that the Lagrangian spectral norm controls the
barcode of the Hamiltonian perturbation of the Lagrangian submanifold, up to shift,
in the bottleneck distance. Moreover, we show that it satisfies Chekanov-type
low-energy intersection phenomena, and nondegeneracy theorems. Secondly, we
introduce a new averaging method for bounding the spectral norm from above,
and apply it to produce precise uniform bounds on the Lagrangian spectral
norm in certain closed symplectic manifolds. Finally, by using the theory of
persistence modules, we prove that our bounds are in fact sharp in some cases.
Along the way we produce a new calculation of the Lagrangian quantum
homology of certain Lagrangian submanifolds, and answer a question of
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