We compute tautological integrals over Quot schemes on curves and
surfaces. After obtaining several explicit formulas over Quot schemes of
quotients on curves (and finding a new symmetry), we apply the results to
tautological integrals against the virtual fundamental classes of Quot schemes of
quotients on surfaces (using also universality, torus localization and cosection
localization). The virtual Euler characteristics of Quot schemes of surfaces, a new theory
parallel to the Vafa–Witten Euler characteristics of the moduli of bundles, is defined and
studied. Complete formulas for the virtual Euler characteristics are found in the case of
dimension- quotients on
surfaces. Dimension-
quotients are studied on K3 surfaces and surfaces of general type, with connections to
the Kawai–Yoshioka formula and the Seiberg–Witten invariants, respectively. The
theory is completely solved for minimal surfaces of general type admitting a
nonsingular canonical curve. Along the way, we find a new connection between
weighted tree counting and multivariate Fuss–Catalan numbers, which is of
independent interest.
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