Given a countable group
splitting as a free product
we establish classification results for subgroups of the group
of all outer automorphisms
that preserve the
conjugacy class of each
We show that every finitely generated subgroup
either contains a relatively fully irreducible automorphism, or else
it virtually preserves the conjugacy class of a proper free factor
relative to the decomposition (the finite generation hypothesis on
can be dropped
, or more
generally when
is toral relatively hyperbolic). In the first case, either
virtually preserves a nonperipheral conjugacy class in
, or else
an atoroidal automorphism. The key geometric tool to obtain these classification results
is a description of the Gromov boundaries of relative versions of the free factor graph
and the
as spaces of equivalence classes of arational trees and relatively free
arational trees, respectively. We also identify the loxodromic isometries of
with the fully irreducible
elements of
, and
loxodromic isometries of
with the fully irreducible atoroidal outer automorphisms.
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