André Belotto da Silva, Lorenzo Fantini and Anne
Geometry & Topology 26 (2022) 163–219
DOI: 10.2140/gt.2022.26.163
Given a complex analytic germ
, the standard Hermitian
metric of induces a natural
arc-length metric on
called the inner metric. We study the inner metric structure of the germ of an isolated complex
surface singularity
by means of an infinite family of numerical analytic invariants, called
inner rates. Our main result is a formula for the Laplacian of the
inner rate function on a space of valuations, the nonarchimedean link of
We deduce in particular that the global data consisting of the topology of
, together with the
configuration of a generic hyperplane section and of the polar curve of a generic plane projection
of , completely determine
all the inner rates on
and hence the local metric structure of the germ. Several other applications of our
formula are discussed.
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