Saadia, Gabriel
Rigidification of cubical quasi-categories
Sabalka, Lucas
Discrete Morse theory and graph braid groups
Sabloff, Joshua
Lagrangian cobordisms via generating families: construction and geography
Obstructions to Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrians via generating families
Sabourau, Stéphane
Relative systoles of relative-essential 2-complexes
Sadykov, Rustam
Bordism groups of solutions to differential relations
Saeki, Osamu
Cobordism of Morse functions on surfaces, the universal complex of singular fibers and their application to map germs
Fox property for codimension one embeddings of product of three spheres into spheres
Round fold maps on 3-manifolds
Singular fibers of stable maps of 3-manifolds with boundary into surfaces and their applications
Safronov, Pavel
Invertible braided tensor categories
Sagave, Steffen
Group completion and units in I-spaces
Presentably symmetric monoidal $\infinity$-categories are represented by symmetric monoidal model categories
Spectra of units for periodic ring spectra and group completion of graded E-infinity spaces
Sageev, Michah
Periodic flats in cube complexes
Quasiflats in CAT(0) 2-complexes
Uniform Exponential Growth for CAT(0) Square Complexes
Sahamie, Bijan
Dehn twists in Heegaard Floer homology
Saihi, Ines
Homotopy groups of diagonal complements
Saito, Masahico
A theorem of Sanderson on link bordisms in dimension 4
Twisted quandle homology theory and cocycle knot invariants
Saito, Sho
On the geometric realization and subdivisions of dihedral sets
Saito, Toshio
Knots in lens spaces with the 3-sphere surgery
Lens spaces obtainable by surgery on doubly primitive knots
Meridional destabilizing number of knots
Two-bridge knots admit no purely cosmetic surgeries
Sakai, Keiichi
Non-trivalent graph cocycle and cohomology of the long knot space
The space of short ropes and the classifying space of the space of long knots
Sakasai, Takuya
Homology cylinders and the acyclic closure of a free group
Lagrangian mapping class groups from group homological point of view
The Magnus representation and higher-order Alexander invariants for homology cobordisms of surfaces
Sako, Hiroki
Group approximation in Cayley topology and coarse geometry, III: Geometric property $\mathrm{(T)}$
Salch, Andrew
A May-type spectral sequence for higher topological Hochschild homology
Height four formal groups with quadratic complex multiplication
Moduli of formal A-modules under change of A
Saleh, Bashar
Non-commutative formality implies commutative and Lie formality
Representation stability for homotopy automorphisms
Salgueiro, António
Fiber surfaces from alternating states
On unknotting tunnel systems of satellite chain links
Salter, Nick
Cup products, the Johnson homomorphism, and surface bundles over surfaces with multiple fiberings
Section problems for configurations of points on the Riemann sphere
Saltz, Adam
An annular refinement of the transverse element in Khovanov homology
Salvatore, Paolo
The topological cyclic Deligne conjecture
Salvetti, Mario
Weighted sheaves and homology of Artin groups
Samperton, Eric
Coloring invariants of knots and links are often intractable
Oriented and unitary equivariant bordism of surfaces
Samuelson, Peter
Character algebras of decorated SL_2(C) local systems
Sanchez, Anthony
Slope gap distributions of Veech surfaces
Sánchez Saldaña, Luis
On the algebraic $K$-theory of the Hilbert modular group
Quasi-isometric rigidity of subgroups and filtered ends
Sanders, Beren
Restriction to finite index subgroups as etale extensions in topology, KK-theory and geometry
Sanderson, Brian
The compression theorem III: applications
Santhanam, Rekha
Units of equivariant ring spectra
Santharoubane, Ramanujan
Algebraic generators of the skein algebra of a surface
Santos, João
Holomorphic bundles on the blown-up plane and the bar construction
Saralegi-Aranguren, Martintxo
Steenrod squares on intersection cohomology and a conjecture of M. Goresky and W. Pardon
Sarazola, Maru
A model structure for weakly horizontally invariant double categories
Šarić, Dragomir
Presentation for the baseleaf preserving mapping class group of the punctured solenoid
Sarkar, Soumen
$\TT^2$-cobordism of Quasitoric $4$-Manifolds
Equivariant cohomological rigidity of certain $T$-manifolds
Integral generalized equivariant cohomologies of weighted Grassmann orbifolds
On the integral cohomology ring of toric orbifolds and singular toric varieties
Sarkar, Sucharit
Commutators and squares in free groups
Moving basepoints and the induced automorphisms of link Floer homology
On sutured Floer homology and the equivalence of Seifert surfaces
Ribbon distance and Khovanov homology
Sati, Hisham
Spectral sequences in smooth generalized cohomology
Twisted differential generalized cohomology theories and their Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence
Twisted Morava K-theory and connective covers of Lie groups
Sato, Kouki
Rational homology 3-spheres and simply connected definite bounding
Topologically slice knots that are not smoothly slice in any definite 4-manifold
Sato, Masatoshi
A class function on the mapping class group of an orientable surface and the Meyer cocycle
Sato, Takashi
The homotopy types of $\PU(3)$ and $\PSp(2)$-gauge groups
Satoh, Shin
A theorem of Sanderson on link bordisms in dimension 4
The length of a 3-cocycle of the 5-dihedral quandle
Satoh, Takao
New series in the Johnson cokernels of the mapping class groups of surfaces
On the augmentation quotients of \\ the IA-automporphism group of a free group and a free metabelian group
On the derivation algebra of the free Lie algebra and trace maps
Saveliev, Nikolai
Index theory of the de Rham complex on manifolds with periodic ends
Link homology and equivariant gauge theory
Savelyev, Yasha
Gromov K-area and jumping curves in CP^n
Savini, Alessio
Rigidity at infinity for the Borel function of the tetrahedral reflection lattice
Scaduto, Christopher
Klein-four connections and the Casson invariant for non-trivial admissible $U(2)$ bundles
Schaps, Mary
Characterization of line arrangement for which the fundamental group of the complement is a direct product of free groups
Scharlemann, Martin
Multiple genus 2 Heegaard splittings: a missed case
Surgery on a knot in (Surface x I)
Scheimbauer, Claudia
2-Segal objects and the Waldhausen construction
A note on the (infty,n)-category of cobordisms
Scheirer, Steven
Topological complexity of n points on a tree
Scherer, Jérôme
Representations of Spaces
Scherich, Nancy
Discrete Real Specializations of Sesquilinear Representations of the Braid Groups
Ribbon 2-knots, 1+1=2, and Duflo's theorem for arbitrary lie algebras
Schesler, Eduard
Bounded subgroups of relatively finitely presented groups
Schick, Thomas
About a conjecture of Daniel H. Gottlieb
Landweber exact formal group laws and smooth cohomology theories
Real secondary index theory
Real versus complex K-theory using Kasparov's bivariant KK-theory
Sheaf theory for stacks in manifolds and twisted cohomology for S^1-gerbes
Schirmer, Trenton
A lower bound on tunnel number degeneration.
Schlank, Tomer
The ∞-categorical Eckmann-Hilton argument
Schleimer, Saul
Asymptotic dimensions of the arc graphs and disk graphs
Essential loops in taut ideal triangulations
Sweepouts of amalgamated 3-manifolds
The compression body graph has infinite diameter
Uniform hyperbolicity of the curve graph via surgery sequences
Schlenk, Felix
Symplectic embeddings of four-dimensional ellipsoids into integral polydiscs
Schlichtkrull, Christian
Group completion and units in I-spaces
The homotopy of infinite symmetric product represents stable homotopy
Schmidt, Benjamin
On submanifolds in locally symmetric spaces of noncompact type
Schneiderman, Robert
Algebraic linking numbers of knots in 3-manifolds
Higher order intersection numbers of 2-spheres in 4-manifolds
Stable concordance of knots in 3-manifolds
Schoenfeld, Eric
Dimensionally reduced sutured Floer homology as a string homology
Schreve, Kevin
Action dimension of lattices in euclidean buildings
The $L^2$-(co)homology of groups with hierarchies
Schröder, Ingo
Landweber exact formal group laws and smooth cohomology theories
Schroeder, Timothy
The l^2-homology of even Coxeter groups
Schultens, Jennifer
Kakimizu complex of Seifert fibered spaces
Strong Haken theorem via sphere complexes
Schultz, Douglas
A Leray-Serre spectral sequence for Lagrangian Floer Theory
Schultz, Reinhard
Isovariant mappings of degree 1 and the Gap Hypothesis
Schuster, Björn
K(n) Chern approximations of some fnite groups
Morava K-theory of groups of order 32
Schütz, Dirk
A Khovanov stable homotopy type for colored links
A scanning algorithm for odd Khovanov homology
Controlled connectivity of closed 1-forms
Framed cobordism and flow category moves
Homology of moduli spaces of linkages in high-dimensional Euclidean space
Intersection homology of linkage spaces in odd dimensional Euclidean space
Novikov homology of HNN-extensions and right-angled Artin groups
Schwamberger, Eugenia
Numerably contractible spaces
Schwartz, Hannah
A note on the complexity of h-cobordisms
Gluck twisting roll spun knots
Schwartz, Lionel
La filtration de Krull de la catégorie U et la cohomologie des espaces
Schwass, James
On phantom maps to co-H-spaces
Schwede, Stefan
Categories and orbispaces
Equivalences of monoidal model categories
Schweigert, Christoph
The Hochschild complex of a finite tensor category
Scoccola, Luis
Rectification of interleavings and a persistent Whitehead theorem
The Hurewicz theorem in homotopy type theory
Scorpan, Alexandru
Existence of foliations on 4-manifolds
Scott, Jonathan
Hopf algebras up to homotopy and the Bockstein spectral sequence
Scott, Godfrey
Splittings and C-complexes
The homeomorphism problem for closed $3$--manifolds
Scott, Richard
Eulerian cube complexes and reciprocity
Growth series for vertex-regular CAT(0) cube complexes
Scoville, Nicholas
Lusternik–Schnirelmann Category and the Connectivity of $X$
Seaton, Christopher
Generalized orbifold Euler characteristics for general orbifolds and wreath products
Sedgwick, Eric
Genus two 3-manifolds are built from handle number one pieces
Sweepouts of amalgamated 3-manifolds
Thin position for a connected sum of small knots
Segerman, Henry
A generalisation of the deformation variety
Essential loops in taut ideal triangulations
Segovia González, Carlos
Oriented and unitary equivariant bordism of surfaces
Seidel, Paul
Exotic iterated Dehn twists
Selick, Paul
The decomposition of the loop space of the mod 2 Moore space
Sell, Connor
Cusps and commensurability classes of hyperbolic 4-manifolds
Sen, Debasis
Higher cohomology operations and R-completion
Seo, Donggyun
Powers of Dehn twists generating right-angled Artin groups
Series, Caroline
Limit points of lines of minima in Thurston's boundary of Teichmüller space
The diagonal slice of Schottky space
Top terms of polynomial traces in Kra's plumbing construction
Shah, Jay
Parametrized higher category theory
Shalen, Peter
Dehn surgery, homology and hyperbolic volume
The diameter of the set of boundary slopes of a knot
Volume and homology of one-cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Shamir, Shoham
Cellular approximations and the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence
Complete intersections and mod p cochains
Shanahan, Patrick
Epimorphisms and boundary slopes of 2-bridge knots
Links with finite $n$-quandles
Shastin, Vladimir
Distinguishing Legendrian knots with trivial orientation-preserving symmetry group
Shchepin, Evgenij
On periodic homeomorphisms of spheres
Shepherd, Sam
Leighton's theorem: Extensions, limitations, and quasitrees
Shi, XiaoLin Danny
Picard groups and duality for real Morava $E$--theories
Shimizu, Tatsuro
An invariant of rational homology 3-spheres via vector fields
Shimokawa, Koya
Finite surgeries on three-tangle pretzel knots
Rational tangle surgery and Xer recombination on catenanes
Shimomura, Katsumi
Beta families arising from a $v_2^9$ self map on $S/(3,v_1^8)$
Products of Greek letter elements dug up from the third Morava stabilizer algebra
The beta elements beta_{tp^2/r} in the homotopy of spheres
Shin, Dongsoo
Simple embeddings of rational homology balls and antiflips
Shin, Hyunshik
Algebraic degrees of stretch factors in mapping class groups
Asymptotic translation lengths and normal generation for pseudo-Anosov monodromies of fibered 3-manifolds
Shinkle, Emily
Finite Rigid Sets in Arc Complexes
Shioya, Takashi
Parabolic isometries of CAT(0) spaces and CAT(0) dimensions
Shipley, Brooke
A curious example of triangulated-equivalent model categories which are not Quillen equivalent
An algebraic model for commutative HZ-algebras
Equivalences of monoidal model categories
Fixed point adjunctions for equivariant module spectra
Postnikov extensions of ring spectra
Rational SO(2)-equivariant spectra
Shnider, Steven
Relative systoles of relative-essential 2-complexes
Shonkwiler, Clayton
Generalized Gauss maps and integrals for three-component links: toward higher helicities for magnetic fields and fluid flows, part II
Shor, Jeremy
A universal bound for surfaces in 3-manifolds with a given Heegaard genus
Short, Hamish
The homeomorphism problem for closed $3$--manifolds
Showers, Patrick
Species substitution, graph suspension, and graded Hopf algebras of painted tree polytopes.
Shulman, Michael
Magnitude homology of enriched categories and metric spaces
The multiplicativity of fixed point invariants
Siehler, Jacob
Sikora, Adam
Adequate links in thickened surfaces and the generalized Tait conjectures
Categorification of the Kauffman bracket skein module of I-bundles over surfaces
Confluence theory for graphs
Skein theory for SU(n)-quantum invariants
Silver, Daniel
Euclidean Mahler measure and twisted links
Hyperbolic covering knots
Invariants of links in thickened surfaces
On reciprocality of twisted Alexander invariants
Twisted Alexander polynomials detect the unknot
Simone, Jonathan
Classification of torus bundles that bound rational homology circles
Sims, Blake
Singer, William
Rings of symmetric functions as modules over the Steenrod algebra
Sinha, Dev
Embedding calculus knot invariants are of finite type
Sisto, Alessandro
Embedding relatively hyperbolic groups in products of trees
Thickness, relative hyperbolicity, and randomness in Coxeter groups
Virtual amalgamation of relatively quasiconvex subgroups
Sivek, Steven
Obstructions to Lagrangian concordance
Sixt, Jörg
Even-dimensional l-monoids and L-theory
Slavich, Leone
A geometrically bounding hyperbolic link complement
New hyperbolic 4-manifolds of low volume
Smith, Jack
A monotone Lagrangian casebook
Smith, Samuel
Fibrewise rational H-spaces
Snyder, Noah
Invertible braided tensor categories
So, Tseleung
Realization of graded monomial ideal rings modulo torsion
Solis, Pablo
A proof of the Kauffman-Harary conjecture
Solomon, Elchanan
Barcode Embeddings for Metric Graphs
Solomon, Ronald
Smith equivalence and finite Oliver groups with Laitinen number 0 or 1
Somberg, Petr
On some adjunctions in equivariant stable homotopy theory
Son, Miri
${\rm SL}_2$ quantum trace in quantum Teichmüller theory via writhe
Song, Hyun-Jong
All integral slopes can be Seifert fibered slopes for hyperbolic knots
Song, Jongbaek
Equivariant cohomological rigidity of certain $T$-manifolds
On the integral cohomology ring of toric orbifolds and singular toric varieties
Song, Minkyoung
Invariants and structures of the homology cobordism group of homology cylinders
Songhafouo Tsopméné, Paul
Formality of Sinha's cosimplicial model for long knots spaces and Poisson algebras
The rational homology of spaces of long links
Soudères, Ismaël
A motivic Grothendieck-Teichmüller group
Soulié, Arthur
Generalized Long-Moody functors
Sözer, Kürşat
Two-Dimensional Extended Homotopy Field Theories
Špakula, Ján
Coarse medians and property A
Spano, Gilberto
A categorification of the Alexander polynomial in embedded contact homology
Sparks, Peter
The double n-space property for contractible n-manifolds
Speirs, Martin
On the K-theory of coordinate axes in affine space
Spendlove, Kelly
Homology of configuration spaces of hard squares in a rectangle
Spitzweck, Markus
Sheaf theory for stacks in manifolds and twisted cohomology for S^1-gerbes
Spivak, David
Mapping spaces in quasi-categories
Rigidification of quasi-categories.
Spreer, Jonathan
Z2-Thurston norm and complexity of 3-manifolds, II
Spriano, Davide
Convexity in hierarchically hyperbolic spaces
Stacey, Andrew
Stable and unstable operations in mod p cohomology theories
Stahlhauer, Michael
G-infinity ring spectra and Moore spectra for beta-rings
Staic, Mihai
Remarks on 2-dimensional HQFT's
Stalder, Yves
Highly transitive actions of free products
Staley, Daniel
Thompson's group F and uniformly finite homology
Stanford, Theodore
Brunnian links are determined by their complements
Stanley, Donald
A remarkable DG-module model for configuration spaces
Algebraic models of Poincaré embeddings
Implications of the Ganea condition
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of products with half-smashes
Pretty rational models for Poincaré duality pairs
Realization of graded monomial ideal rings modulo torsion
Stapleton, Nathaniel
A relative Lubin--Tate theorem via higher formal geometry
Centralizers in good groups are good
Transchromatic generalized character maps
Stark, Emily
Detecting a subclass of torsion-generated groups
Intrinsically linked graphs in projective space
Starkston, Laura
Genus-two mutant knots with the same dimension in knot Floer and Khovanov homologies
Surgery along star shaped plumbings and exotic smooth structures on 4-manifolds
Stegemeyer, Maximilian
Geodesic complexity of homogeneous Riemannian manifolds
Steimle, Wolfgang
An additivity theorem for Cobordism categories
On the map of B\"okstedt-Madsen from the cobordism category to $A$-theory
Steinberg, Benjamin
Topological finiteness properties of monoids Part 1: Foundations
Stelzer, Manfred
Rectification of weak product algebras over an operad in cat and top and applications
The Arone-Goodwillie spectral sequence for $\Sigma^{\infty}\Omega^n$ and topological realization at odd primes
Stephan, Marc
Stable Postnikov data of Picard 2-categories
Stern, Ronald
Pinwheels and nullhomologous surgery on 4-manifolds with b^+ = 1
Rational surfaces and symplectic 4-manifolds with one basic class
Reverse engineering small 4-manifolds
Stern, Walker
Stimac, Sonja
A classification of inverse limit spaces of tent maps with a non-recurrent critical point
Stipsicz, András
Branched covers bounding rational homology balls
Contact Ozsváth-Szabó invariants and Giroux torsion
Seifert fibered contact three-manifolds via surgery
Singular maps on exotic 4-manifold pairs
Symplectic surgeries and normal surface singularities
Stoffel, Augusto
Dimensional reduction and the equivariant Chern character
Stoffregen, Matthew
Klein-four connections and the Casson invariant for non-trivial admissible $U(2)$ bundles
Stoimenow, Alexander
Euclidean Mahler measure and twisted links
Genus generators and the positivity of the signature
Stojanoska, Vesna
Invertible k(2)-local e-modules in c_4-spectra
Stoltzfus, Neal
Graphs on surfaces and Khovanov homology
Stonek, Bruno
Thom spectra, higher THH and tensors in ∞-categories
Storm, Peter
Infinitesimal rigidity of a compact hyperbolic 4-orbifold with totally geodesic boundary
Lipschitz minimality of Hopf fibrations and Hopf vector fields
Stošić, Marko
Homological thickness and stability of torus knots
Stover, Matthew
Constructing geometrically equivalent hyperbolic orbifolds
Strenner, Balázs
Fibrations of 3-manifolds and asymptotic translation length in the arc complex
Minimal pseudo-Anosov stretch factors on nonoriented surfaces
Strickland, Neil
A combinatorial model for the known Bousfield classes
An abelian embedding for Moore spectra
Chains on suspension spectra
Chromatic (co)homology of finite general linear groups
Common subbundles and intersections of divisors
Strom, Jeffrey
Homotopy classes that are trivial mod F
Idempotent functors that preserve cofiber sequences and split suspensions
Implications of the Ganea condition
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of products with half-smashes
Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category of spaces with free fundamental group
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category, complements of skeleta and a theorem of Dranishnikov
Su, Tao
Augmentations and ruling polynomials for Legendrian graphs
Su, Zhixu
Rational analogs of projective planes
Suárez-Serrato, Pablo
Minimal entropy and geometric decompositions in dimension four
Suciu, Alexander
Torsion in Milnor fiber homology
Suh, Dong Youp
Cohomological non-rigidity of eight-dimensional complex projective towers
Properties of Bott manifolds and cohomological rigidity
Sullivan, Dennis
Infinity structure of Poincaré duality spaces
Sullivan, Michael
Knots on a positive template have a bounded number of prime factors
Sullivan, Michael
Generating families and augmentations for Legendrian surfaces
The periodic Floer homology of a Dehn twist
Sultan, Harold
The asymptotic cone of Teichmüller space and thickness
Sun, Bin
A dynamical characterization of acylindrically hyperbolic groups
Sun, Hongbin
Degree $\pm1$ self-maps and self-homeomorphisms on prime 3-manifolds
Sun, Xinyu
The C-polynomial of a knot
Sundberg, Isaac
Relative Khovanov-Jacobsson classes
Sunukjian, Nathan
Null-homologous exotic surfaces in 4-manifolds
Sussan, Joshua
On some p-differential graded link homologies II
Suyama, Yusuke
Examples of smooth compact toric varieties that are not quasitoric manifolds
Suzuki, Masaaki
Epimorphisms between $2$-bridge knot groups and their crossing numbers
Erratum to: Twisted Alexander polynomials and surjectivity of a group homomorphism
Non-meridional epimorphisms of knot groups
Twisted Alexander polynomials and surjectivity of a group homomorphism
Suzuki, Sakie
On the universal $sl_2$ invariant of boundary bottom tangles
On the universal sl_2 invariant of ribbon bottom tangles
The universal quantum invariant and colored ideal triangulations
Suzuki, Yuhei
Group approximation in Cayley topology and coarse geometry, III: Geometric property $\mathrm{(T)}$
Svane, Anne Marie
A geometric interpretation of the homotopy groups of the cobordism category
Swann, Jonah
Relative Khovanov-Jacobsson classes
Swarup, Gadde
Splittings and C-complexes
Swenson, Eric
Bootstrapping in convergence groups
The cactus tree of a metric space
Tits rigidity of $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ group boundaries
Świątkowski, Jacek
Commensurability of graph products
Reflection trees of graphs as boundaries of Coxeter groups
Symington, Margaret
Generalized symplectic rational blowdowns
Symonds, Peter
Smith theory for algebraic varieties
Szabó, Zoltán
Holomorphic disks, link invariants, and the multi-variable Alexander polynomial
Knot Floer homology and interger surgeries
Knot Floer homology and rational surgeries
Szczepański, Andrzej
Spin structures on almost-flat manifolds
Szepietowski, Błażej
Low-dimensional linear representations of the mapping class group of a nonorientable surface
Szűcs, András
Multiplicative properties of Morin maps
Szumiło, Karol
Homotopy theory of cocomplete quasicategories
Localization of cofibration categories and groupoid $c^*$-algebras
Szymik, Markus
Commutative $\mathbb{S}$--algebras of prime characteristics and applications to unoriented bordism