Volume 29 Number 1
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ISSN 1364-0380 (online)
ISSN 1465-3060 (print)
Author Index
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Author Index – N
Naber, Aaron
$d_p$ convergence and $\epsilon$-regularity theorems for entropy and scalar curvature lower bounds
Stability of tori under lower sectional curvature
Topology and ε-regularity theorems on collapsed manifolds with Ricci curvature bounds
Gromov-Witten theory via roots and logarithms
Nabutovsky, Alexander
Linear bounds for constants in Gromov's systolic inequality and related results
Nadler, David
Naef, Florian
The string coproduct "knows" Reidemeister/Whitehead torsion
Naff, Keaton
Rotational symmetry of ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in higher dimensions
Nagano, Koichi
CAT(0) 4-manifolds are Euclidean
Two-dimensional metric spaces with curvature bounded above I
Nagao, Kentaro
Non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory and vertex operators
Nagpal, Rohit
$\mathrm{FI}$-modules over Noetherian rings
Naik, Swatee
Order in the concordance group and Heegaard Floer homology
Nakamura, Lukas
Small energy isotopies of loose Legendrian submanifolds
Nakayama, Chikara
Relative rounding in toric and logarithmic geometry
Naor, Assaf
Nariman, Sam
Stable homology of surface diffeomorphism groups made discrete
Nash, Oliver
K-theory, LQEL manifolds and Severi varieties
Naumann, Niko
Derived induction and restriction theory
Navas Flores, Andrés
A finitely generated, locally indicable group with no faithful action by C¹ diffeomorphisms of the interval
Some examples of repetitive, non-rectifiable Delone sets
Nayak, Chetan
Universal manifold pairings and positivity
Neeman, Amnon
Noncommutative localisation in algebraic K-theory I
Neguţ, Andrei
AGT relations for sheaves on surfaces
Némethi, András
Ehrhart theory of polytopes and Seiberg-Witten invariants of plumbed 3-manifolds
Generalized Monodromy Conjecture in dimension two
On the Ozsvath-Szabo invariant of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds
Seiberg--Witten invariants and surface singularities
Nemirovski, Stefan
Non-negative Legendrian isotopy in ST*M
Neumann, Walter
Canonical decompositions of 3-manifolds
Complete intersection singularities of splice type as universal abelian covers
Complex surface singularities with integral homology sphere links
Extended Bloch group and the Cheeger-Chern-Simons class
Neumayer, Robin
$d_p$ convergence and $\epsilon$-regularity theorems for entropy and scalar curvature lower bounds
Neves, André
Uniqueness of Lagrangian self-expanders
Nevins, Thomas
Categorical cell decomposition of quantized symplectic algebraic varieties
Ng, Lenhard
Augmentations are sheaves
Knot and braid invariants from contact homology I
Knot and braid invariants from contact homology II
Nguyễn, Đức Mạnh
GL^+(2,R)-orbits in Prym eigenform loci
Parallelogram decompositions and generic surfaces in H^{hyp}(4)
Rank two affine submanifolds in H(2,2) and H(3,1)
Volume forms on moduli spaces of d-differentials
Ni, Lei
Positivity and Kodaira embedding theorem
Ni, Yi
A note on knot Floer homology of links
Khovanov module and the detection of unlinks
Link Floer homology detects the Thurston norm
Manifolds with small Heegaard Floer ranks
Niblo, Graham
A cohomological characterisation of Yu's property A for metric spaces
A topological splitting theorem for Poincaré duality groups and high dimensional manifolds
Groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes
Nicaise, Johannes
Tropical refined curve counting via motivic integration
Nicolaescu, Liviu
Seiberg--Witten invariants and surface singularities
Niederkrüger, Klaus
Loose Legendrians and the plastikstufe
Some remarks on the size of tubular neighborhoods in contact topology and fillability
Noel, Justin
Derived induction and restriction theory
Noetzel, Gregor
Hypercontact structures and Floer homology
Nohara, Yuichi
Homological mirror symmetry for the quintic 3-fold
Norbury, Paul
A new cohomology class on the moduli space of curves
A proof of Atiyah's conjecture on configurations of four points in Euclidean three-space
Counting lattice points in compactified moduli spaces of curves
Gromov--Witten invariants of $\mathbb{P}^1$ and Eynard--Orantin invariants
Nordström, Johannes
Asymptotically cylindrical Calabi-Yau 3-folds from weak Fano 3-folds
New invariants of G_2-structures
Noskov, Gennady
Combing Euclidean buildings
Nozaki, Yuta
Abelian quotients of the $Y$-filtration on the homology cylinders via the LMO functor