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ISSN 1364-0380 (online)
ISSN 1465-3060 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
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Author Index – P
Pacini, Tommaso
Asymptotically cylindrical Calabi-Yau 3-folds from weak Fano 3-folds
Obstructions to special Lagrangian desingularizations and the Lagrangian prescribed boundary problem
Pădurariu, Tudor
Deformed dimensional reduction
Palmieri, John
Vanishing lines in generalized Adams spectral sequences are generic
Pan, Jiayin
Nonnegative Ricci curvature, metric cones, and virtual abelianness
Nonnegative Ricci curvature, stability at infinity, and finite generation of fundamental groups
On the escape rate of geodesic loops in an open manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature
Pancholi, Dishant
The Legendrian Whitney trick
Pandharipande, Rahul
BPS states of curves in Calabi-Yau 3-folds
Gromov--Witten/pairs descendent correspondence for toric $3$--folds
Hodge integrals and invariants of the unknot
Intersection theory on moduli of disks, open KdV and Virasoro
Quot schemes of curves and surfaces: virtual classes, integrals, Euler characteristics
The 3–fold vertex via stable pairs
The local Donaldson–Thomas theory of curves
The moduli space of stable quotients
Pankau, Joshua
Salem number stretch factors and totally real fields arising from Thurston's construction
Pankka, Pekka
On the non-existence of certain branched covers
Panov, Dmitri
Hyperbolic geometry and non-Kähler manifolds with trivial canonical bundle
Moduli of spherical tori with one conical point
Polyhedral Kähler manifolds
Real line arrangements with Hirzebruch property
Sweeping out sectional curvature
Paolini, Giovanni
Dual structures on Coxeter and Artin groups of rank three
Papadima, Ştefan
Homotopy Lie algebras, lower central series and the Koszul property
Pardini, Rita
Continuous families of divisors, paracanonical systems and a new inequality for varieties of maximal Albanese dimension
Pardo Jaqueih, Angel
Counting problem on wind-tree models
Pardon, John
An algebraic approach to virtual fundamental cycles on moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves
Existence of Lefschetz fibrations on Stein and Weinstein domains
Orbifold bordism and duality for finite orbispectra
Pareschi, Giuseppe
Hodge modules on complex tori and generic vanishing for compact Kähler manifolds
Paris, Luis
The proof of Birman's conjecture on singular braid monoids
Park, Heesang
A simply connected surface of general type with pg=0 and K²=3
A simply connected surface of general type with pg=0 and K²=4
Erratum: A simply connected surface of general type with p_g=0 and K^2=3
Park, Jinsung
Reidemeister torsion, complex volume, and Zograf infinite product for hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Park, Jongil
A simply connected surface of general type with pg=0 and K²=3
A simply connected surface of general type with pg=0 and K²=4
Erratum: A simply connected surface of general type with p_g=0 and K^2=3
Park, JungHwan
Linear independence of rationally slice knots
Parker, Brett
DeRham theory of exploded manifolds
Holomorphic curves in exploded manifolds: Regularity
Holomorphic curves in exploded manifolds: virtual fundamental class
Parker, John
A complex hyperbolic Riley slice
Parkkonen, Jouni
Prescribing the behaviour of geodesics in negative curvature
Parlier, Hugo
Multiplicities of simple closed geodesics and hypersurfaces in Teichmüller space
Pascaleff, James
On the symplectic cohomology of log Calabi-Yau surfaces
Passeggi Diaz Robles, Alejandro Miguel
Rotation intervals and entropy on attracting annular continua
Paternain, Gabriel
Symplectic topology of Mañé's critical values
Patureau-Mirand, Bertrand
Caracteres sur l'algebre de diagrammes trivalents Lambda
Patzt, Peter
On the top dimensional cohomology groups of congruence subgroups of SL(n,Z)
Paulin, Frédéric
Prescribing the behaviour of geodesics in negative curvature
Pauly, Christian
Prym varieties of spectral covers
Payne, Sam
The non-abelian Brill-Noether divisor on M_13 and the Kodaira dimension of R_13
Tropical refined curve counting via motivic integration
Peng, Irine
Coarse differentiation and quasi-isometries of a class of solvable Lie groups I
Coarse differentiation and quasi-isometries of a class of solvable Lie groups II
Penner, Robert
Arc operads and arc algebras
Pepin Lehalleur, Simon
A formula for the Voevodsky motive of the moduli stack of vector bundles on a curve
Pereira, Jorge
A global Weinstein splitting theorem for holomorphic Poisson manifolds
Pernice, Michele
Stable cuspidal curves and the integral Chow ring of $\overline{\mathscr{M}}_{2,1}$
Perry, Alexander
Stability conditions and moduli spaces for Kuznetsov components of Gushel-Mukai varieties
Pertusi, Laura
Stability conditions and moduli spaces for Kuznetsov components of Gushel-Mukai varieties
Perutz, Timothy
Lagrangian matching invariants for fibred four-manifolds: I
Lagrangian matching invariants for fibred four-manifolds: II
Petersen, Dan
A spectral sequence for stratified spaces and configuration spaces of points
Corrigendum to: "A spectral sequence for stratified spaces and configuration spaces of points"
Factorization statistics and bug-eyed configuration spaces
Petersen, Peter
Alexandrov spaces with maximal radius
Examples of Riemannian manifolds with positive curvature almost everywhere
On the classification of gradient Ricci solitons
Peterson, Eric
Coalgebraic Formal Curve Spectra and Spectral Jet Spaces
Petkova, Ina
Combinatorial tangle Floer homology
Petrunin, Anton
Curvature tensor of smoothable Alexandrov spaces
Metric minimizing surfaces revisited
Sweeping out sectional curvature
Pettet, Alexandra
Commuting tuples in reductive groups and their maximal compact subgroups
Minimality of the well-rounded retract
Petyt, Harry
Coarse injectivity, hierarchical hyperbolicity, and semihyperbolicity
Pfaff, Catherine
Random trees in the boundary of Outer space
Piccirillo, Lisa
Shake genus and slice genus
Pichon, Anne
Inner geometry of complex surfaces: a valuative approach
Pieper, Malte
On the Farrell-Jones conjecture for Waldhausen's A-theory
Piergallini, Riccardo
4-manifolds as covers of the 4-sphere branched over non-singular surfaces
Pike, Brian
Solvable groups, free divisors and nonisolated matrix singularities II: vanishing topology
Pinkall, Ulrich
Discrete conformal maps and ideal hyperbolic polyhedra
Pinsonnault, Martin
The homotopy type of the space of symplectic balls in rational ruled 4–manifolds
Pinzón-Caicedo, Juanita
Independence of satellites of torus knots in the smooth concordance group
Pirola, Gian
Continuous families of divisors, paracanonical systems and a new inequality for varieties of maximal Albanese dimension
Holomorphic 1-forms on the moduli space of curves
Pitsch, Wolfgang
Volumes of $SL_n(\mathbb{C})$-representations of hyperbolic $3$-manifolds
Pixton, Aaron
A non-boundary nef divisor on $\bar{M}_{0,12}$
Gromov--Witten/pairs descendent correspondence for toric $3$--folds
Gromov-Witten theory of elliptic fibrations: Jacobi forms and holomorphic anomaly equations 
Plamenevskaya, Olga
Loose Legendrians and the plastikstufe
Planar open books, monodromy factorizations, and symplectic fillings
Unexpected Stein fillings, rational surface singularities, and plane curve arrangements
Platis, Ioannis
Quakebend deformations in complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space
Polterovich, Leonid
Erratum to “Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing”
Geometry of contact transformations and domains: orderability versus squeezing
Polyak, Michael
Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3-manifolds
Pomerleano, Daniel
Equivariant Hodge theory and noncommutative geometry
Torsion contact forms in three dimensions have two or infinitely many Reeb orbits
Popa, Mihnea
Hodge modules on complex tori and generic vanishing for compact Kähler manifolds
Porti, Joan
A Morse lemma for quasigeodesics in symmetric spaces and euclidean buildings
Deforming Euclidean cone 3-manifolds
Dynamics on flag manifolds: domains of proper discontinuity and cocompactness
Infinitesimal projective rigidity under Dehn filling
Regenerating hyperbolic cone structures from Nil
Volumes of $SL_n(\mathbb{C})$-representations of hyperbolic $3$-manifolds
Portilla Cuadrado, Pablo
Vanishing cycles, plane curve singularities, and framed mapping class groups
Potrie, Rafael
Anomalous partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms III: abundance and incoherence
Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms homotopic to the identity in dimension 3, Part II: Branching foliations
Rotation intervals and entropy on attracting annular continua
Potyagailo, Leonid
Hausdorff dimension of boundaries of relatively hyperbolic groups
Powell, Mark
Covering link calculus and the bipolar filtration of topologically slice links
Embedded surfaces with infinite cyclic knot group
Embedding surfaces in 4-manifolds
Pozzetti, Maria
Anosov representations with Lipschitz limit set
Maximal representations, non Archimedean Siegel spaces, and buildings
Presas, Francisco
A class of non-fillable contact structures
Some remarks on the size of tubular neighborhoods in contact topology and fillability
The Legendrian Whitney trick
Pridham, Jonathan
Analytic non-abelian Hodge theory
Constructing derived moduli stacks
Galois actions on homotopy groups of algebraic varieties
Quantisation of derived Lagrangians
Przytycki, Józef
Burnside obstructions to the Montesinos-Nakanishi 3-move conjecture
Przytycki, Piotr
Boundaries of systolic groups
Realisation and dismantlability
Twist-rigid Coxeter groups
Purcell, Jessica
Cusp volumes of alternating knots
Dehn filling and the geometry of unknotting tunnels
Effective bilipschitz bounds on drilling and filling
The triangulation complexity of fibred 3-manifolds
Putman, Thomas Andrew
Cutting and pasting in the Torelli group
Generating the Johnson filtration
On the second homology group of the Torelli subgroup of Aut(F_n)
On the top dimensional cohomology groups of congruence subgroups of SL(n,Z)
Small generating sets for the Torelli group
The codimension-one cohomology of SL(n,Z)
Py, Pierre
Pym, Brent
A global Weinstein splitting theorem for holomorphic Poisson manifolds