Volume 29 Number 1
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ISSN 1364-0380 (online)
ISSN 1465-3060 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
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Author Index – Z
Zach, Matthias
On the vanishing topology of isolated Cohen-Macaulay codimension 2 singularities
Zalesskii, Pavel
Distinguishing geometries using finite quotients
Zapolsky, Frol
Quasimorphisms on contactomorphism groups and contact rigidity
Zaremsky, Matthew
Twisted Brin-Thompson groups
Zarev, Rumen
Sutured Floer homology and invariants of Legendrian and transverse knots
Zaslow, Eric
Augmentations are sheaves
Legendrian weaves: N-graph calculus, flag moduli and applications
Skeleta of affine hypersurfaces
Zehnder, Eduard
A general Fredholm theory III: Fredholm functors and polyfolds
Compactness results in Symplectic Field Theory
Zeidler, Rudolf
Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator
Zelditch, Steven
Central limit theorem for spectral partial Bergman kernels
Zemke, Ian
Contact handles, duality, and sutured Floer homology
Transverse invariants and exotic surfaces in the 4-ball
Zeriahi, Ahmed
Pluripotential Kähler-Ricci flows
Zhang, Jun
Persistent homology and Floer-Novikov theory
Zhang, Melissa
Localization in Khovanov homology
Zhang, Ruobing
Topology and ε-regularity theorems on collapsed manifolds with Ricci curvature bounds
Zhang, Tengren
Collar lemma for Hitchin representations
Zhang, Xingru
Characteristic subsurfaces, character varieties and Dehn fillings
Closed quasi-Fuchsian surfaces in hyperbolic knot complements
Zhang, Yuguang
Infinite time singularities of the Kahler-Ricci flow
Zhang, Zhilang
Inradius collapsed manifolds
Zhao, Xiaolei
Birational models of moduli spaces of coherent sheaves on the projective plane
Stability conditions and moduli spaces for Kuznetsov components of Gushel-Mukai varieties
Zharkov, Ilia
Phase tropical hypersurfaces
Zheng, Fangyang
Piecewise Euclidean Structures and Eberlein's Rigidity Theorem in the Singular Case
Positivity and Kodaira embedding theorem
Zhou, Chuyu
Optimal destabilization of K-unstable Fano varieties via stability thresholds
Zhou, Jian
A mathematical theory of the topological vertex
Zhou, Jie
Higher genus FJRW invariants of a Fermat cubic
Zhou, Peng
Central limit theorem for spectral partial Bergman kernels
Zhou, Xin
Min-max minimal disks with free boundary in Riemannian manifolds
Zhou, Zhengyi
$(\mathbb{RP}^{2n-1},\xi_{std})$ is not exactly fillable for $n\ne 2^k$
Zhu, Jonathan
On certain quantifications of Gromov's non-squeezing theorem
Zhu, Xiaodong
The metric space of geodesic laminations on a surface: I
Zhu, Xiaoping
The deformation space of geodesic triangulations and generalized Tutte's embedding theorem
Zhu, Xuwen
Conical metrics on Riemann surfaces, I: the compactified configuration space and regularity
Zhuang, Ziquan
On boundedness of singularities and minimal log discrepancies of Kollár components, II
Zibrowius, Claudius
L-space knots have no essential Conway spheres
Zickert, Christian
A dilogarithmic formula for the Cheeger-Chern-Simons class
The Extended Bloch Group and the Cheeger-Chern-Simons Class
Ziller, Wolfgang
Topological obstructions to fatness
Zimmer, Andrew
A higher rank rigidity theorem for convex real projective manifolds
Characterizing the unit ball by its projective automorphism group
Convex co-compact actions of relatively hyperbolic groups
Rigidity of convex divisible domains in flag manifolds
Zinger, Aleksey
A desingularization of the main component of the moduli space of genus-one stable maps into P^n
A sharp compactness theorem for genus-one pseudo-holomorphic maps
Counting genus zero real curves in symplectic manifolds
Counting rational curves of arbitrary shape in projective spaces
Standard versus reduced genus-one Gromov—Witten invariants
The genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of projective complete intersections
Zong, Zhengyu
The Eynard-Orantin recursion and equivariant mirror symmetry for the projective line
The Gerby Gopakumar-Marino-Vafa formula
Zorich, Anton
Lower bounds for Lyapunov exponents of flat bundles on curves
Zsák, András
The metric geometry of the Hamming cube and applications
Zuddas, Daniele
+ Non-Kähler complex structures on $R^4$
Zung, Jonathan
Reeb flows transverse to foliations
Taut foliations, left orders, and pseudo-Anosov mapping tori
Zupan, Alexander
Genus two trisections are standard
Zvonkine, Dimitri
Intersection numbers with Witten's top Chern class
Moduli spaces of residueless meromorphic differentials and the KP hierarchy