
Work available at MSP

About MSP

We are MSP (Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences Pub­lish­ers), a schol­ar-led non­profit pub­lish­er whose mis­sion is to serve the math com­munity through high-qual­ity pub­lish­ing at reas­on­able prices, and help oth­ers do the same. In ad­di­tion to pub­lish­ing our own grow­ing port­fo­lio of 20 journ­als in math­em­at­ics re­search and re­lated areas, we pre­pare art­icles for pub­lic­a­tion for third-party journ­als, de­vel­op soft­ware for man­aging journ­als and peer re­view (Ed­it­Flow), and cel­eb­rate the people of math­em­at­ics (ht­tps://cel­eb­ra­ Our work is ap­pre­ci­ated by our read­ers, au­thors (ht­tps://­thquotes), and users (ht­tps://­it­flow/quotes).

Software Engineer

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MSP is look­ing for a 100%-re­mote full-stack Soft­ware En­gin­eer to join our small and highly ef­fi­cient team. We of­fer a friendly, fully re­mote work en­vir­on­ment so there’s no need to re­lo­cate. We also of­fer flex­ible hours, com­pre­hens­ive train­ing, room to grow in terms of com­pens­a­tion and re­spons­ib­il­it­ies, and fre­quent in­ter­ac­tion with sup­port­ive col­leagues.

What you bring

Must have:

  • Fa­mili­ar­ity with ba­sic pro­gram­ming con­cepts like vari­ables, func­tions, loops, if/else state­ments, arith­met­ic op­er­a­tions, and op­er­a­tions on strings (like con­cat­en­a­tion).
  • The abil­ity to use the Linux/ma­cOS com­mand line to nav­ig­ate file dir­ect­or­ies and edit text files.
  • The abil­ity to dis­cuss tech­nic­al sub­jects clearly, verbally and in writ­ing: as a re­mote com­pany we rely on clear com­mu­nic­a­tion.
  • The abil­ity to solve prob­lems both col­lab­or­at­ively and on your own.
  • The hu­mil­ity to re­cog­nize when you’re stuck and seek help.
  • If you have no back­ground in mak­ing soft­ware, a strong tech­nic­al back­ground: eg, an edu­ca­tion in math, phys­ics, com­puter sci­ence, or an en­gin­eer­ing field.
  • If liv­ing in the United States, you must be a US cit­izen, per­man­ent res­id­ent, or hold a visa al­low­ing you to work and have in­come in the US. MSP will not spon­sor can­did­ates for visa pur­poses.

Stands out:

  • Fa­mili­ar­ity with more ad­vanced pro­gram­ming con­cepts like classes.
  • Ex­per­i­ence build­ing full pieces of soft­ware.
  • Fa­mili­ar­ity with any of the tech­no­lo­gies we use at MSP: Dock­er, Cypress, Git / Git­Hub, SSH, Visu­al Stu­dio Code, MySQL, PHP, JavaS­cript, Py­thon, Perl, HTML, CSS, and Linux / UNIX.
  • Un­der­stand­ing of web de­vel­op­ment con­cepts like serv­ers, cli­ents, front-end vs. back-end, APIs, etc.
  • A soft­ware port­fo­lio (eg, on Git­Hub).
  • Graph­ic design or UI skill.
  • Fa­mili­ar­ity with the aca­dem­ic pub­lish­ing pro­cess.

What you’ll do

As a Soft­ware En­gin­eer at MSP:

  • You’ll spend most of your time work­ing on Ed­it­Flow, our fast-grow­ing peer-re­view man­age­ment soft­ware tailored spe­cific­ally to the needs of re­search journ­als in math­em­at­ics and re­lated fields.
  • You’ll work on a large vari­ety of oth­er pro­jects and in many pro­gram­ming do­mains, for in­tern­al and ex­tern­al cli­ents.
  • You’ll quickly de­vel­op soft­ware en­gin­eer­ing skills and in­tu­ition by pair pro­gram­ming with seni­or en­gin­eers.
  • You’ll learn prag­mat­ic en­gin­eer­ing pat­terns that are trans­fer­able between pro­gram­ming lan­guages and prob­lem do­mains.
  • You’ll add new func­tion­al­ity, fix bugs, and write tests, and you’ll have a say in all ar­chi­tec­tur­al, design, and tech­no­logy ad­op­tion de­cisions.
  • You’ll learn how to read, man­age, re­fact­or, and even­tu­ally even ap­pre­ci­ate thorny leg­acy code.
  • You’ll re­spond to emails from our cus­tom­ers as part of our “every­one on sup­port” mod­el (“every­one” in­cludes the CEO).
  • You’ll work 40 hours a week with no over­time or on-call re­quire­ment. Your sched­ule can be flex­ible, but to en­sure enough over­lap with oth­er de­velopers roughly 32 hours should be dur­ing busi­ness hours in some North Amer­ic­an timezone.
  • You’ll re­port dir­ectly to the lead soft­ware en­gin­eer.

Com­pens­a­tion and be­ne­fits

  • Start­ing com­pens­a­tion between $30 and $36/hour de­pend­ing on skill and ex­per­i­ence. You will learn and grow rap­idly in your role as a soft­ware en­gin­eer and your com­pens­a­tion will grow ac­cord­ingly.
  • Health in­sur­ance sti­pend (or Kais­er plan for CA res­id­ents).
  • Com­puter/mon­it­or/gen­er­al of­fice equip­ment be­ne­fits.
  • Ac­crue 2 weeks of PTO per year.
  • 14 paid hol­i­days/year.
  • MSP­fest: an an­nu­al com­pany-wide gath­er­ing with plenty of ded­ic­ated hangout time.

Why you’ll ap­ply

  • You’re look­ing for a sup­port­ive en­vir­on­ment that will help you grow in­to a highly skilled en­gin­eer while let­ting you main­tain a good work-life bal­ance.
  • You want to work at a non­profit or­gan­iz­a­tion do­ing something that mat­ters in the world of aca­demia.
  • You’re look­ing to work at a com­pany that ap­pre­ci­ates di­versity of thought and back­ground. We en­cour­age wo­men, people of col­or, and LGBT+ folks to ap­ply.
  • You want to work at a small com­pany where your voice will be heard.
  • You want to be sur­roun­ded by smart and friendly people who sup­port and care about each oth­er, in a com­pany cul­ture that is re­laxed and in­form­al, but re­spect­ful.
  • You want to work from home wherever you live (or want to live) with a high level of flex­ib­il­ity.
  • You want to be trus­ted and de­term­ine your own sched­ule. We trust you’ll get your work done without in­stalling spy­ware on your com­puter, we trust you to use re­sources wisely, and we trust that you’ll ask for help and run ideas past your team mem­bers without mi­cro­man­age­ment.
  • You want to have ded­ic­ated time to pur­sue pro­fes­sion­al de­vel­op­ment op­por­tun­it­ies and learn tech­no­lo­gies you find in­ter­est­ing.
  • You like the sound of hav­ing few fixed meet­ings and plenty of in­de­pend­ent time, but also that text, voice, and video sup­port from your team­mates will be just a Slack mes­sage away.

About your col­leagues

We are a tight-knit team of re­cov­er­ing math­em­aticians. We keep in con­stant con­tact and solve prob­lems quickly. We value dumb ques­tions and say­ing “I don’t know.” We have strong opin­ions, lightly held. We aim for clean, clear, and simple com­mu­nic­a­tion and code. We en­joy solv­ing prob­lems with oth­ers and are de­lighted when oth­ers un­tangle our thoughts, no­tice our blind spots, and find solu­tions that are bet­ter than ours. We give and ac­cept con­struct­ive cri­ti­cism without judg­ment, and we ad­mit our fail­ures. We be­lieve that fail­ure is in­ev­it­able in soft­ware and should be an op­por­tun­ity for the whole team to learn. We don’t use a par­tic­u­lar agile meth­od­o­logy, but we ship soft­ware quickly giv­en our team size and re­spons­ib­il­it­ies.

Please ap­ply us­ing our web­form at ht­tps://

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