- Alex Scorpan (executive director)
- Silvio Levy (director of publishing)
- Emmy Pierce (director of outreach)
The Tradehub + The Grassfire
(subscriptions, marketing, outreach)
- Emmy Pierce (director of outreach)
- Derek Habermas (promotion+outreach manager)
- Morgan Johnson (marketing communications manager)
- Erika Willaford
- Madissen Kenny
The Golem
(software development)
- Cass Livine (lead software engineer)
- Matt Tucker-Simmons (senior software engineer)
- Sunny Fawcett
The Refinery
- Silvio Levy (director of publishing)
- John Bourke (senior editor)
- Elizabeth Weaver (senior editor)
- Erika Willaford
- Heather Armstrong
- Ian Barnett
- Ravi Cho
- Ramsay Dyer
- Marc Ethier
- Joseph Flenner
- Logan Fox
- Conall Hegarty
- Sikimeti Ma’u
- Qutub Sajib
- Adam Towsley
- Chris Williams
The Registry
(data curation & research)
- Zara Chastain (data manager)
- Emily Monge (senior data-integrity specialist)
The Celebratio
(publishing Celebratio Mathematica)
- Sheila Newbery (managing editor)
- Elizabeth Weaver
Read about our work culture
Heather Armstrong

Heather E. Armstrong joined MSP as a production editor in mid-2022. She was born and raised in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. After graduating from Millersville University, she earned an MS in mathematics from Cornell University. She currently lives in Miami with her mathematician husband and two children. For six years, she ran a STEM lab at an elementary school, getting kids excited about STEM topics. During the craziness of Spring 2020, her family realized they really liked being home together and decided to switch to homeschooling.
When she’s not overseeing her children’s homeschool education or editing math papers, Heather likes fixing things around the house, making things with her hands, hunting invasive plants, and playing Minecraft.
Ian Barnett

Ian M. Barnett joined MSP as a production editor in summer 2022. He was born in upstate New York, where he was homeschooled until he discovered how much he enjoyed math and began taking classes at a local community college at the age of 15. He then traveled downstate a little, to Bard college, surrounded by performance art and chairs hanging from trees, and got his BA in 2013. He got his MA in mathematics from the University of Kentucky in 2016, where he once mortally offended an undergraduate TA by not being able to name a single member of the basketball team. He is currently back in upstate New York, where he spends his time editing and trying to help students not fail calculus exams.
Outside of math Ian enjoys games (from video to tabletop RPG), juggling, and playing Balinese gamelan.
John Bourke (senior editor)

John G. Bourke joined MSP in summer 2014. He grew up in Cardiff, the capital of Wales and recent home of Doctor Who. He spent most of his undergraduate career at Merton College, Oxford, playing pool, then moved to the US to do his PhD in set theory at Dartmouth College. After short stints in central Pennsylvania and Kalamazoo, Michigan, he has happily returned to New Hampshire while his wife studies astrophysics, also at Dartmouth.
When not editing or teaching mathematics, John walks his overly energetic dog and enjoys the hiking New England offers during the warmer months. He’s learned to tolerate the long winters, and is proud of his whisky collection. His indoor hobbies include binge-watching TV serials, learning to code, cooking, and following Welsh rugby and the Red Sox.
Zara Chastain (data manager)

Zara Chastain is MSP’s data manager, leading the Registry team. She received her BA in theatre arts and Japanese language at the University of Arizona. She grew up in Tucson, AZ, but also lived in Japan and New York City before settling in the Bay Area, where she continues to perform. In the past, she has held such jobs as book seller, tea expert, language teacher, hair stylist, and baby charmer.
Zara gets way too excited about getting her hair done, choosing and making her yearly Halloween costume, trying new restaurants, Renaissance festivals, The Wiggles, Girl Scout cookie season, karaoke, and planning her children’s birthday parties. She wishes she was better at getting regular exercise, playing any instrument, and driving. When she’s not working, she spends most of her time taking care of her three kids and trying to figure out how you make parent friends at the park while simultaneously preventing one child from running all the way to the end of the field while the other two pour sand on each other’s heads.
Ravi Cho

Ravi M. Cho grew up in New Jersey. He eventually moved to California, where he went to school at San José State University and received an MA in mathematics. Shortly after, in mid-2022, he found himself working at MSP.
In his spare time he likes to read fantasy books, play video games, watch shows, and go on hikes. His favorite game is Celeste, although after 150+ hours he still has not finished the last level. He says, somewhat unconvincingly, that one day he will open the crystal heart gate and finish the game. He also bakes once in a while.
Ramsay Dyer

Born and raised in Vancouver, Ramsay H. Dyer’s education in physics, mathematics, and computer science was interspersed with extended periods of tree-planting, travel, and odd jobs in construction. He also developed a great appetite for exploring the British Columbia mountains and coastline by foot, ski and kayak.
Ramsay joined MSP in 2015, and after living in Europe as a postdoc for almost five years with his wife and cat and dog, he has now returned with them to British Columbia to enjoy the mountains and sea and a little house with a wood cookstove on the wet coast of Vancouver Island.
In addition to editing, he continues to do part-time research in computational geometry through the Gudhi project at INRIA Sophia Antipolis. He has ambitions to eventually regain the ability to write something that doesn’t mention Delaunay triangulations.
Marc Ethier

Marc Ethier grew up in Gatineau, Quebec, across the river from Canada’s capital Ottawa. After studying at the University of Ottawa and then obtaining a PhD in 2013 from the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, he started moving around a lot, living for two years in Poland and then for three years in Manitoba, before moving back to Quebec. His career has seen him teach mathematics in French in English-speaking Canada and in English in French-speaking Canada, and his language skills are still useful to him in his editing work. He now lives in Northwestern Quebec, where he teaches future high-school mathematics teachers.
He first became aware of MSP back in 2015, but only ended up joining the company as a production editor in 2022. He feels that mathematical editing work helps combine two of his interests, mathematics and proofreading. (He used to work as a proofreader for a local newspaper while a student in the early 2000s, and had been occasionally proofreading colleagues’ work since.)
When not working, Marc enjoys travelling, hiking and biking.
Sunny Fawcett

J. Sunny Fawcett joined the software team at MSP in 2022. She had developed a love of numbers when her mother taught her how to “cast out nines”, a practice which inspired her third-grade teacher to warn her parents that she was dabbling in witchcraft. She received her MA in mathematics from the University of California at Davis in 2003, and eventually landed in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she found a comfortable spot copy editing at Mathematical Reviews. There she discovered how much she enjoys trying to make computers bend to her will and thinking about how to design programs so that they can be more easily altered and extended. She’s thrilled to be able to devote more of her time to these pursuits at MSP.
Past adventures include racing an auto rickshaw around the Indonesian National Monument, visiting inmates on death row while interning for a legal aid nonprofit in Texas, and convincing a bouncer to let her backstage to meet Cyndi Lauper after a concert. She enjoys knitting, snuggling with her miniature poodle, following professional tennis, and thinking about gardening.
Joseph Flenner

Joseph D. Flenner has been a production editor with MSP since 2015. He hails from Michigan, where he studied mathematics and linguistics at the University of Michigan. As an undergraduate he accidentally became a mathematician, setting out to learn science from its foundations before fully grasping how many lifetimes step one of the master plan would fill.
The same impulse, applied within mathematics, led him to logic, with his research interests focusing on the intersection of model theory and algebra. In 2008, he completed his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. After several postdoctoral years in Indiana, he landed in Virginia, where he is an instructor of mathematics, with editing work filling summers and after hours.
When not teaching, researching, or editing, Joe likes to seek out maximally impractical hobbies, such as learning languages that nobody speaks and musical instruments that are too large to fit in his home.
Logan Fox

Logan S. Fox joined MSP in 2022. He was born in Ohio, but has spent as much time living in Indiana, Washington, and Oregon. Although he earned a BS in materials science and engineering at the University of Washington in 2014, he has never worked as an engineer, instead spending a few years as an emergency medical technician before deciding to try graduate school with a focus on mathematics.
Logan earned his PhD in mathematical sciences at Portland State University, and started work with MSP almost immediately after graduation. While he certainly reads plenty of mathematics these days, he still hopes to write a bit of math as well, and occasionally exchanges research ideas with his advisor.
Derek Habermas (promotion+outreach manager)

Derek S. Habermas grew up in New Jersey, where he tried to pursue his dream of opening his own coffeehouse. Due to a lack of funding and investors, and since the market was saturated (thank you, Starbucks!) he went with his backup plan to earn a PhD in mathematics from the University of Arizona. After nine years as faculty at SUNY Potsdam, he moved to Charleston and started at MSP in 2015.
Besides cooking and caring for his family, he runs races from 5Ks to marathons, with a goal to run a race in every state. Time permitting, he enjoys reading, bicycling, motorcycling, hiking, traveling, playing board games, and brewing his own craft beer.
Conall Hegarty

Conall Hegarty lives in Donegal, on the northwest coast of Ireland. He has a BSc in applied mathematics from the National University of Ireland, Galway. He joined MSP in the autumn of 2019 as a production editor.
When not crossing Is and dotting Ts, Conall can be found tending his beehives, battling weeds in the garden or wandering around the surrounding woodlands, beaches and sand dunes with his tireless border collie. He enjoys reading, playing chess and various other board games, baking inedible food and traveling.
Morgan Johnson (marketing communications manager)

Morgan A. Johnson is a marketing communications manager at MSP. Between tasks in the office, she contemplates the relationship between art and mathematics. Before joining MSP, Morgan did things like sell rocks to rock stars at an art shop in the Mission, shoot and edit experimental shorts, and wardrobe for the feature film I believe in unicorns, which premiered at SXSW 2014. Now she edits author metadata more than video. She lives in her hometown of Berkeley with her four-year-old son Zeke, and they enjoy camping, cooking together, and growing vegetables and flowers.
Madissen Kenny

Madissen A. Kenny joined MSP’s Tradehub team in April 2023. Before MSP, Maddie earned her BS in fisheries and wildlife from the University of Georgia. Following graduation, she became a zookeeper where she cared for different species of exotic cats including lions, tigers, and leopards (Oh my!). She also briefly trained dogs, both as pets and those that would eventually become working dogs for the government. After spending all hours of the day outside and on her feet — no matter the weather — Maddie has found working for MSP a welcome change.
When she’s not working, Maddie loves snuggling with her two dogs and cat (yes, all at once), spending time outdoors, rooting for the Georgia Bulldogs and New York Mets, listening to True Crime podcasts, and hunting for shark teeth — with a life goal to find a megalodon tooth.
Silvio Levy (director of publishing)

Silvio V. F. Levy is MSP’s director of publishing. He was born in 1959 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and received an MA in mathematics from the Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) in 1979 and a PhD in mathematics from Princeton University under William Thurston in 1985. In 1988 he became the second staff member for the Geometry Supercomputer Project, which would later become the Geometry Center. He joined the staff of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in 1995 as an editor and librarian.
Silvio considers his chief professional goal to be “to further the communication of mathematics, by both traditional and novel means.” He is an expert in TeX and LaTeX and speaks several languages. He joined MSP in 2004 as the main copyeditor for the Pacific Journal of Mathematics. Today, Silvio manages the production of MSP journals, and trains new copyeditors to edit and format manuscripts according to MSP’s specifications.
Silvio Levy’s work represents for me the gold standard of mathematical copyediting.
David Eisenbud
(director of MSRI, 1997–2007 and 2013–2022; former AMS president)
Cass Livine (lead software engineer)

Cassandra J. Livine leads the software team at MSP. She studied chemistry in undergrad and then did a Master’s thesis on ultrametric spaces and valued fields, but she prefers solving software problems and people problems to math problems these days. She’s geeked out about a lot of things in software over her decade of professional experience, but her current favorite technology is capable engineers, and her current favorite software development tool is considering tradeoffs.
When she’s not working, she’s active in her local mutual-aid community, and, whenever she has time left in the day after that, she enjoys thrifting, karaoke, good UX, and session ales with friends.
Sikimeti Ma’u

Sikimeti Ma’u joined MSP as a production editor in 2015. Originally from the islands of Tonga in the South Pacific, she was an undergraduate in Auckland, New Zealand, where by studiously avoiding essays and experiments she turned into a mathematician. She moved to New Jersey for graduate school at Rutgers University, and received a PhD in mathematics in 2008. After spending several exciting years as a postdoc in the hyperactive field of symplectic topology, based mostly in Berkeley, she moved to Italy.
She now lives with her family on an island in the Venice lagoon. She teaches math in Venice and Verona, edits math wherever she happens to be, and occasionally works on more concrete things, like sewing or basketry for her own pleasure, or making playdough for someone else’s. The Dolomites are nearby for hiking and skiing, and she’s quite a fan of the Italian way of enjoying the great outdoors — no matter how long or grueling a hike is, it always ends at a mountain hut with a fabulous restaurant.
Emily Monge (senior data-integrity specialist)

Emily L. Monge joined MSP in December 2019 as a data-integrity specialist. Known for alphabetizing her spice rack and organizing her closet in rainbow order, she’s suited to the detailed nature of the work. She notices when things are “not right” and will make sure to tell you when your socks don’t match your outfit. But in a nice way.
She hails from the Mitten State (a.k.a. Michigan), which means she will let you know where she lives by pointing to the center of her open palm. She received her degree in apparel merchandising and design, and although she isn’t working in that field currently, she uses the principles she learned to manage her household and her family’s wardrobe. In her free time you might find her roaming the aisles of Target, or pining for the ever-elusive naps that she loved … before she had a family.
Sheila Newbery (managing editor, Celebratio Mathematica)

Sheila S. Newbery has been an MSP production editor since 2007. She has worked on preparing manuscripts for publication for over 25 years, in disciplines ranging from art history (at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York) to astrophysics (freelance work for the Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series).
Sheila is also a photographer, and is currently working on an artist’s book of platinum-palladium prints. Her work has been exhibited in juried shows across the country. Her editorial portraiture has appeared in publications such as Der Spiegel, School Library Journal and Classical Music Magazine (UK), among others. She is keenly interested in music, and serves on the board of the San Francisco-based chamber group Voices of Music.
Emmy Pierce (director of outreach)

Emmy E. Pierce is MSP’s operations manager. She is responsible for managing the office, processing subscriptions, researching directions for MSP’s growth and development, and generally taking care of business. She joined our team in 2011, and her outstanding organizational skills have considerably increased our administrative efficiency.
Emmy is a graduate of Amherst College, Massachusetts, where she took exactly one math-related class (it was actually a theater course); gave class presentations on “Pokémon” franchise; and wrote her honors thesis on the anime films of Mamoru Oshii. She is deeply interested in media production, and has produced several audio segments for KPFA and the Amherst College Center for Community Engagement, as an associate producer and staff writer, respectively. Currently, she spends most of her free time reading, drawing, writing, and occasionally auditioning for community theater.
Qutub Sajib

Qutub Uddin Sajib was born and raised in a small village of Bangladesh. In his high school days, unlike his friends, Qutub developed a “bad” habit of reading books from their very first pages including commas and spaces. His childhood fascination, which he would later mess up with, was in mathematics, art, electronics, architecture, and music.
During the years at University of Dhaka for graduation, Qutub missed mathematics and found LaTeX to save his brain and mind. Feeling lost, he later went to China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) for PhD. There, on a colorless night, Qutub tried LaTeX once again; this time he met Silvio, whose supervision helped Qutub discover colors in Linux, emacs, and of course, TeX. Qutub finished his PhD in environmental sciences and engineering in 2020 and thought he’d had enough trying things that do not interest him. He moved back to his country, stopped wandering against his will, and joined MSP in the same year.
Working as a production editor at MSP, Qutub embraces his old school bad habit as a precious one, and feels some sort of (spiritual) connection with R. J. Drofnats (The TeXbook, p. 24). When not editing for MSP, Qutub can be found trying to fill the voids in Bangla typography with TeX. In his nonTeXnical moments, Qutub can be seen listening to music, watching movies, or messing up with new recipes in the kitchen.
Alex Scorpan (executive director)

Alexandru Scorpan is MSP’s executive director. He was born near the shores of the Black Sea, in Romania, and arrived in the United States in 1997. In 2003, he received a PhD in mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley under Rob Kirby, then pursued an academic career. During a postdoc at the University of Florida, he wrote a well-received 600-page monograph, The Wild World of 4-Manifolds, surveying topology in dimension 4. He finally admitted, “I’m not a puzzle-solver,” and abandoned the research track, but continued to teach college mathematics for several years.
Alex became involved with MSP in 2006, at first doing copyediting and design work. He returned to Berkeley and joined MSP full-time in mid-2010. He’s promised that one day he’ll finish writing that novel about Nero.
Adam Towsley

Adam D. Towsley began as a production editor for MSP in the spring of 2016. He received a BA in mathematics from Cornell University. Upon graduating he followed a girl (now his wife) to Nashville TN, where he lived and taught mathematics. In 2007 he dragged his wife back to cold and snowy upstate NY to get a PhD in arithmetic dynamics from the University of Rochester.
Since graduating, Adam has spent time at several colleges and universities before landing at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he teaches mathematics while not editing for MSP. Outside of mathematics he spends most of his time chasing his two young sons, cooking, traveling, and trying to watch Mets games.
Matthew Tucker-Simmons (senior software engineer)

Matthew B. Tucker-Simmons came to California in 2005 for mathematics, but stayed for love (of many things, including avocados, the nice climate, and especially his wonderful wife Lisa). He finished his PhD on topics of quantum algebra and noncommutative geometry at Berkeley in 2013.
Matt joined MSP as a production editor in the spring of 2014, after several months of post-PhD aimless wandering (spiritual, not physical). The job allowed him to exercise his LaTeX skills, to keep on tweaking his .emacs file, and to keep his eye on developments in mathematics from a safe distance, all while giving him time to pursue interests like baking, making yogurt, fermenting things, and feeling self-righteous about his food choices. After two years of supervising the production of our journals Geometry & Topology and Algebraic & Geometric Topology, he has made the leap to the software team, where he hopes to fix more bugs than he introduces.
Matt, his labor-organizer wife, and their (objectively) adorable children recently moved to Matt's native homeland of Canada, the land of polar bears, politeness, and single-payer healthcare. But they'll always keep California in their hearts.
Elizabeth Weaver (senior editor)

Elizabeth A. Weaver is a native of Illinois and grew up close to St. Louis, Missouri. This has endowed her with a love of Cardinals’ baseball and toasted ravioli. She attended college in Cape Girardeau, which is now worth mentioning since the movie Gone Girl was filmed there. She finished her PhD on algebraic coding theory in 2012 at the University of Kentucky, where her advisor taught her how to be a mathematician, and she taught her advisor about the rudiments of American culture, such as the joy of funfetti cupcakes and how to pronounce “Chicago”.
Elizabeth has been an MSP production editor since 2014, and currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky, with her husband Dennis, who is also a mathematician. She never planned on spending so many years in Kentucky, but has grown to love it there. She enjoys the great food, fantastic fireworks, and has been indoctrinated into the Big Blue Nation — Go Wildcats!
Erika Willaford

Erika A. Willaford joined MSP as a production editor in 2016. Erika grew some of the abilities she uses as a copyeditor from seeds planted by two strong women. The first of the two, her mother, introduced Erika to the joy of numbers. The second, a notoriously stern teacher in Erika's elementary school, taught Erika and her classmates the elements of English grammar in what was, even decades ago, an old-school style. Unlike many of her peers, Erika loved it.
Erika’s academic and professional career in mathematics led her
from her childhood home of Pennsylvania through northeast Ohio and northern Indiana (Go Irish!)
finally to the Pacific Northwest, where she has lived since 2007.
Erika enjoys hiking with her husband;
as of October 2016, they are roughly 2,600 miles short of completing the Pacific Crest Trail.
The two make faster progress buying and playing eurogames and deck-building games.
Erika also enjoys making vegetarian meals, homemade jokes and
bad puns. Erika also enjoys making vegetarian meals, homemade jokes,
and bad puns.
Chris Williams

MSP bibliographer Chris A. Williams (“Willie”) grew up in the hardscrabble suburbs of Detroit. He earned an English degree from Oakland University in 2002, and somehow decided that qualified him to start a record label. This is why his parents’ basement contains literally thousands of unsold CDs of his home recordings. In 2004, he came to his senses and landed in the copyediting room at Mathematical Reviews, where he learned LaTeX and developed a fascination with the odd perseverance of “notorious plagiarist” Dănuț Marcu. (The reviews of his publications on MathSciNet are seriously delightful.) Chris eventually moved to Maine to be with a gal he fell in love with online, marry her, and adopt a series of adorably goofy animals together. When he first started doing bibliography work for MSP in 2016, Silvio suggested he learn about Unix. Chris immediately baffled a local bookstore owner who thought he’d asked, “Do you have any instructional books about eunuchs?”
Chris is a chronic music geek, and co-hosts a podcast called Discord & Rhyme, on which he and his friends talk through their favorite albums, song by song. (If you ask Chris a question about practical knowledge like home maintenance or nutrition, a giant cartoon question mark will appear over his head and he'll feel a little scared. However, if you mention, say, the indie-rock band Yo La Tengo, I hope you've packed a lunch, because he will not stop yammering for hours.)