EditFlow® — Testimonials from Users
Happy editors are made by EditFlow
“Of all the journal management systems I’ve used as an administrator over the last 20 years, EditFlow is by far the best. The system’s software is constantly being improved and databases expertly maintained by a dedicated staff that is responsive to the needs of editors and the journals they support.”
Michael Collver
Editorial Assistant, Advances in Mathematics
and the Journal of Symplectic Geometry
“EditFlow is way better than any other platform — indeed, probably this is the best such software I have ever seen. What I really like about EditFlow is that it seems the designers really thought over what the users will need (which requires a great deal of empathy) and constructed the pages accordingly, so I can find anything immediately.”
András Stipsicz
Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Managing Editor, Geometry & Topology
“I agree that EditFlow is a DREAM. I love it, and use it in my editorial work for Advances in Mathematics.”
George E. Andrews
Penn State University
Editor, Advances in Mathematics
“When we took over as editors-in-chief of the Canadian Journal of Mathematics, we considered and test-drove several editorial systems before settling on EditFlow. We have been very happy with the choice we made. We find that the system is indeed easy to use, messages can be easily customized, an excellent database of potential referees makes the referee requests an easy task, and the terrific support staff allow us to troubleshoot any issue that arises, usually within hours.”
Louigi Addario-Berry
andEyal Goren
McGill University
Editors-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Mathematics
“Over the years, I have worked with several editorial systems, some used by for-profit publishers and some open-source. Forgotten passwords, layers of links, restricted ‘actions’ an editor/referee/author can take, cluttered interfaces, countless different login IDs for the same system because a new editor creates one for me as a referee each time there’s a new paper… and then I experienced EditFlow. It simply… flows!
“As an author, referee, and finally editor, I find this system extremely easy to use, easy to work with, self-explanatory, flexible, simple and most functional. Everything simply works. The links are simple, the actions that can be taken simply make sense, the language is straightforward and clear. To add a referee, one searches the database instead of creating yet another login for yet another paper to be reviewed by the same person (no more emails that say ‘if you have a log in, please click here; otherwise, here’s your new username…’). I can submit and record a contact update for anyone if I know a more recent email. I can quickly see what has been going on with a paper I can record email conversations if they happen to have taken place outside of the system.
“Really, EditFlow does simply flow. It does not interfere with my editorial work, as it shouldn’t; this system lets me do the work without thinking about the system I am using. EditFlow represents a model for how editorial systems should work.”
Sonja Petrović
Illinois Institute of Technology
Editor-in-Chief, Algebraic Statistics
“I like EditFlow a lot. It is, by far, the best editorial system I have tried.”
Rafael de la Llave
Georgia Institute of Technology
Editor, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A
and Forum of Mathematics, Pi and Sigma
“EditFlow is an extremely reliable and efficient software for a mathematical journal. It is backed by an alert, responsible, and talented team who can adapt the software to the practices of any particular journal, even as these practices evolve in time. Its database of possible referees and their up-to-date addresses is a great asset. I would recommend the use of EditFlow to any journal without any hesitation.”
Duong H. Phong
Columbia University
Editor-in-Chief, Mathematical Research Letters
“EditFlow is the best online journal management tool out there. As a managing editor of AGT, I find that EditFlow makes keeping track of papers and communicating with editors fast and easy. Its automatic reminders to editors concerning deadlines is invaluable in making sure papers are handled in a timely fashion. I also appreciate EditFlow as an author and referee. EditFlow for paper submissions and the refereeing of papers is far superior to other paper management systems. I especially like not having to create a new account or remember a password when I want to submit a paper or when a journal asks me to referee for them.”
John Etnyre
Georgia Institute of Technology
Managing Editor, Algebraic & Geometric Topology
“I became familiar with EditFlow during my years as editor of the Proceedings AMS, and also as the author at several other journals. In my opinion, it is a substantially more convenient and user-friendly program for all (authors, editors, reviewers, …) than the other editorial programs I am familiar with.”
Franc Forstnerič
University of Ljubljana
Editor, Proceedings of the AMS, 2009–2017
Editor, International Journal of Mathematics, 2004–
“EditFlow is very easy to use and contains everything needed for editing. There’s no need for external records and the workflows are completely transparent. It’s an excellent system.”
Peter Jørgensen
Newcastle University
Editorial Adviser, Bulletin, Journal and Proceedings of the LMS
“EditFlow is a powerful system with an intuitive design. It not only makes editors’ jobs manageable, but also encourages communication between editors in a way that leads to better decision-making.”
Bjorn Poonen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Managing Editor, Algebra & Number Theory
“Staff and mathematicians at the LMS looked at several companies to provide an online submission and paper-management system. We were struck by MSP’s unique expertise in understanding the needs of editors and authors on mathematics journals and the reasonable price. Since the move to EditFlow in mid-2011, the service provided by the MSP staff has been first class.”
Susan Hezlet
former Publisher, London Mathematical Society
“As one of the chief editors of AGT since it was founded, I have lots of experience working both without and with EditFlow. Our work definitely became much easier after it was introduced. Even more importantly, it has made it much less likely that a paper ‘falls through the cracks’ and gets overlooked for any period of time.”
Bob Oliver
Université Paris 13
former Managing Editor, Algebraic & Geometric Topology
“What I liked so much about EditFlow is that I could use it straight off, without having to consult a manual. It was intuitive. I am now [2012] an editor of two journals which do not use EditFlow, very much to my regret.”
Andrew Ranicki
University of Edinburgh
former Editor, Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Contact us
Send us an email and we’ll be happy to offer you a tour of EditFlow, or set up a demo instance to try it yourself.