Equitable Free and Discounted
Access to Our Journals

In pur­suit of our mis­sion, MSP is work­ing to make our con­tent more ac­cess­ible to re­search­ers and in­sti­tu­tions with smal­ler budgets through the fol­low­ing pro­grams.

In­sti­tu­tions eli­gible for more than one pro­gram may take ad­vant­age of any or all op­tions open to them (ex­cept if not per­mit­ted by our pro­gram part­ners).

Open access through the Subscribe to Open model  

We are ex­cited to have found an open-ac­cess mod­el that is equit­able and makes sense for math­em­at­ics. Start­ing with 2023, we are ad­opt­ing the Sub­scribe to Open mod­el for these journ­als:

Each year, if enough sub­scribers con­tin­ue to sup­port the journ­al, that year’s art­icles will be pub­lished open ac­cess — free to read by every­one and with no au­thor charges. Read more about it here.

Free access for US Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Since 2021, MSP of­fers free per­petu­al elec­tron­ic ac­cess to MSP-owned journ­als for ac­cred­ited His­tor­ic­ally Black Col­leges and Uni­versit­ies (HB­CUs) in the United States. To re­quest an Equity in Edu­ca­tion sub­scrip­tion as an ac­cred­ited HB­CU, please con­tact us or email con­tact@msp.org and note that your in­sti­tu­tion is an HB­CU. The list of avail­able journ­als is sub­ject to change and will be spe­cified on the li­cense form.

Free access for Research4Life’s group A and B countries

Since 2022, MSP provides free ac­cess to our journ­als through Re­search4Life. In­sti­tu­tions be­long­ing to the coun­tries lis­ted in R4L’s groups A or B may re­gister with Re­search4Life to ob­tain free ac­cess to MSP con­tent.

The list of journ­als avail­able through R4L is sub­ject to change and can be seen on the MSP page at Re­search4Life.

Free access in developing countries through EIFL

Since 2020, MSP provides free ac­cess to MSP’s journ­als through EIFL. This is avail­able to lib­rar­ies in these 29 coun­tries: Al­bania, Ar­menia, Congo (Demo­crat­ic Re­pub­lic), Ethiopia, Fiji, Geor­gia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyz­stan, Laos, Leso­tho, Malawi, Mal­dives, Mol­dova, My­an­mar, Nam­i­bia, Nepal, North Mace­do­nia, Palestine, Seneg­al, Su­dan, Tan­zania, Ukraine, Uganda, Uzbek­istan, Zam­bia, Zi­m­b­ab­we.

In­ter­ested lib­rar­ies should com­plete the li­cence ac­cept­ance form which they can ob­tain from the EIFL Li­cens­ing Co­ordin­at­or in their coun­try. Elec­tron­ic In­form­a­tion for Lib­rar­ies (EIFL) is a not-for-profit or­gan­iz­a­tion that works with lib­rar­ies to en­able ac­cess to know­ledge in de­vel­op­ing and trans­ition eco­nomy coun­tries in Africa, Asia Pa­cific, Europe and Lat­in Amer­ica.

The list of journ­als avail­able through EIFL is sub­ject to change and will be spe­cified on the li­cense form.

Discounted package for countries of lower-middle and low income

Since 2020, MSP has offered a nearly 50% dis­count on the elec­tron­ic sub­scrip­tion to the stand­ard MSP Pack­age to in­sti­tu­tions in coun­tries of lower-middle and low in­come (as clas­si­fied by the World Bank). This is lis­ted as the LMI price on our price list.

To take ad­vant­age of this dis­count, please con­tact us or email con­tact@msp.org and re­quest an in­voice for an LMI sub­scrip­tion to the MSP pack­age. (For in­sti­tu­tions in In­dia, please note that MSP’s ex­clus­ive dis­trib­ut­or is Hindus­tan Book Agency.)

Tiered Pricing

Since 2022, MSP has im­ple­men­ted tiered pri­cing for its journ­al sub­scrip­tions. In­sti­tu­tions who are not in Carne­gie group R1 (in­sti­tu­tions of very high re­search activ­ity) or who have a Shang­hai rank be­low 500 will be offered a lower price. See here for a com­plete de­scrip­tion and an ex­plan­a­tion.