Subscription Price Tiers

Start­ing with 2022, mind­ful of the hard­ships still faced by many in­sti­tu­tions, and wish­ing that our prices to be equit­able and fair, we have in­tro­duced a pri­cing scheme that aims to be ap­pro­pri­ate to an in­sti­tu­tion's size, need and likely us­age.

In­sti­tu­tions who are not in the US Carne­gie group R1 (doc­tor­al in­sti­tu­tions of very high re­search activ­ity), or who have a Shang­hai rank be­low 500 (but are not re­search in­sti­tutes, etc.) will be offered a lower price.

For the 2025 sub­scrip­tion year on­wards:

In­sti­tu­tions who are not lis­ted in either rank­ing or are in doubt should con­tact MSP for a price quote. Re­search in­sti­tutes usu­ally clas­si­fy as Tier 1. Re­new­al in­voices for cur­rent sub­scribers will list the ap­pro­pri­ate tier.

Download the Price List for 2025  (PDF)  
Download the Price List for 2025  (XLSX)