Publishing & Hosting Services

For Publishers, Editorial Boards and Societies

We love to share our ex­pert­ise and soft­ware with ed­it­or­i­al boards, schol­arly so­ci­et­ies, and pub­lish­ers whose mis­sions are com­pat­ible with ours. We of­fer sub­scrip­tion man­age­ment, as well as journ­al, book and web­site pro­duc­tion and host­ing ser­vices.

Journal Production  


We of­fer full high-qual­ity pro­duc­tion ser­vices, tak­ing an art­icle from source to print­er, web­site and sub­scriber. Journ­als pub­lished or handled by MSP are sub­ject to a rig­or­ous pro­duc­tion pro­cess, from the mo­ment of ac­cept­ance through to pub­lic­a­tion and dis­sem­in­a­tion. Click here to learn more, or con­tact us to dis­cuss your pro­ject.

MSP has provided the best-ed­ited and best-priced pro­duc­tion in PJM’s 60-year his­tory. MSP has be­come an im­port­ant re­source for the math­em­at­ic­al com­munity.

Robert F. Brown  (Pres­id­ent, Pa­cific Journ­al of Math­em­at­ics)


Ed­it­Flow is a soft­ware ser­vice for man­aging the sub­mis­sion and peer-re­view work­flows of re­search journ­als, greatly favored by math­em­aticians. Read more about it here.

Open-Access Proceedings and Monographs

Our open-ac­cess series of pro­ceed­ings and mono­graphs, the Open Book Series™, wel­comes pro­pos­als for new volumes. If ac­cep­ted, MSP will pub­lish the volume at our high pro­duc­tion stand­ard, of­fer it freely avail­able on­line, and make pa­per cop­ies avail­able through print-on-de­mand. As these volumes are made avail­able free on the web, their pro­duc­tion must be fun­ded from oth­er sources. Con­tact us to dis­cuss your pro­pos­al and our pri­cing.