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Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences Pub­lish­ers
2000 All­ston Way # 59
Berke­ley CA 94701-4004

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Use this form to re­quest pri­cing in­form­a­tion for a journ­al or pack­age sub­scrip­tion. We’ll look at your lib­rary and or­der in­form­a­tion, and get in touch with a quote by email.

Journal recommendation form  

Wheth­er you want to gain ac­cess to an MSP journ­al, or you just want to make sure your lib­rary doesn't can­cel an ex­ist­ing sub­scrip­tion, fill out this form and we'll make sure your re­com­mend­a­tion reaches your in­sti­tu­tion­al lib­rar­i­an.

Books order form  

You can use this books or­der form to pro­duce a filled-out form that you can print and mail to us with your pay­ment.

Report access problems  

Use this form to re­port prob­lems ac­cess­ing elec­tron­ic con­tent to which you’re sub­scrib­ing.

Claim a lost or damaged issue  

Use this form to claim a prin­ted is­sue of a journ­al that has not reached you, or has reached you dam­aged.

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If you want to re­ceive price lists as soon as they are avail­able, or if you’re in­ter­ested in any oth­er com­mu­nic­a­tions from us, please let us know.

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