

Highly se­lect­ive journ­als, show­cas­ing your art­icles with the best edit­ing and type­set­ting in the in­dustry.

Book series  

Open-ac­cess con­fer­ence pro­ceed­ings.

Celebratio Mathematica  

A cel­eb­ra­tion of math­em­at­ic­al lives and works.


Books Series  

Web Publications  

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Journal subscription order form  

You can use this sub­scrip­tions or­der form to pro­duce a filled-out form that you can print and mail to us with your pay­ment. Our journ­als are, of course, also avail­able through EB­SCO and oth­er sub­scrip­tion agents.

Books order form  

You can use this books or­der form to pro­duce a filled-out form that you can print and mail to us with your pay­ment.

Publishing Your Journal with MSP

Since we aim to help achieve ef­fi­ciency and ex­cel­lence for sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing in gen­er­al, we’re glad to share our ex­pert­ise and soft­ware. To find out more, please read about our pub­lish­ing ser­vices and soft­ware.

Testimonials from authors  
Testimonials from EditFlow users