About MSP

nonprofit publishing, by and for mathematicians

MSP (Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences Pub­lish­ers) is fo­cused on de­vel­op­ing soft­ware for pub­lish­ing, and on as­sist­ing and cre­at­ing top-level sci­entif­ic-re­search pub­lic­a­tions. We pub­lish about 25,000 re­search pages per year, and we strive to of­fer the highest qual­ity at the low­est sus­tain­able prices.

We are a schol­ar-led non­profit pub­lish­er. Without share­hold­ers to pay or a so­ci­ety to fund, MSP keeps every dol­lar it earns in­ves­ted in our mis­sion: to serve the math com­munity through high-qual­ity pub­lish­ing at low prices, and help oth­ers do the same. Every page we pub­lish is a page con­trolled by the math com­munity, not a large com­mer­cial in­terest.

Satisfied authors  
Satisfied users  

Not for Profit

We are a non­profit 501(c)(3) tax-ex­empt cor­por­a­tion, based in Ber­ke­ley, Cali­for­nia. Sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing should be an in­dustry that helps rather than hinders schol­arly activ­ity. High-qual­ity re­search de­mands high-qual­ity com­mu­nic­a­tion — widely, rap­idly and eas­ily ac­cess­ible to all — and MSP works to fa­cil­it­ate it.

Our mission:  sustaining trusted streams of knowledge  
Equitable free and discounted access  

Top-Quality Publishing

We pub­lish sci­entif­ic and re­search lit­er­at­ure of the high­est qual­ity at the low­est sus­tain­able prices, cov­er­ing math­em­at­ics and oth­er se­lec­ted fields. Our out­stand­ing ed­it­or­i­al boards and highly se­lect­ive peer-re­view work­flows guar­an­tee the im­pact of the art­icles we pub­lish.

Top-level re­search de­serves top-level pro­duc­tion: we provide the highest qual­ity of math­em­at­ic­ally lit­er­ate copy­ed­it­ing in the in­dustry. Pa­pers are ed­ited for gram­mar, con­sist­ency, and clar­ity of ex­pos­i­tion, with the math­em­at­ics laid out at high type­set­ting stand­ards.

For authors:  policies  
MSP’s thoughts and approach to open access  
Statement on publishing ethics  


Our ded­ic­a­tion to qual­ity is com­ple­men­ted by our bold use of auto­ma­tion and soft­ware de­vel­op­ment, to re­duce the costs and in­crease the ef­fi­ciency of sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing.

EditFlow® — journal management made easy  

Giving Back

We’re glad to share our ex­pert­ise and soft­ware with ed­it­or­i­al boards, scho­l­ar­ly so­ci­­et­ies, and pub­lish­ers whose mis­sions are com­pat­ible with ours. MSP of­fers pub­lish­ing ser­vices: su­per­i­or journ­al, pro­ceed­ings and web­site pro­duc­tion and host­ing ser­vices, as well as a suc­cess­ful soft­ware ser­vice, Ed­it­Flow, for man­aging the ed­it­or­i­al work­flows of re­search journ­als.

News about MSP  

Board of Directors  


Our work culture  
Work opportunities at MSP