About MSP
nonprofit publishing, by and for mathematicians
MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers) is focused on developing software for publishing, and on assisting and creating top-level scientific-research publications. We publish about 25,000 research pages per year, and we strive to offer the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices.
We are a scholar-led nonprofit publisher. Without shareholders to pay or a society to fund, MSP keeps every dollar it earns invested in our mission: to serve the math community through high-quality publishing at low prices, and help others do the same. Every page we publish is a page controlled by the math community, not a large commercial interest.
Satisfied authors
Satisfied users
Not for Profit
We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation, based in Berkeley, California. Scientific publishing should be an industry that helps rather than hinders scholarly activity. High-quality research demands high-quality communication — widely, rapidly and easily accessible to all — and MSP works to facilitate it.
Our mission: sustaining trusted streams of knowledge
Equitable free and discounted access
Top-Quality Publishing
We publish scientific and research literature of the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices, covering mathematics and other selected fields. Our outstanding editorial boards and highly selective peer-review workflows guarantee the impact of the articles we publish.
Top-level research deserves top-level production: we provide the highest quality of mathematically literate copyediting in the industry. Papers are edited for grammar, consistency, and clarity of exposition, with the mathematics laid out at high typesetting standards.
For authors: policies
MSP’s thoughts and approach to open access
Statement on publishing ethics
Our dedication to quality is complemented by our bold use of automation and software development, to reduce the costs and increase the efficiency of scientific publishing.
EditFlow® — journal management made easy
Giving Back
We’re glad to share our expertise and software with editorial boards, scholarly societies, and publishers whose missions are compatible with ours. MSP offers publishing services: superior journal, proceedings and website production and hosting services, as well as a successful software service, EditFlow, for managing the editorial workflows of research journals.
News about MSP
Board of Directors
- Paul Balmer
- Gérard Besson
- Richard Gedye
- Susan Hezlet
- Rob Kirby (founder)
- Rafe Mazzeo
- John Sack
- Ted Slaman
- Kannan Soundararajan (chair)
- Abby Thompson (treasurer)
- Paul Vojta (secretary)
- Carol Wood
- Lexing Ying
- Maciej Zworski
- Heather Armstrong
- Ian Barnett
- John Bourke (senior editor)
- Zara Chastain (data manager)
- Ravi Cho
- Ramsay Dyer
- Marc Ethier
- Sunny Fawcett
- Joseph Flenner
- Logan Fox
- Derek Habermas (promotion+outreach manager)
- Conall Hegarty
- Morgan Johnson (marketing communications manager)
- Madissen Kenny
- Silvio Levy (director of publishing)
- Cass Livine (lead software engineer)
- Sikimeti Ma’u
- Emily Monge (senior data-integrity specialist)
- Sheila Newbery (managing editor, Celebratio Mathematica)
- Emmy Pierce (director of outreach)
- Qutub Sajib
- Alex Scorpan (executive director)
- Adam Towsley
- Matthew Tucker-Simmons (senior software engineer)
- Elizabeth Weaver (senior editor)
- Erika Willaford
- Chris Williams
and others.