Abashev, Dmitry
Refine the Plasticity Theory for Modeling of Monotonic and Cyclic Loading Processes
The thermoplasticity theory for modeling of cyclic nonisothermic loading processes
Abbasi, Mostafa
Exact closed-form solution of the dynamic coupled thermoelastic response of a functionally graded Timoshenko beam
Abdelmoula, Radhi
Analysis of crack path instabilities in a quenched glass plate using the phase-field cohesive zone model
Study of thermal shock cracking in thin plate specimens using a gradient damage model
Abdeloumah, Radhi
A surface crack in a graded coating bonded to a homogeneous substrate under general loading conditions
Abdulsada, Shaymaa Abbas
Evaluation of mechanical behavior of Al6092/SiCp metal matrix composites under different conditions
Abed, Farid
Buckling of two-phase inhomogeneous columns at arbitrary phase contrasts and volume fractions
Abid, Said
A finite element for the dynamic analysis of a helical spring
Aboudi, Jacob
A nonlinear micromechanical model for progressive damage of vertebral trabecular bones
Finite strain micromechanical analysis for thermo-elasto-plastic multiphase materials
Finite strain micromechanical modeling of thermoviscoelastic matrix composites
Two-way thermomechanically coupled micromechanical analysis of shape memory alloy composites
Abouelregal, Ahmed
The effect of variability thermal conductivity on an infinite fiber-reinforced thick plate under initial stress
Abousleiman, Younane
Poromechanics response of an inclined borehole subject to in-situ stress and finite length fluid discharge
Abramovich, Haim
Buckling and postbuckling behavior of laminated composite stringer stiffened curved panels under axial compression: Experiments and design guidelines
Abu-Salih, Samy
Analysis of the electromechanical buckling of a pre-stressed micro beam that is bonded to an elastic foundation
Consistent explicit formulation for adiabatic thermal softening of Johnson-Cook model with improved numerical stability for implicit solver
Abzalilov, Damir
Approximal conformal mappings and elasticity problems for noncircular tubes
Acharya, Amit
Modeling dislocation sources and size effects at initial yield in continuum plasticity
Achenbach, Jan
Acoustic emission from a surface-breaking crack in a layer under cyclic loading
Adali, Sarp
Analytical solutions to buckling analysis of sandwich composite plates with uncertain material properties and dimensions
Adams, Daniel
Energy absorption of a helicoidal bistable structure
Adeeb, Samer
Adıyaman, Gökhan
A study on the contact problem of a layer consisting of functionally graded material (FGM) in the presence of body force
Afaq, K.
A new model to predict the behavior with the interfaces of multilayer structures
Afferrante, Luciano
Corrugation models and the roaring rails enigma: a simple analytical contact mechanics model based on a perturbation of Carter’s solution
Aghaeifar, Alireza
Genetic Programming and Orthogonal Least Squares: A Hybrid Approach to Compressive Strength of CFRP Confined Concrete Cylinders Modeling
Aghdam, Mohamad
A generalized plane strain meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method for the micromechanics of thermomechanical loading of composites
A semi-analytical solution for bending of clamped laminated doubly-curved/spherical panels
Bending analysis of laminated cylindrical panels with various boundary conditions using differential cubature method
Micromechanical analysis of unidirectional composites using a Least-squares based differential quadrature element method
Aglan, Heshmat
Fracture and fatigue crack growth analysis of rail steels
Mechanical and fracture analysis of welded pearlitic rail steels
Aguiar, Adair
A study of penalty formulations used in the numerical approximation of a radially symmetric elasticity problem
Dispersion relations for SH waves on a magneto-electro-elastic heterostructure with imperfect interfaces
Aguilar, Cesar
Density Measurements in a Supersonic Jet
Ahmadi, Isa
A generalized plane strain meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method for the micromechanics of thermomechanical loading of composites
Ahmadian, Mohammad
Analysis of pull-in instability of electrostatically actuated carbon nanotubes using the homotopy perturbation method
Ahmed, Khondaker
A pull-out model for perfectly bonded carbon nanotube in polymer composites
Ahmed, S. Reaz
Displacement potential based numerical solution of orthotropic composite panels under end moment and shear loading
Ahzi, Saïd
An asymptotic method for the prediction of the anisotropic effective elastic properties of the cortical vein – superior sagital sinus junction embedded within a homogenized cell element
Composite modeling for the effective elastic properties of semi-crystalline
Aita, Danila
Studying the dome of Pisa Cathedral via a modern reinterpretation of Durand-Claye's method
Akhtar, Naved
Applications of modified Dugdale model to multiple collinear straight cracks with coalesced yield zones
Akrout, Ali
Edge stiffness effects on thin-film laminated double glazing system dynamical behavior by the operational modal analysis
Aksoylu, Burak
Fast Fourier transform-based solutions of initial value problems for wave propagation in microelastic media
Nonlocal problems with local Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
Alavi, Amir Hossein
Genetic Programming and Orthogonal Least Squares: A Hybrid Approach to Compressive Strength of CFRP Confined Concrete Cylinders Modeling
Albuerne, Alejandra
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of Masonry Circular Arches with Non-Negligible Tensile Capacity
Aldadah, Mohammed
Buckling of two-phase inhomogeneous columns at arbitrary phase contrasts and volume fractions
Alecci, Valerio
Numerical homogenization techniques for the evaluation of mechanical behavior of a composite with SMA inclusions
Alfredsson, K. Svante
Flexure of Beams with an Interlayer - Symmetric Beams with Orthotropic Adherends
Ali, Adham
The role of rheology in modelling elastic waves with gas bubbles in granular fluid-saturated media
Ali, Hunar
Development of fracture mechanics model of beam retrofitted with cfrp plate subjected to cyclic loading
Ali, Majid
Dynamic response of interlocking plastic-block wall with opening
Aliabadi, M. H.
Nonlinear buckling formulations and imperfection models for shear deformable plates by the boundary element method
Alinaghian, Iman
Numerical and experimental study on incremental forming process of Al/Cu bimetals: influence of process parameters on the forming force, dimensional accuracy and thickness variations
Allahdadi, F.
Shock-induced detonation of high explosives by high velocity impact
Allie, Aldinton
Mechanical and fracture analysis of welded pearlitic rail steels
Alotaibi, Abdullah
Multi-region Trefftz collocation grains (MTCGs) for modeling piezoelectric composite and porous materials in direct and inverse problems
Althobaiti, Ali
Localized bulging of rotating elastic cylinders and tubes
Althobaiti, Saad
Explicit model for bending edge wave on an elastic orthotropic plate supported by the Winkler-Fuss foundation
Alvarado, José
Density Measurements in a Supersonic Jet
Amar, Micol
Stability and memory effects in a homogenized model governing the electrical conduction in biological tissues
Ambrósio, Jorge
Optimization of a satellite with composite materials
Ambur, Damodar
A Macroscopic Model for Kink Banding
Three-dimensional nonlinear analyses of scarf repair in composite laminates and sandwich panels
Amini, Mahmoud
Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Compressive Response of Single and Hex-arrayed Aluminum Tubes
Amiot, Fabien
A model for chemically induced mechanical loading on MEMS
Amirova, Svetlana
The influence of an initial simple shear deformation on long-wave motion in an elastic layer
An, Ni
Dynamic facture behavior in functionally graded piezoelectric bi-materials with interfacial cracks emanating from a circular cavity
Andrade von Hillebrandt, Carlos Gerardo
Extreme Cosserat elastic cube structure with large magnitude of negative Poisson's ratio
Andreucci, Daniele
Stability and memory effects in a homogenized model governing the electrical conduction in biological tissues
Andrieux, Stéphane
The reciprocity likelihood maximization : a variational approach of the reciprocity gap method
Ang, Kok
A pull-out model for perfectly bonded carbon nanotube in polymer composites
Angelillo, Maurizio
Seismic vulnerability of domes: a case study
Aniket, [only one name]
A state-of-art review on the mechanical performance of basalt textile reinforced concrete (BTRC)
Ansari, Reza
A nonlinear Timoshenko beam formulation based on a strain gradient theory
Buckling and postbuckling behavior of functionally graded timoshenko microbeams based on the strain gradient theory
Antinucci, Emilio
Dynamic buckling of impulsively loaded prismatic cores
Antoniadis, Ioannis
Morphological processing of principal orthogonal modes for crack detection in beam structures
Apetre, Nicole
A wave-based damage index for the analysis of the filtered response of damaged beams
Perturbation technique for wave propagation analysis in a notched beam using wavelet spectral element modeling
Arani, A.
Electro-thermo-mechanical behaviors of a radially polarized rotating functionally graded piezoelectric cylinder
Arcaro, Vinicius
A Finite Element for Form-Finding and Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures
Tensegrity structures and Maxwell's rules revisited
Arif, Muhammad
Characterization of CNT Properties using Space-frame Structure
Ariza Moreno, Maria
Stability of discrete topological defects in graphene
Arjmandi, Parvin
Genetic Programming and Orthogonal Least Squares: A Hybrid Approach to Compressive Strength of CFRP Confined Concrete Cylinders Modeling
Arjomandi, Kaveh
Elastic Buckling Capacity of Bonded and Unbounded Sandwich Pipes under External Hydrostatic Pressure
Arvanitakis, Antonios
A regularized level-set approach to the computation of brittle fracture in solids
Asadi, Ebrahim
Analysis of multiple axisymmetric annular cracks
Atabakhshian, Vahid
Electro-thermo-mechanical behaviors of a radially polarized rotating functionally graded piezoelectric cylinder
Atai, Ali
Transient elastic-viscoplastic dynamics of thin sheets
Athanasiou, Kyriacos
Micromechanical properties of chondrocytes and chondrons: relevance to articular cartilage tissue engineering
Atluri, Satya
A new meshless Fragile Points Method (FPM) with minimum unknowns at each point, for flexoelectric analysis under two theories with crack propagation. Part I: Theory and implementation
A new meshless Fragile Points Method (FPM) with minimum unknowns at each point, for flexoelectric analysis under two theories with crack propagation. Part II: Validation and discussion
Multi-region Trefftz collocation grains (MTCGs) for modeling piezoelectric composite and porous materials in direct and inverse problems
Nearly exact and highly efficient elastic-plastic homogenization and/or direct numerical simulation of low-mass metallic systems with architected cellular microstructures
Solutions of the von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n plate equations by a Galerkin method, without inverting the tangent stiffness matrix
Three-dimensional (3d) Trefftz computational grains (tcgs) for the micromechanical modeling of heterogeneous media with coated spherical inclusions
Attard, Thomas
Application and Design of Lead-Core Base Isolation for Reducing Structural Demands in Short Stiff and Tall Steel Buildings and Highway Bridges Subjected to Near-Field Ground Motions
Evolutionary control of structurally-damaged steel buildings using an optimal state transition formulation
Atwa, Sarhan
Effect of initial stress on a microstretch thermoelastic medium immersed in an infinite inviscid fluid with two models
Auricchio, Ferdinando
A new modeling approach for planar beams: mixed variational derivations, analytical and finite-element solutions
Avachat, Siddharth
Response of submerged metallic sandwich structures to underwater impulsive loads
Avazmohammadi, Reza
Size-dependent free vibration analysis of infinite nanotubes using elasticity theory
Avilés Cetina, Francis
Failure Investigation of Debonded Sandwich Columns: An Experimental and Numerical Study
Hierarchical multiscale modeling of the effect of carbon nanotube damage on the elastic properties of polymer composites
Awrejcewicz, Jan
Geometrical Analysis of a Double Physical Pendulum Dynamics
Ayatollahi, Mojtaba
Analysis of multiple axisymmetric annular cracks
Aydogdu, Metin
Plane strain polar elasticity of fibre reinforced functionally graded materials and structures
Ayob, Amran
Flexural behavior of functionally graded slender beams with complex cross-section
Azadi Borujeni, Bijan
Finite element simulation of strain-rate effects on localized unstable pseudoelastic response of shape memory alloys
Aznar López, Antonio
Cracking of masonry arches with great deformations. A new equilibrium approach