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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – B
Babaei, Hashem
Analytical Study of Plastic Deformation of Clamped Circular Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading
Babouskos, Nick
Nonlinear flutter instability of thin damped plates, an AEM solution
Babu M. C., Lenin
Multi-Objective Optimization of Laminated Composite Plate with Elliptical Cut-out Using ANN based NSGA-II
Băeşu, Eveline
Quantitative Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Cell Membranes: An Exact Solution
Baez, Elsa
Natural convection fluid flow and heat transfer in porous media
Bahamonde, Sebastian
Geometrically nonlinear Cosserat elasticity in the plane: applications to chirality
Bahlouli, Nadia
Composite modeling for the effective elastic properties of semi-crystalline
Bai, Hao
Generalized thermoelastic waves in cylinders due to localized heating
Bainum, Peter
Active control schemes based on the linearized Tschauner-Hempel Equations to maintain the separation distance constraints for the NASA benchmark Tetrahedron Constellation
Deployment procedure for the Tetrahedron Constellation
Baiz Villafranca, Pedro
Linear buckling analysis of cracked plates by SFEM and XFEM
Bala, Kiran
Reflection of P and SV waves from the free surface of a two-temperature thermoelatic solid half-space
Balasubramaniam, Vivekanandam
Novel Kuhn-Tucker conditions with R-program to analyze the buckling of a functionally graded porous beam
Balduzzi, Giuseppe
A new modeling approach for planar beams: mixed variational derivations, analytical and finite-element solutions
Banerjee, Biswajit
An extended mechanical threshold stress plasticity model. I Modelling 6061-T6 Aluminum alloy
Baranger, Emmanuel
Efficient damage simulations under material uncertainties in a weakly-intrusive implementation
Baranova, Svetlana
Case study of the Bövik-Benveniste methodology for imperfect interface modeling of two-dimensional elasticity problems with thin layers
Barbieri, Nilson
Parameters estimation of a three-layered sandwich beam
Barbieri, Renato
Parameters estimation of a three-layered sandwich beam
Bardella, Lorenzo
Reliability of first-order shear deformation models for sandwich beams
Bardushkin, Vladimir
Predictive modelling of mechanical properties of metal filled anodic aluminium oxide
Bargmann, Swantje
Fully periodic RVEs for technological relevant composites: not worth the effort!
Barik, Manoranjan
Dynamic response of stiffened plates under moving loads and masses
Barik, Sakti Barik
Effect of nonhomogeneity on the contact of an isotropic half-space and a rigid
Barretta, Raffaele
Nonlinear theory of shells as foliations of submanifolds
Barros, Marcelo
Dynamical characterization of mixed fractal structures
Barsotti, Riccardo
Studying the dome of Pisa Cathedral via a modern reinterpretation of Durand-Claye's method
Barut, Atila
Stress and buckling analyses of laminates with a cutout using a {3,0}- plate theory
Basak, Prasanta
Semi-infinite moving crack in a shear-free orthotropic strip
Bassom, Andrew
Conditions for the localization of plastic deformation in temperature sensitive visco-plastic materials
Basu, Shiladitya
Batista, Milan
Large deflections and stability of spring-hinged cantilever beam
Baumgartner, Daniel
An asymptotic method for the prediction of the anisotropic effective elastic properties of the cortical vein – superior sagital sinus junction embedded within a homogenized cell element
Baweja, Daksh
Influence of vehicular positions and thermal effects on structural behaviour of concrete pavement
Bayat, Mohammad
Micromechanical analysis of unidirectional composites using a Least-squares based differential quadrature element method
Bayly, Philip
A poroelastic model for cell crawling including mechanical coupling between cytoskeletal contraction and actin polymerization
Beaupré, Gary
Transverse and torsional shear stresses in prismatic bodies having inhomogeneous material properties using a new 2D stress function
Behera, Laxmi
Static analysis of nanobeams using Rayleigh-Ritz method
Bellaili, Amine
Using a CZM and XFEM technique to predict the damage of aluminum notched reinforced with composite patch
Bellenger, Emmanuel
Thermomechanical modelling of friction effects in granular flow using the discrete element method
Bellizzi, Sergio
Analysis of non-stationary random processes using smooth decomposition
Belouettar, Salim
Composite modeling for the effective elastic properties of semi-crystalline
Ben Mekki, Othman
A hysteretic Bingham model for MR dampers to control cable vibrations
Ben-Aarosh, Stav
Micro and macro crack sensing in TRC beam under cyclic loading
Ben-Dor, Gabi
Effect of air gaps on ballistic resistance of ductile shields perforated by non-conical impactors
Effect of the order of plates on the ballistic resistance of ductile layered shields perforated by non-conical impactors
Empirical models for predicting protective properties of concrete shields against high-speed impact
Optimization of penetration into geological and concrete shields by impactor with jet thruster
Benali, Salwa
Performance and efficiency of composite shafts supported by active magnetic bearings
Benallal, Ahmed
Effects of specimen geometry on the characteristics of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect due to dynamic strain aging for AA5083-H116 aluminium alloy
Beni, Yaghoub
The effect of small scale on the free vibration of functionally graded truncated conical shells
Bennati, Stefano
Studying the dome of Pisa Cathedral via a modern reinterpretation of Durand-Claye's method
Benzaama, Habib
Using a CZM and XFEM technique to predict the damage of aluminum notched reinforced with composite patch
Berezovski, Arkadi
Internal structures and internal variables in solids
Bergamasco, Immacolata
A no-tension analysis for a brick masonry vault with lunette
Berger, Harald
A dispersive nonlocal model for wave propagation in periodic composites
Evaluation of effective material properties of rendomly distributed short cylindrical fiber composites using a numerical homogenization technique
Berggreen, Christian
Failure Investigation of Debonded Sandwich Columns: An Experimental and Numerical Study
Bernal Valenzuela, Roberto
The mechanics of tip growth morphogenesis: what we have learned from rubber balloons
Bertocchi, Enrico
Shaft-hub press fit subjected to couples and radial forces: analytical evaluation of the shaft-hub detachment loading
Bertolino, Gratiela
Numerical exploration of the Dang Van high cycle fatigue criterion: application to gradient effects
Beskos, Dimitri
Direct damage controlled design of plane steel moment resisting frames using static inelastic analysis
Bespalova, Elena
Vibrations of highly inhomogeneous shells of revolution under static loading
Bésuelle, Pierre
Switching mode of deformation in post-localization solutions with a quasi brittle material
Betti, Michele
A no-tension analysis for a brick masonry vault with lunette
Bevilacqua, Luiz
Dynamical characterization of mixed fractal structures
Beyerlein, Irene
Statistical strength of a twisted fiber bundle: an extension of daniels equal-load-sharing parallel bundle theory
Statistical Strength of Twisted Fiber Bundles with Load Sharing Controlled by Frictional Length Scales
Bhawalkar, Anup
An extended mechanical threshold stress plasticity model. I Modelling 6061-T6 Aluminum alloy
Bigdeli, Kasra
A semi-analytical solution for bending of clamped laminated doubly-curved/spherical panels
Bigoni, Davide
Long wavelength bifurcations and multiple neutral axes of elastic layered structures subject to finite bending
Biju, B
Dynamic behavior of magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminate cylindrical shells due to electromagnetic force
Bilir Özhan, Hacer
Mechanical behavior of brick masonry panels under uniaxial compression
Birinci, Ahmet
A study on the contact problem of a layer consisting of functionally graded material (FGM) in the presence of body force
Continuous contact problem for two elastic layers resting on an elastic half-infinite plane
Solution of a receding contact problem using an analytical method and a finite element method
Birman, Victor
Effect of elastic or shape memory alloy particles on the properties of fiber-reinforced composites
Bisegna, Paolo
Stability and memory effects in a homogenized model governing the electrical conduction in biological tissues
Bishay, Peter
Multi-region Trefftz collocation grains (MTCGs) for modeling piezoelectric composite and porous materials in direct and inverse problems
Blackmore, Denis
Tapping dynamics for a column of particles and beyond
Blaszczyk, Tomasz
Analytical and numerical solution of the fractional Euler-Bernoulli beam equation
Block, Joseph
Periodic contact problems in plane elasticity
Boehmer, Christian
Geometrically nonlinear Cosserat elasticity in the plane: applications to chirality
Bogetti, T.
Flexure of Beams with an Interlayer - Symmetric Beams with Orthotropic Adherends
Bondar, Valentin
Refine the Plasticity Theory for Modeling of Monotonic and Cyclic Loading Processes
The thermoplasticity theory for modeling of cyclic nonisothermic loading processes
Bordas, Stéphane
Linear buckling analysis of cracked plates by SFEM and XFEM
Borodich, Feodor
Book Review B.F. Shorr ‘Thermal Integrity in Mechanics and Engineering’, Springer, 2015.
Borvik, Tore
Protection performance of double-layered metal shields against projectile impact
Boström, Anders
Elastic SH wave propagation in a layered anisotropic plate with periodic interface cracks: exact versus spring boundary conditions
Bottega, William
Effects of transverse shear deformation on thermomechanical instabilities in patched structures with edge damage
On the detachment of patched panels under thermo-mechanical loading
Bouaziz, Slim
Performance and efficiency of composite shafts supported by active magnetic bearings
Boutet de Monvel, Jacques
Boutin, Claude
Dynamics of discrete framed structures: a unified homogenized description
Boyce, Mary
Mechanics of polycarbonate during high rate tension
Bradford, Mark
Creep buckling of imperfect thin-walled shallow concrete domes
Elastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Circular
Brandonisio, Giuseppe
Influence of geometry on seismic capacity of circular buttressed arches
Limit Analysis of cloister vaults: the case study of Palazzo Caracciolo di Avellino
Brannon, Rebecca
Nonuniqueness and instability of classical formulations of nonassociated plasticity, part I: Case study
Nonuniqueness and instability of classical formulations of nonassociated plasticity, Part II: Effect of nontraditional plasticity features on the Sandler-Rubin instability
Bravo-Castillero, Julián
A dispersive nonlocal model for wave propagation in periodic composites
Dispersion relations for SH waves on a magneto-electro-elastic heterostructure with imperfect interfaces
Evaluation of effective material properties of rendomly distributed short cylindrical fiber composites using a numerical homogenization technique
Homogenization and effective properties of periodic thermomagnetoelectrostatic composites
Bregoli, Guido
Analytical estimates for the lateral thrust in bolted steel buckling-restrained braces
Small amplitude elastic buckling of a beam under monotonic axial loading, with frictionless contact against movable rigid surfaces
Brenner, Renald
Effective property estimates for heterogeneous materials with cocontinuous phases
Briccola, Deborah
Analysis of 3D no-tension masonry-like walls
Briccoli Bati, Silvia
Numerical homogenization techniques for the evaluation of mechanical behavior of a composite with SMA inclusions
Brinson, L.
A numerical investigation of the effect of boundary conditions and representative volume element size for porous titanium
Brisard, Sébastien
Prediction of drying shrinkage beyond the pore isodeformation assumption
Brischetto, Salvatore
Classical and mixed advanced models for sandwich plates embedding functionally graded cores
Piezoelectric shells theories with "a priori" continuous transverse electro-mechanical variable
Brizmer, Victor
The Effect of Contact Conditions and Material Properties on Elastic-Plastic Spherical Contact
Brocato, Maurizio
Resistance of flat vaults taking their stereotomy into account
Brock, Louis
Contours for planar cracks growing in three dimensions
Contours for planar cracks growing in three dimensions: illustration for transversely isotropic solid
Fracture in three dimensions due to die motion on a crack surface: framework for study of crack/contact zone geometry
Fracture initiation in a thermoelastic solid with relaxation: transient analysis
Fracture Initiation in a Transversely Isotropic Solid: Transient Three Dimensional Analysis
Friction and thermal convection in rapid 3D sliding contact
Illustration of Thermal Convection Effect for 3D Crack Extension: Transversely Isotropic Thermoelastic Solid
Rapid sliding contact in three dimensions by dissimilar elastic bodies: Effects of sliding speed and transverse isotropy
Reflection of transient plane step-waves: Some considerations of orthotropy and thermoelasticity
Rolling contact with slip on a thermoelastic half-space: comparison with perfect rolling contact
Sliding of a cup-shaped die on a half-space: influence of thermal relaxation, convection and die temperature
Stoneley signals in perfectly bonded dissimilar thermoelastic half-spaces with and without thermal relaxation
Thermal convection in rapid 3D extension of a planar crack
Thermoelastic Fracture Initiation: Role of Relaxation and Convection
Transient 3D singular solutions for use in problems of pre-stressed highly elastic solids
Transient Analysis of a Suddenly-Opening Crack in a Coupled Thermoelastic Solid with Thermal Relaxation
Transient growth of a planar crack in three dimensions: mixed mode
Transient response of a general anisotropic solid to dislocation growth: alternative formulation
Two cases of rapid contact on an elastic half-space: sliding ellipsoidal die, rolling sphere
Bruggi, Matteo
Analysis of 3D no-tension masonry-like walls
Buehler, Markus
Hierarchical chemo-nanomechanics of proteins: Entropic elasticity, protein unfolding and molecular fracture
Bui, Huy
On the mystery of Calderon's formula for the geometry of an inclusion in elastic materials
Renormalizations in solid and fracture mechanics
The inverse problem of the seismic fault determination using part time measurements
Bui, Tam
Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation using the characteristic based split method
Burak, Yaroslav
An introduction of the local displacements of mass and electric charge phenomena into the model of the mechanics of polarized electromagnetic solids
Buratti, Giovanni
Plastic hinges as phase transitions in strain softening beams
Burghardt, Jeffrey
Nonuniqueness and instability of classical formulations of nonassociated plasticity, part I: Case study
Nonuniqueness and instability of classical formulations of nonassociated plasticity, Part II: Effect of nontraditional plasticity features on the Sandler-Rubin instability
Buryachenko, Valeriy
Linearized ordinary state-based peridynamic micromechanics of composites
Busfield, James
Axial compression of hollow elastic spheres
Bustamante, Roger
An anisotropic model for the Mullins effect in magneto-active rubber-like materials
Butler, Richard
Post-buckling of truss-lattice shear panels using exact theory
Byskov, Esben
Advanced postbuckling and imperfection sensitivity of the elastic-plastic Shanley-Hutchinson model column
An enhanced asymptotic expansion for stability of nonlinear elastic structures