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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – D
D'Apice, Ciro
On the spatial behavior of solutions for three-phase-lag thermal model
D'Ayala, Dina
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of Masonry Circular Arches with Non-Negligible Tensile Capacity
Dag, Serkan
A surface crack in a graded coating bonded to a homogeneous substrate under general loading conditions
Magneto-electro-elastic response of functionally graded multiferroic coatings under moving Hertzian contact
Daga, Atul
Transient response of megneto-electro-elastic simply supported cylindrical shell using finite elements
Dagher, Mohamed
On small azimuthal shear deformation of fibre-reinforced cylindrical tubes
Dahl, Jonas
Assessment of the performance of uniform monolithic plates subjected to impulsive loads
Dai, Hong-Liang
Postbuckling and delamination growth for delaminated piezoelectric elasto-plastic laminated beams under hygrothermal conditions
Dai, Honghua
Solutions of the von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n plate equations by a Galerkin method, without inverting the tangent stiffness matrix
Dai, Huliang
Dynamics and stability analysis of an axially moving beam in axial flow
Nonlinear free vibration of nanobeams based on nonlocal strain gradient theory with the consideration of thickness-dependent size effect
Stability and nonplanar postbuckling behavior of current-carrying microwires in a longitudinal magnetic field
Dai, Ming
An anisotropic piezoelectric half-plane containing an elliptical hole or crack subjected to uniform in-plane electromechanical loading
Dai, Ting
Electroelastic effects on local-global buckling of piezoelectric cylindrical shells with stepped thickness
Dai, Yong
Prediction of fatigue crack extension life in crane main girders and assessment of load reduction
Dammak, Fakhreddine
A finite element for the dynamic analysis of a helical spring
A phase-field model of quasi static and dynamic brittle fracture using staggered algorithm
Dang, Quang
Prediction of Springback and residual stress of a beam/plate subjected to three-point bending
Daniel, Isaac
Influence of core properties on failure of composite sandwich beams
Dansby, Robin
Evolutionary control of structurally-damaged steel buildings using an optimal state transition formulation
Dantzig, Jonathan
Dissipation energy as a stimulus for cortical bone adaptation
Darabi, Mohammad Ali
A nonlinear Timoshenko beam formulation based on a strain gradient theory
Buckling and postbuckling behavior of functionally graded timoshenko microbeams based on the strain gradient theory
Darestani, Mostafa
Influence of vehicular positions and thermal effects on structural behaviour of concrete pavement
Dargahi, Javad
An endoscopic grasper with corrugated plate shape tactile sensors
Dargazany, Roozbeh
Network evolution model of anisotropic stress softening in filled rubber-like materials: Parameter identification and finite element implementation
Darvizeh, Abolfazl
Analytical Study of Plastic Deformation of Clamped Circular Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading
Das, Manabendra
Three-dimensional nonlinear analyses of scarf repair in composite laminates and sandwich panels
Datta, Subhendu
Generalized thermoelastic waves in cylinders due to localized heating
Davis, Evan
Cosserat elasticity of octet truss titanium alloy lattices
de Almeida, Ricardo
Variational methods for the solution of fractional discrete/continuous Sturm--Liouville problems
de Anda, Alfredo
Elastic Wannier-Stark ladders in torsional waves
de Araújo, Francisco
Application of a lumped dissipation model to reinforced concrete structures with the consideration of residual strains and cycles of hysteresis
De Chiara, Elena
Automatic generation of statically admissible stress fields in masonry vaults
De Cicco, Simona
Fundamental solution in the theory of viscoelastic mixtures
De Felice, Gianmarco
de Langre, Emmanuel
Edge flutter of long beams under follower loads
De Luca, Antonello
Influence of geometry on seismic capacity of circular buttressed arches
Limit Analysis of cloister vaults: the case study of Palazzo Caracciolo di Avellino
Deb Nath, Sankar
Displacement potential based numerical solution of orthotropic composite panels under end moment and shear loading
Deguchi, Shinji
Assessment of the mechanical properties of the nucleus inside a spherical endothelial cell based on micro-tensile testing
Del Piero, Gianpietro
A diffuse cohesive energy approach to fracture and plasticity: The one-dimensional case
On the method of virtual powers in continuum mechanics
Strain localization in polyurethane foams: experiments and theoretical model
dell'Isola, Francesco
A variational deduction of second gradient poroelasticity: Part I - General Theory
A variational deduction of second gradient poroelasticity: Part II - an application to the Consolidation Problem
Delph, Terry
Demir, Oguzhan
Analytical investigation on prediction of fatigue crack growth lives of cracked nonhomogeneous materials
Demmie, Paul
An approach to modelling extreme loading of structures using peridynamics
Deng, Jian
Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of coupled viscoelastic systems driven by white noise
Deng, Junlin
Experimental study on biaxial proportional low-cycle fatigue crack propagation of hull inclined-crack plate based on CTOD
Research on accumulative plastic damage for low-cycle fatigue analysis of hull notched plate
Deng, Zichen
Equivalent mechanical properties of additively manufactured octagonal honeycombs: Theoretical and experimental analysis
Multi-axial mechanical properties of additive manufactured titanium gyroid
Deseri, Luca
Combined effects of interstitial and Laplace pressure in hot isostatic pressing of cylindrical specimens
Deshmukh, Kavita
Computational studies of collagen fibril biominerals using a virtual internal bond model with extrinsic length scale
Deshpande, Vikram
Continuum-based computational methods in cell and nuclear mechanics
Damage development in an armor alumina impacted with ductile metal spheres
Dynamic compression of square tube cellular structures
Dynamic compressive response of composite corrugated cores
Dynamic failure of clamped circular plates subjected to an underwater shock
Multi-hit armour characterisation of metal-composite bi-layers
Quasi-static deformation and failure modes of composite square honeycombs
The shear response of metallic square honeycombs
Truss waviness effects in cellular lattice structures
Tubular aluminum cellular structures: fabrication and mechanical response
Despenić, Nikola
Thermal buckling and free vibration of Timoshenko FG nanobeams based on the higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory
Vibrations of nonuniform bi-directional functionally graded nanotubes based on the refined beam theory in a thermal environment
Deswal, Sunita
A two-dimensional problem in magnetothermoelasticity with laser pulse under different boundary conditions
deWit, Roland
Elastic Constants and Thermal Expansion Averages of a Polycrystal
Dey, Sudip
Comparison of multiple surrogate models probing uncertainty in natural frequency of hybrid functionally graded sandwich cylindrical shells
Finite Element Analyses of Bending Stiff Composite Conical shells with Multiple Delamination
Dey, Sumita
Protection performance of double-layered metal shields against projectile impact
Dhahri, Marwa
A phase-field model of quasi static and dynamic brittle fracture using staggered algorithm
Study of thermal shock cracking in thin plate specimens using a gradient damage model
Dharmasena, K.
Deformation and fracture modes of Sandwich Structures subjected to underwater impulsive loads
Dynamic Compression of Square Honeycomb Structures During Underwater Impulsive Loading
Dhiradhamvit, Kittinan
Application and Design of Lead-Core Base Isolation for Reducing Structural Demands in Short Stiff and Tall Steel Buildings and Highway Bridges Subjected to Near-Field Ground Motions
Di Maida, Pietro
Analytical solution for ductile and FRC plates on elastic ground loaded on a small circular area
Di Sciuva, Marco
A consistent refinement of first-order shear deformation theory for laminated composite and sandwich plates using improved zigzag kinematics
Diao, Fangfang
Bending of nonconforming thin plates based on the first-order manifold method
Dimiduk, Dennis
Modeling dislocation sources and size effects at initial yield in continuum plasticity
Ding, Ning
Mechanical properties of nano-cracks in hybrid graphene/hexagonal boron nitride sheets
Ding, Rui
The interpolating element-free Galerkin method for the variational-hemivariational inequality of the frictionless elastic contact problem with normal compliance and unilateral constraint
Ding, Sheng-Hu
Field intensity factors of three cracks originating from a circular hole in thermoelectric material
Do, Chan
Nonlinear bending, buckling and vibration of functionally graded nonlocal strain gradient nanobeams resting on elastic foundation
Doaré, Olivier
Edge flutter of long beams under follower loads
Dogan, Vedat
Random vibration of shear deformable FGM plates
Dolgopolova, Nataliya
Dynamic response of multilayer cylin ders. Three-Dimensional Elasticity Theory
Domínguez-Rodríguez, Gustavo
Hierarchical multiscale modeling of the effect of carbon nanotube damage on the elastic properties of polymer composites
Dong, Congcong
Phase-field simulation of conductive inclusion evolution in highly symmetric oriented single crystal metal interconnects under anisotropic interface diffusion induced by electromigration
Dong, Dawei
Experimental study on biaxial proportional low-cycle fatigue crack propagation of hull inclined-crack plate based on CTOD
Dong, Leiting
A new meshless Fragile Points Method (FPM) with minimum unknowns at each point, for flexoelectric analysis under two theories with crack propagation. Part I: Theory and implementation
A new meshless Fragile Points Method (FPM) with minimum unknowns at each point, for flexoelectric analysis under two theories with crack propagation. Part II: Validation and discussion
Three-dimensional (3d) Trefftz computational grains (tcgs) for the micromechanical modeling of heterogeneous media with coated spherical inclusions
Dong, Qin
Experimental study on biaxial proportional low-cycle fatigue crack propagation of hull inclined-crack plate based on CTOD
Dong, Qinxi
A computational homogenization model for mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced cementitious composites with functionally graded interphase
Dong, Yao-Rong
Interfacial reinforced viscoelastic damper: experimental and theoretical study
The equivalent Havriliak-Negami model for characterizing the dynamic properties of viscoelastic dampers
Dong, Zhaoxu
Mechanical Behavior of Silica Nanoparticle-Impregnated Kevlar Fabrics
Dragon, André
Inelastic heat fraction evaluation for engineering problems involving dynamic plastic localization phenomena
Drapaca, Corina
Fractional calculus in neuronal electro-mechanics
Drzewiecki, Andrzej
Electromagnetoelastic waves in a vortex layer of a superconductor
Propagation of a surface wave in a vortex array along a superconducting heterostructure
Rayleigh-type wave propagation in an auxetic dielectric
Thermoelastic damping in an auxetic rectangular plate with thermal relaxation: forced vibrations
Du, Jianke
Electromechanical Fields in a Nonuniform Piezoelectric Semiconductor Rod
Du, Ye
Study on the microstructure evolution mechanism of high entropy alloys under impact loading
Du, Yu
On perfectly matched layers of nonlocal wave equations in unbounded multiscale media
Duan, Zhuping
Investigation of growth mechanisms of mode II crack under the plate impact conditions with high speeds
Dubinsky, Anatoly
Effect of the order of plates on the ballistic resistance of ductile layered shields perforated by non-conical impactors
Empirical models for predicting protective properties of concrete shields against high-speed impact
Optimization of penetration into geological and concrete shields by impactor with jet thruster
Dudt, Philip
Dynamic Compression of Square Honeycomb Structures During Underwater Impulsive Loading
Dumais, Jacques
The mechanics of tip growth morphogenesis: what we have learned from rubber balloons
Dumoulin, Stéphane
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of material parameters in crystal plasticity finite element models
Dwivedi, J.
Dynamic response of twin lined shells due to incident seismic waves