Volume 20 Number 1
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
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Author Index – K
Kaewjuea, Wichairat
Dynamic response of multiple flexible strips on a multilayered poroelastic half plane
Kalamkarov, A.
Asymptotic homogenization model for three-dimensional network reinforced composite structures
Kaliyamoorthy, Baskar
A state-of-art review on the mechanical performance of basalt textile reinforced concrete (BTRC)
Kalkal, Kapil
A two-dimensional problem in magnetothermoelasticity with laser pulse under different boundary conditions
Kalyanam, Sujatha
Quantitative Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Cell Membranes: An Exact Solution
Kamaris, George
Direct damage controlled design of plane steel moment resisting frames using static inelastic analysis
Kamiński, Henryk
Analytical approach to the problem of an auxetic layer under a spatially periodic load
Dynamics of a rope as a rigid multibody system
Stress and displacement analysis of auxetic quarter-plane under a concentrated force
Kamlah, Marc
An interface crack in piezoelectric bimaterial with an electrically conductive and two electrically permeable zones at its faces
Application of the hybrid complex variable method to the analysis of a crack at a piezoelectric-metal interface
Finite element implementation of nonlinear constitutive models for piezoceramic materials
Pre-fracture zone modeling for an electrically impermeable interface crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial compound
Kanaun, Sergey
Representative volume element and effective elastic properties of open cell foam materials with random microstructures
Kandan, Karthikeyan
Dynamic compression of square tube cellular structures
Multi-hit armour characterisation of metal-composite bi-layers
Kannaiyan, Geetha
Novel Kuhn-Tucker conditions with R-program to analyze the buckling of a functionally graded porous beam
Kanno, Yoshihiro
Robustness Analysis of Structures based on Plastic Limit Analysis with Uncertain Loads
Worst-case load in plastic limit analysis of frame structures
Worst-case plastic limit analysis of trusses under uncertain loads via mixed 0-1 programming
Kanok-Nukulchai, Worsak
Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation using the characteristic based split method
Kanoria, M
Effect of nonhomogeneity on the contact of an isotropic half-space and a rigid
Kaplunov, Julius
Approximate analysis of surface wave--structure interaction
Kapuria, Santosh
Improved smeared and zigzag third order theories for piezoelectric angle-ply laminated cylindrical shells under electrothermomechanical load
Three-dimensional iso-field micromechanics model for effective electrothermoelastic properties of piezoelectric composites
Unified efficient layerwise theory for smart beams with segmented extension/shear mode, piezoelectric actuators and sensors
Karama, Moussa
A new model to predict the behavior with the interfaces of multilayer structures
Kardomateas, George
A high order theory for cylindrical sandwich shells with flexible cores
Applications of Extended Higher Order Sandwich Panel Theory for Plates with Arbitrary Aspect Ratios
Extended Higher Order Sandwich Panel Theory for Plates with Arbitrary Aspect Ratios
Preface to the Special Issue in Honor of Professor George J. Simitses
Kari, Sreedhar
Evaluation of effective material properties of rendomly distributed short cylindrical fiber composites using a numerical homogenization technique
Karihaloo, B.
Effects of surface and initial stresses on the bending stiffness of tri-layer plates and nanofilms
Karihaloo, Bhushan
Accurate simulation of mixed-mode cohesive crack propagation in quasi-brittle structures using exact asymptotic fields in XFEM
Asymptotic fields at frictionless and frictional cohesive crack tips in quasibrittle materials
Karlberg, Magnus
Mechanics of materials and structures - a simulation-driven design approach
Karličić, Danilo
Nonlocal forced vibration of a double single-walled carbon nanotube system under the influence of an axial magnetic field
Thermal and magnetic effects on the vibration of a cracked nanobeam embedded in an elastic medium
Karlsson, Lennart
Mechanics of materials and structures - a simulation-driven design approach
Karmakar, Amit
Finite Element Analyses of Bending Stiff Composite Conical shells with Multiple Delamination
Karmakar, Somnath
Differential quadrature and adomian decomposition methods for solving thermal vibration of Euler nanobeam resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation
Karp, Jeffrey
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Karsh, Pradeep
Comparison of multiple surrogate models probing uncertainty in natural frequency of hybrid functionally graded sandwich cylindrical shells
Karunasena, Warna
Elastodynamic reciprocity relations for wave scattering by flaws in fiber-reinforced composite plates
Kasayapanand, Nat
Exact solution in double-filled hole of an infinite plate
Katayama, Isamu
Effect of tip profile on cutting processability of trapezoidal cutting blade indented to aluminum sheet
Katsikadelis, John
Nonlinear flutter instability of thin damped plates, an AEM solution
Kattis, Marinos
Residual stress and strain energy in composites induced by transformed coated circular inhomogeneities
Katuri, Kalyan
Stiffness based sorting of paper on a high speed conveyor
Kaur, Gurwinderpal
Lamb waves in nonlocal elastic plate with voids
Kaur, Mandeep
Plane waves at the boundary of two micropolar thermoelastic solids with distinct conductive and thermodynamic temperatures
Kaur, Narinder
On vibration of bi-directional tapered triangular plate under the effect of thermal gradient
Kaushik, B.
Determination of strain gage locations for accurate measurement of the opening mode stress intensity factors
Kawamura, Ryuusuke
Magneto-thermo-elastic stresses induced by a transient magnetic field in a conducting infinite plate
Kaya, Onur
Analytical solutions to buckling analysis of sandwich composite plates with uncertain material properties and dimensions
Kayestha, Priza
Wave propagation in a pre-stressed compressible elastic layer with constrained boundaries
Kazemahvazi, Sohrab
Dynamic failure of clamped circular plates subjected to an underwater shock
Ke, Liao-Liang
Spherical indentation of EPDM and silicone rubber materials under high- and low-temperature conditions
Two-dimensional fretting contact of piezoelectric materials under a rigid conducting cylindrical punch
Kebadze, Elizbar
Keer, Leon
Periodic contact problems in plane elasticity
Reliability analysis of hard coatings on a substrate containing inhomogeneities
Keimasi, Morteza
Numerical and experimental study on incremental forming process of Al/Cu bimetals: influence of process parameters on the forming force, dimensional accuracy and thickness variations
Kelly, James
Analysis of the run-in effect in fiber-reinforced isolators under vertical load
Analytical and numerical studies of tension buckling in multi-layer elastomeric isolators
Steel shim stresses in multi-layer bearings under compression and bending
Kerfriden, Pierre
Linear buckling analysis of cracked plates by SFEM and XFEM
Kesari, Haneesh
Transverse and torsional shear stresses in prismatic bodies having inhomogeneous material properties using a new 2D stress function
Khademhosseini, Ali
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Khadyko, Mikhail
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of material parameters in crystal plasticity finite element models
Khanna, Anupam
On vibration of bi-directional tapered triangular plate under the effect of thermal gradient
Khazanovich, Lev
Application of a matrix operator method for thermo-viscoelastic analysis of composite structures
Khiem, Vu Ngoc
Network evolution model of anisotropic stress softening in filled rubber-like materials: Parameter identification and finite element implementation
Khosravi, Peyman
Rib location and optimization of stiffened panels considering geometric nonlinearity
Khurana, Aarti
Reflection of plane longitudinal waves from stress-free boundary of a nonlocal, micropolar elastic solid half-space
Kiddy, Ken
Dynamic Compression of Square Honeycomb Structures During Underwater Impulsive Loading
Kilic, B.
Hypersingular integral equations for the solution of penny-shaped interface cracks
Kilic, Bahattin
Kim, Hyunsun
Post-buckling of truss-lattice shear panels using exact theory
Kim, Isaiah
Perturbation stochastic finite-element-based homogenization of polycrystalline materials
Kim, Jin-Yeon
Kim, Jun-Sik
An asymptotic analysis of anisotropic heterogeneous plates with consideration of end effects
Kim, Wonbae
Molecular dynamics-based continuum models for the linear elasticity of nanofilms and nanowires with anisotropic surface effects
Multiscale analysis of nanoscale thin film considering surface effects: Thermomechanical properties
Kim, Yoon
Element stacking method for topology optimization with material-dependent boundary and loading conditions
Topology optimization of structures tracing given nonlinear load-displacement curves
Kirchner, Helmut
The Eshelby tensor in nonlocal elasticity and in nonlocal micropolar elasticity
Kiss, László
Deformations and internal forces in arches under a concentrated force
Kitipornchai, Sritawat
Nonlinear local bending of FGM sandwich plates
Kligerman, Yuri
The Effect of Contact Conditions and Material Properties on Elastic-Plastic Spherical Contact
Klinka, Katalin
A Finite Element for Form-Finding and Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures
Tensegrity structures and Maxwell's rules revisited
Klusemann, Benjamin
Fully periodic RVEs for technological relevant composites: not worth the effort!
Knight, David
Dynamic Compression of Square Honeycomb Structures During Underwater Impulsive Loading
Knops, Robin
On Uniqueness in the Affine Boundary Value Problem of the Nonlinear elastic Dielectric
Koguchi, Hideo
Boundary element analysis of the stress field at the singularity lines in three-dimensional bonded joints under thermal loading
Koh, Li Buay
Effect of number of crowns on the crush resistance in open-cell stent design
Kołodziej, Jan
A study of elastic-plastic deformation in the plate with the incremental theory and the meshless methods
Computer simulation of the effective viscosity in Brinkman filtration equation using the Trefftz method
Laminar flow of a power-law fluid between corrugated plates
The analytical-numerical method for solution of the inverse problem for heat conduction equation
The application of the method of fundamental solutions to a simulation of two-dimensional sloshing phenomenon
The inverse determination of volume fraction of fibers in unidirectionally reinforced composite for a given effective thermal conductivity
The optimal shape parameter of multiquadric collocation method for solution of non-linear steady-state heat conduction in multilayered plate
Komvopoulos, Kyriakos
Peridynamics analysis of the nanoscale friction and wear properties of amorphous carbon thin films
Kondrat, Vasyl
An introduction of the local displacements of mass and electric charge phenomena into the model of the mechanics of polarized electromagnetic solids
Local gradient theory for thermoelastic dielectrics: Accounting for mass and electric charge transfer due to microstructure changes
Local gradient theory of dielectrics with polarization inertia and irreversibility of local mass displacement
Konstantinidis, Dimitrios
Steel shim stresses in multi-layer bearings under compression and bending
Koroteeva, Olesya
Equivalent inhomogeneity method for evaluating the effective conductivities of isotropic particulate composites
Korsunsky, Alexander
Variational eigenstrain analysis of synchrotron diffraction measurements of residual elastic strain in a bent titanium alloy bar
Kotousov, Andrei
Micromechanical approach to transformation toughening in Zirconia-enriched multiphase composites
Out-of-plane Stress and Displacement for Through-the-thickness Cracks in Plates of Finite Thickness
Koukoulis, Ioannis
Morphological processing of principal orthogonal modes for crack detection in beam structures
Kounadis, Anthony
The effect of infinitesimal damping on nonconservative divergence instability systems
Kouris, Demitris
Nanoparticles under the influence of surface-interface elasticity
The hemi-spherical nano-pit at the plane boundary of an elastic half-space subjected to statically equivalent shear tractions
Kourtis, Lampros
Transverse and torsional shear stresses in prismatic bodies having inhomogeneous material properties using a new 2D stress function
Kowalczyk-Gajewska, Katarzyna
Gradient-enhanced large strain thermoplasticity with automatic linearization and localization simulations
Kozić, Predrag
Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability for two coupled oscillators
Nonlocal forced vibration of a double single-walled carbon nanotube system under the influence of an axial magnetic field
Thermal and magnetic effects on the vibration of a cracked nanobeam embedded in an elastic medium
Kringos, Niki
A Winkler ligament contact between a rigid disc and an elastic halfspace
Kroon, Martin
A simple scalar directional hardening model for the Bauschinger effect compared with a tensorial model
Kruyt, Niels
Micromechanical study of dispersion and damping characteristics of granular materials
Krylov, Slava
Krylov, Victor
New interpretation of resonant vibrations of finite non-circular shells based on the theory of coupled waveguides
Krynkin, Anton
Resonance phenomena at the interface of two perfectly bonded, pre-stressed elastic strips
Kuci, Xhorxha
Wave reflection and Rayleigh waves in the context of the complete Toupin-Mindlin theory of strain gradient elasticity
Kudaibergenov, Askar
On low-frequency vibrations of a composite string with contrast properties for energy scavenging fabric devices
Kumar, Arun
Adhesive and viscoelastic response of MWCNT/ZrO2 hybrid epoxy nanocomposites
Kumar, Ashwani
Modelling of acousto-diffusive surface waves in Piezoelectric-semiconductor composite structures
Kumar, Rajneesh
Plane waves at the boundary of two micropolar thermoelastic solids with distinct conductive and thermodynamic temperatures
Kumar, Sandeep
Dynamic analysis of banana fiber reinforced low density polyethylene /poly (e-caprolactone) composites
Kumar, Surendra
Analysis of impact response and damage in laminated composite shell involving large deformation and material degradation
Kumaravel, Arumugam
Finite element modeling of layered and multiphase magneto-electro-elastic cylindrical shell subjected to axi-symmetric temperature distribution
Kumari, Poonam
Three-dimensional iso-field micromechanics model for effective electrothermoelastic properties of piezoelectric composites
Kundalwal, Shailesh
Adhesive and viscoelastic response of MWCNT/ZrO2 hybrid epoxy nanocomposites
Improved thermoelastic coefficients of a novel short fuzzy fiber-reinforced composite with wavy carbon nanotubes
Kuo, Shih-Kang
Prediction of Springback and residual stress of a beam/plate subjected to three-point bending
Kuo, Tai-Liang
Path-independent H-integral for interface corners under thermal loadings
Kurashige, Michio
Macroscopic elastic properties of porous material of sintered randomly-packed balloons
Kuroda, Mitsutoshi
Interfacial microscopic boundary conditions associated with backstress-based higher-order gradient crystal plasticity theory
Kushch, Volodymyr
Equivalent inhomogeneity method for evaluating the effective conductivities of isotropic particulate composites
Evaluation of the effective elastic moduli of particulate composites based on Maxwell's concept of equivalent inhomogeneity: microstructure-induced anisotropy
Statistics of micro structure, peak stress and interface damage in fiber reinforced composite
Kuznetsov, Viktor
New invariants in the mechanics of deformable solids
Kvasha, Oleg
Elastic SH wave propagation in a layered anisotropic plate with periodic interface cracks: exact versus spring boundary conditions
Kwon, Kyungsoo
Spectral element modeling and analysis of an axially moving thermoelastic beam-plate
Kysar, Jeffrey
Comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric deformation of Al single crystal under micro scale laser shock peening