La Ragione, Luigi
Axialsymmetric indentation of a rigid cylinder on a layered compressible and incompressible halfspace
La Saponara, Valeria
Bistable structures for energy absorption - part 1: metallic structures under tension
Bistable structures for energy absorption - part 2: composite structures under tension
Lai, Andi
Electroelastic effects on local-global buckling of piezoelectric cylindrical shells with stepped thickness
Lajnef, Nizar
A surface crack in a graded coating bonded to a homogeneous substrate under general loading conditions
Lakes, Roderic
Cosserat elasticity of octet truss titanium alloy lattices
Extreme Cosserat elastic cube structure with large magnitude of negative Poisson's ratio
Physical meaning of elastic constants in Cosserat, void, and microstretch elasticity
Stability of Cosserat solids: size effects, ellipticity and waves
The corner element in classical elasticity and Cosserat elasticity
Lal, Radha
Dynamic response of twin lined shells due to incident seismic waves
Laliberte, Jeremy
A Higher-Order Theory for Fiber-Metal Laminates
Lalo, Debora
A new approach for rubber numerical modeling under biaxial testing conditions thorough finite element simulation
Lan, Xinqiang
Laser powder bed fusion of multilayer corrugated sandwich structures: Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms under bending loadings
Lancioni, Giovanni
A diffuse cohesive energy approach to fracture and plasticity: The one-dimensional case
Lander, Arthur
Size-normalized robustness of Dpp gradient in Drosophila wing imaginal disc
Landis, Chad
Effects of in-plane electric fields on the toughening behavior of ferroelectric ceramics
Lanzoni, Luca
Axisymmetric loading of an elastic-plastic plate on a general two-parameter foundation
Shaft-hub press fit subjected to couples and radial forces: analytical evaluation of the shaft-hub detachment loading
Lapusta, Yuri
A dielectric breakdown model for an interface crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial
Larrosa, Nicolás
Three-dimensional BEM analysis to assess delamination cracks between two transversely isotropic materials
Larson, Reid
Property Estimation in FGM Plates Subject to Low-Velocity Impact Loading
Delamination of thin coatings at scratching - Experiments and numerics
On indenter boundary effects at elastic contact
On the numerics and correlation of scratch testing
Laskewitz, Bernd
Finite element implementation of nonlinear constitutive models for piezoceramic materials
Lazar, Markus
The Eshelby tensor in nonlocal elasticity and in nonlocal micropolar elasticity
Lazarus, Véronique
On the strong influence of imperfections upon the quick deviation of a mode I+III crack from coplanarity
Le, Dy
Nearly exact and highly efficient elastic-plastic homogenization and/or direct numerical simulation of low-mass metallic systems with architected cellular microstructures
Le, Hue
Formulas for the H$/$V ratio of Rayleigh waves in compressible pre-stressed elastic half-spaces
Le Chenadec, Yohan
Cyclic approximation of the heat equation in finite strains for the heat build-up problem of rubber
Leal, Rogerio
Optimization of a satellite with composite materials
Leblond, Jean-Baptiste
On the strong influence of imperfections upon the quick deviation of a mode I+III crack from coplanarity
Lee, James
Conservation Laws at Nano/Micro Scales
Stresses and Strains at Nano/Micro Scales
Lee, June
Observations of anisotropy evolutions and identification of plastic spin parameters by uni-axial tensile tests
Lee, Jung Hoon
Self-folding of a slender microbeam and thin film: An elastica model
Lee, S.
Deformation and fracture modes of Sandwich Structures subjected to underwater impulsive loads
Lee, Sen-Yung
Exact Solution of AFM Scanning Probes Subjected to any of Tip-sample Forces
Lee, Usik
Spectral element modeling and analysis of an axially moving thermoelastic beam-plate
Leelavanichkul, Seubpong
Energy absorption of a helicoidal bistable structure
Lefebvre, Jean-Etienne
Wave propagation in layered piezoelectric rings with rectangular cross sections
Lei, Lijian
Vibration reduction of low frequency of phononic-like crystal structures for subways
Lei, Yongpeng
A computational homogenization model for mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced cementitious composites with functionally graded interphase
Leise, Tanya
Reconsidering the boundary conditions for a dynamic, transient mode I crack problem
Lemonis, Minas
Incremental modeling of T-stub connections
Lenci, Stefano
Critical threshold and underlying dynamical phenomena in pedestrian-induced lateral vibrations of footbridges
Leng, Zhicheng
Experimental analysis of oblique ballistic impacts on Kevlar and steel plates from a blunt-nosed hollow projectile
Lengyel, András
A remarkable structure of Leonardo and a higher-order infinitesimal mechanism
Lengyel, Tamran
Displacement field in an elastic solid with mode-III crack and first-order surface effects
Leo, Hwa Liang
Effect of number of crowns on the crush resistance in open-cell stent design
Lepage, Severine
Perturbation stochastic finite-element-based homogenization of polycrystalline materials
Leszczyński, Jacek
Leung, A.
Single member actuation of kagome lattice structures
Levi, Francesca
On the effectiveness of convolutive type variational principles in the numerical solution of viscoelastic problems
Levyakov, Stanislav
New invariants in the mechanics of deformable solids
Lewinski, Tomasz
Topology optimization of spatial continuum structures made of non-homogeneous material of cubic symmetry
Li, Anqing
Active vibration control for three-dimensional braided composite beams based on piezoelectric sensor and actuator
Li, Biao
Analysis of mechanical properties in negative Poisson's ratio metamaterials
Li, Chang
Size-dependent axisymmetric buckling and free vibration of FGP-microplate using well-posed nonlocal integral polar models
Li, Chao
Vibration reduction of low frequency of phononic-like crystal structures for subways
Li, Chenchen
Nonconforming generalized H-R mixed element for static and dynamic analysis of piezoelectric composite laminated plates
Li, Chenggeng
Quantifying fatigue cracks in TC4 titanium alloy using nonlinear modulation ultrasonic testing method
Li, Chun
Analytical evaluation of laminated composite DCB test data for achieving validated modelling analysis
Li, Chunxiang
Estimating lever-type active multiple tuned mass dampers for structures under harmonic excitation
Performance and parametric study of active multiple tuned mass dampers for asymmetric structures under ground acceleration
Li, Cong
The extended boundary element analysis of stress fields of V-notched/cracked structures in bonded bi-materials
Li, Feng-Lian
Effects of spring oscillators on the vibro-acoustic properties of porous sandwich plates under elastic constraints
Sound radiation and wave propagation of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite plates
Li, Gang
Analytical estimation of cohesive parameters for a bilinear traction-separation law in DCB mode I loading
Analytical evaluation of laminated composite DCB test data for achieving validated modelling analysis
Elastic analysis of closed-form solutions for adhesive stresses in bonded single-strap butt joints
High-cycle fatigue modelling on a benchmark DCB mode I debond using cohesive zone model
Li, Jine
Strain gradient fracture of a mode III crack in an elastic layer on a substrate
Li, Jia
Analysis of crack path instabilities in a quenched glass plate using the phase-field cohesive zone model
Crack initiation prediction for V-notches under mixed mode loading in brittle materials
Study of thermal shock cracking in thin plate specimens using a gradient damage model
Li, Jiameng
Nonlinear oscillations in dielectric visco-elastomer generators
Li, Jun
Fractals in thermo-elasto-plastic materials
Li, Lizheng
Vibration and damping characteristics of auxetic honeycomb sandwich panels with polyurea-metal laminate face sheets
Li, Mengzhen
Progressive failure and ultimate strength analysis of sandwich composite hat-stringer-stiffened panels under transverse in-plane loading
Li, Ming
Structural design of pyramidal truss core sandwich beams loaded in 3-point bending
Li, Mingzhi
Tuning the propagation characteristics of the trapped and released strongly nonlinear solitary waves in 1-D composite granular chain of spheres
Li, Na
Extended displacement discontinuity method for crack analysis in 3D two-phase transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic media
Li, Nan
Mechanical properties of nano-cracks in hybrid graphene/hexagonal boron nitride sheets
Li, Ning Rui
Circular-hole stress concentration analysis on glass-fiber-cotton reinforced MC-nylon
Li, Qiang
Study on the microstructure evolution mechanism of high entropy alloys under impact loading
Li, Qiang-Qiang
The equivalent Havriliak-Negami model for characterizing the dynamic properties of viscoelastic dampers
Li, Qinglu
Axisymmetric vibration analysis of graded porous Mindlin circular plates subjected to thermal environment
Li, Renfu
A high order theory for cylindrical sandwich shells with flexible cores
Li, Shenlei
Dispersion of guided waves in initially stressed layered plates
Li, Shuang
Influence of surface effect correction on peridynamic simulation of dynamic fractures in brittle materials
Li, Wei
Yield of Random Elasto-Plastic Materials
Li, Wei
Bending of nonconforming thin plates based on the first-order manifold method
Li, Wen
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Beam Bimorph Piezoelectric Power Harvesters
Li, Wenhua
A continuous stiffness approach for modeling edge-cracked beams with different cross-sections based on energy theory
Li, Xian-Fang
Effect of surface elasticity on stress intensity factors near the mode-III crack tips
Li, Xiaobao
Tuning stress concentrations through embedded functionally graded shells
Li, Yang
Free vibration of functionally graded piezoelectric hexagonal quasicrystal plates
Li, Yin-Ping
Approximate analysis of interaction of closely spaced cracks
Li, Ying
A Nonlinear Model of Thermoelastic Beams with Voids with Applications
Li, Ying-Li
Postbuckling and delamination growth for delaminated piezoelectric elasto-plastic laminated beams under hygrothermal conditions
Li, Yingjie
A Hermite interpolation element-free Galerkin method for elasticity problems
Li, Yunxin
3D phase-evolution-based thermomechanical constitutive model of shape memory polymer with finite element implementation
Li, Zhen
Experimental analysis of oblique ballistic impacts on Kevlar and steel plates from a blunt-nosed hollow projectile
Li, Zhen
Numerical study on the force-mate bushing cold expansion of composite holes using a novel assisting sleeve
Li, Zongjin
Numerical simulation of ram extrusion in short-fiber-reinforced fresh cementitious composites
Liang, Chen
Wave propagation in three-dimensional graphene aerogel cylindrical shells resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation
Liang, Guozhu
Optimization of Chaboche kinematic hardening parameters by using an algebraic method based on integral equations
Liang, Jun
The nonlocal theory solution of a Mode-I crack in functionally graded materials subjected to the harmonic strees waves
Liang, Shujing
Numerical study on the force-mate bushing cold expansion of composite holes using a novel assisting sleeve
Liang, Yongcheng
Numerical study of the Gurtin-Murdoch model for curved interfaces: Benchmark solutions and analysis of curvature-related effects
Liao, Jyh-Jong
Elastic solutions for an inclined transversely isotropic material due to three-dimensional point loads
Liao, Ya-Xin
Modeling and experiment of viscoelastic micro-vibration damper based on a chain network model
Libai, Avinoam
An axisymmetric parachute model with wrinkling
Librescu, Liviu
An investigation of a material grading concept for improved aeroelastic stability in composite wings
Liew, Kim Meow
Nonlinear local bending of FGM sandwich plates
Lim, Chee
A new analytic symplectic elasticityapproach for beams resting on Pasternak elastic foundations
Analytical Modeling and Computational Analysis on Topological Properties of 1-D Phononic Crystal in Elastic Media
Wave Propagation in Carbon Nanotubes: Nonlocal Elasticity Induced Stiffness and Velocity Enhancement Effects
Lin, Haojing
Effects of surface deformation on the collective buckling of an array of rigid beams on an elastic substrate
Lin, Kuen-Wey
Exact Solution of AFM Scanning Probes Subjected to any of Tip-sample Forces
Lin, Shueei-Muh
Exact Solution of AFM Scanning Probes Subjected to any of Tip-sample Forces
Lin, Xiaoyun
A singular integral equation method for examining asymptotic solutions of a kinked crack with infinitesimal kink length
Crack front position and crack back position techniques for evaluating T-stress
Influences of different integral kernels to the solutions of boundary integral equation
Lipperman, Fabian
Design of crack-resistant two-dimensional periodic cellular materials
Lisovenko, Dmitry
Stretching of chiral tubes obtained by rolling-up plates of cubic crystals with various orientations
Littlewood, David
A position-aware linear solid constitutive model for peridynamics
Variable Horizon in a Peridynamic Medium
Liu, Baoliang
SIFs of rectangular tensile sheets with symmetric double edge defects
Liu, Chein-Shan
Two complementary trios material model and experimental simulations of SAE 4340 and RHA
Liu, Hung-Chieh
Dynamic analysis of a mass traveling on a simply supported non-homogeneous beam composed of transversely embedded periodic arrays
Liu, Jianlin
Self-folding of a slender microbeam and thin film: An elastica model
Liu, Jun
Numerical study on the force-mate bushing cold expansion of composite holes using a novel assisting sleeve
Liu, Li-qiang
Numerical simulation of failed zone propagation process and anomalies related to the released energy during a compressive jog intersection
Liu, Lining
Analysis on the interfacial mechanics of mirco-scratching test for DLC-G95Cr18 film-substrate system
Liu, Shijie
Optimization of Chaboche kinematic hardening parameters by using an algebraic method based on integral equations
Liu, Long
Mechanical properties of nano-cracks in hybrid graphene/hexagonal boron nitride sheets
Liu, Qianli
Vibrational analysis of finite plate on elastic foundation subjected to oblique impact
Liu, Qing-Nan
Field intensity factors of three cracks originating from a circular hole in thermoelectric material
Liu, Rui
Shear capacity of T-shaped diaphragm-through joints of CFST columns
Liu, Ruoxuan
3D phase-evolution-based thermomechanical constitutive model of shape memory polymer with finite element implementation
Liu, Shuai
Shear capacity of T-shaped diaphragm-through joints of CFST columns
Studies on performance and failure mode of T-shaped diaphragm-through connection under monotonic and cyclic loading
Liu, Tong
Extended displacement discontinuity method for crack analysis in 3D two-phase transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic media
Liu, Xin
Experimental analysis of oblique ballistic impacts on Kevlar and steel plates from a blunt-nosed hollow projectile
Liu, Xingpeng
Analysis & design of winding tension system based on influence of thermal-dependent parameters
Liu, Xinyi
Seismic performance of concrete-filled steel tube devices for precast concrete beam-column connections
Liu, Xiucheng
Tuning the propagation characteristics of the trapped and released strongly nonlinear solitary waves in 1-D composite granular chain of spheres
Liu, Yanhong
A Semi-Analytical Solution for Free Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Cylindrical Shells
Highly accurate non-compatible generalized mixed finite element method for 3D elasticity problems
Nonconforming generalized H-R mixed element for static and dynamic analysis of piezoelectric composite laminated plates
Liu, Yihua
Analytical solution of a concentrated force on free surface of coated materials
Liu, Yue
Transient thermal stresses in a laminated spherical shell of thermoelectric materials
Liu, Yushan
Experimental analysis of oblique ballistic impacts on Kevlar and steel plates from a blunt-nosed hollow projectile
Liu, Zhiyang
Analytical model for tension-induced residual stress of pre-stress filament hoop wound composite rings by inverse iteration method
Liu, Zishun
3D phase-evolution-based thermomechanical constitutive model of shape memory polymer with finite element implementation
Simulations of micro and nanoindentations
Liu, Zongchao
A viscoplastic approach to the chemo-mechanical behavior of Sn microstructure
Liu, Zongfa
Tuning the propagation characteristics of the trapped and released strongly nonlinear solitary waves in 1-D composite granular chain of spheres
Loboda, Volodymyr
A dielectric breakdown model for an interface crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial
Löfstrand, Magnus
Mechanics of materials and structures - a simulation-driven design approach
Loghman, Abbas
Electro-thermo-mechanical behaviors of a radially polarized rotating functionally graded piezoelectric cylinder
Long, Xu
Numerical study on the force-mate bushing cold expansion of composite holes using a novel assisting sleeve
Longère, Patrice
Inelastic heat fraction evaluation for engineering problems involving dynamic plastic localization phenomena
Longman, Richard
Numerical and experimental investigation of dynamic characteristics of cable supported barrel vault structure
Lorrain, Olivier
A contribution to a critical review of FSW numerical simulation
Lotfy, Mohamed
Assessment of degradation of railroad rails - finite element analysis of insulated joints and unsupported sleepers
Lovadina, Carlo
A new modeling approach for planar beams: mixed variational derivations, analytical and finite-element solutions
Lu, Chao
Quantifying fatigue cracks in TC4 titanium alloy using nonlinear modulation ultrasonic testing method
Lu, Chaofeng
A new analytic symplectic elasticityapproach for beams resting on Pasternak elastic foundations
Lu, Haining
Influence of surface effect correction on peridynamic simulation of dynamic fractures in brittle materials
Lu, Jia
An atomistic instability condition and application
An Eshelby-type approach for defect energetics in carbon nanotubes
Lu, Jingxiang
Laser powder bed fusion of multilayer corrugated sandwich structures: Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms under bending loadings
Lu, Tian
Collapse mechanisms of metallic sandwich structures with aluminum foam-filled corrugated cores
Lu, Xiaoyue
The interpolating element-free Galerkin method for the variational-hemivariational inequality of the frictionless elastic contact problem with normal compliance and unilateral constraint
Lu, Xin
Progressive failure and ultimate strength analysis of sandwich composite hat-stringer-stiffened panels under transverse in-plane loading
Lubarda, Vlado
Interaction between a circular inclusion and a circular void
Motion dynamics of a light hoop with an attached heavy disk
On the elastic moduli and compliances of transversely isotropic and orthotropic materials
Rate-type elasticity and viscoelasticity of an erythrocyte membrane
Lucchesi, Massimiliano
A new class of equilibrated stress fields for no tension bodies
Free flexural vibrations of masonry beam-columns
Integration of measures and admissible stress fields for masonry bodies
On the choice of functions spaces in the limit analysis for masonry bodies
Orthotropic plane bodies with bounded tensile and compressive strength
Static analysis of masonry vaults
Luo, Huageng
An off-resonance synchronous vibration based method for roto system damage detections
Luo, Yangyang
Nonlinear impacting oscillations of pipe conveying pulsating fluid subjected to distributed motion constraints
Luo, ShengNian
Dynamic fracture tests of polymethylmethacrylate using a semi-circular bend technique
Luongo, Angelo
A linear model of curved beam for the analysis of galloping of suspended cables
Lv, Mengmeng
A viscoplastic approach to the chemo-mechanical behavior of Sn microstructure
Lyons, C.
An orthotropic beam with overspecified boundary conditions