Volume 20 Number 1
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – M
Ma, Bing
A model for shear displacement distribution of a flow line in the adiabatic shear band based on gradient-dependent plasticity
Ma, Jin
Numerical simulation of failed zone propagation process and anomalies related to the released energy during a compressive jog intersection
Ma, Li
Structural design of pyramidal truss core sandwich beams loaded in 3-point bending
Ma, Lidong
A new element-free Galerkin method for 3D elasticity problems
Ma, Pei
Energy absorption characteristics of a new auxetic honeycomb and its application to a bumper
Ma, Wei
Investigation of growth mechanisms of mode II crack under the plate impact conditions with high speeds
Ma, Xiao
A Hermite interpolation element-free Galerkin method for elasticity problems
Ma, Yongbin
Equivalent mechanical properties of additively manufactured octagonal honeycombs: Theoretical and experimental analysis
Maalawi, Karam
An investigation of a material grading concept for improved aeroelastic stability in composite wings
Functionally graded bars with enhanced dynamic performance
Optimal buckling design of anisotropic rings/long cylindlers under external pressure
Maalej, Yamen
Study of thermal shock cracking in thin plate specimens using a gradient damage model
Maceri, Franco
Anisotropic thin-walled beam models: a rational deduction from three-dimensional elasticity
Machado, Sebastián
Multimodal piezoelectric device for energy harvesting from engine vibration
Machyshyn, Ihor
A continuous model for an arterial tissue, incorporating remodeling and volumetric growth
Maćkiewicz, Andrzej
The analytical-numerical method for solution of the inverse problem for heat conduction equation
Madah, Hazem
Dynamics of FRP Strengthened Unidirectional Masonry Walls – Part I: A Multi-layered Finite Element
Dynamics of FRP Strengthened Unidirectional Masonry Walls – Part II: Experiments and Comparison
Madani, Kouider
Using a CZM and XFEM technique to predict the damage of aluminum notched reinforced with composite patch
Madenci, Erdogan
Hypersingular integral equations for the solution of penny-shaped interface cracks
Peridynamic analysis of fiber-reinforced composite materials
Peridynamics for anti-plane shear and torsional deformations
Stress analysis of composite cylindrical shells with an elliptical cutout
Stress and buckling analyses of laminates with a cutout using a {3,0}- plate theory
Three-dimensional nonlinear analyses of scarf repair in composite laminates and sandwich panels
Madeo, Angela
A variational deduction of second gradient poroelasticity: Part I - General Theory
A variational deduction of second gradient poroelasticity: Part II - an application to the Consolidation Problem
Cosserat micropolar elasticity: Classical Eringen vs. dislocation form
Madeo, Antonio
Nonlinear FEM analysis for beams and plate assemblages based on the implicit corotational method
The implicit corotational method and its use in the derivation of nonlinear structural models for beams and plates
Madurapperuma, M. A. K.
Magdalena Layos, Fernando
Cracking of masonry arches with great deformations. A new equilibrium approach
Mahdavi, Alborz
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Mahmoud, Samy
On Cesaro means of energy in micropolar thermoelastic diffusion theory
Maier, Giulio
Diagnosis of concrete dams by flat-jack tests and inverse analyses based on proper orthogonal decomposition
Maigre, Hubert
The inverse problem of the seismic fault determination using part time measurements
Maijer, Daan
Finite element simulation of strain-rate effects on localized unstable pseudoelastic response of shape memory alloys
Maitournam, Habibou
A new cracked beam finite element for rotating shaft dynamics and stability analysis
Cyclic behavior and energy approach to the fatigue of shape memory alloys
Makradi, Ahmed
Composite modeling for the effective elastic properties of semi-crystalline
Malcom, Adam
Dynamic compressive response of composite corrugated cores
Malena, Marialaura
Malikan, Mohammad
Implementation of Hermite-Ritz method and Navier’s technique for vibration of functionally graded porous nanobeam embedded in Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation using bi-Helmholtz type of nonlocal elasticity
Malinowska, Agnieszka
Variational methods for the solution of fractional discrete/continuous Sturm--Liouville problems
Mandal, Subhas
Semi-infinite moving crack in a shear-free orthotropic strip
Two collinear cracks in a transversely isotropic medium under the hyperbolic heat conduction law
Manimala, James
Mechanical Behavior of Silica Nanoparticle-Impregnated Kevlar Fabrics
Manolis, George
Time-harmonic elastodynamic Green's for the half-plane with quadratic-type inhomogeneity
Mantovani, Sara
Shaft-hub press fit subjected to couples and radial forces: analytical evaluation of the shaft-hub detachment loading
Mao, Jinghang
Influence of surface effect correction on peridynamic simulation of dynamic fractures in brittle materials
Mao, Junhui
Highly accurate non-compatible generalized mixed finite element method for 3D elasticity problems
Maraghechi, Hamed
Effect of adding crumb tire rubber particles on mechanical properties of DCPD modified sulfur polymer mortars
Marasteanu, Mihai
Application of a matrix operator method for thermo-viscoelastic analysis of composite structures
March, Riccardo
A diffuse cohesive energy approach to fracture and plasticity: The one-dimensional case
Marcheggiani, Laura
Critical threshold and underlying dynamical phenomena in pedestrian-induced lateral vibrations of footbridges
Mariani, Stefano
A variational formulation for quasi-brittle fracture
Marin, Marin
On Cesaro means of energy in micropolar thermoelastic diffusion theory
Marji, Mohammad
A semi-infinite higher order displacement discontinuity method and its application to quasi-static analysis of radial cracks produced by blasting
Numerical modeling of crack propagation in rocks under TBM disc cutters
Markenscoff, Xanthippi
Dynamic conservation integrals as dissipative mechanisms in the evolution of inhomogeneities
Marko, Julius
Study of Viscoelastic and Friction Damper Configurations in the Seismic Mitigation of Medium-Rise Structures
Maruszewski, Bogdan
Electromagnetoelastic waves in a vortex layer of a superconductor
On nonlinear kinetic effects in the vortex array in superconductors
Propagation of a surface wave in a vortex array along a superconducting heterostructure
The application of the method of fundamental solutions in modelling of auxetic material
Thermoelastic damping in an auxetic rectangular plate with thermal relaxation: forced vibrations
Masri, Rami
Consistent explicit formulation for adiabatic thermal softening of Johnson-Cook model with improved numerical stability for implicit solver
Massarwa, Eyass
A nonlinear micromechanical model for progressive damage of vertebral trabecular bones
Matsuda, Takuya
Numerical and experimental evaluation of cryogenic tensile strength of woven fabric-reinforced glass/epoxy composites using the open hole specimens
Matsuda, Yu
Robustness Analysis of Structures based on Plastic Limit Analysis with Uncertain Loads
Matzenmiller, Anton
A critical analysis of interface constitutive models for the simulation of delamination in composites and failure of adhesive bonds
Maugin, Gérard
On inhomogeneity, growth, ageing and the dynamics of materials
Thermodynamics of inhomogeneous ferroelectrics
Mazza, Edoardo
Porcine dermis in uniaxial cyclic loading: Sample preparation, experimental results and modelling
Mazzilli, Carlos
Active control of vortex-induced vibrations in offshore catenary risers: a non-linear normal mode approach
McKee, Sean
McMeeking, Robert
Implications of Shakedown for Design of Actively-Cooled Thermostructural Panels
Mechkour, Houari
Homogenization and effective properties of periodic thermomagnetoelectrostatic composites
Mehdiyev, Ziya
Deformations and internal forces in arches under a concentrated force
Mehralian, Fahimeh
The effect of small scale on the free vibration of functionally graded truncated conical shells
Mei, Shuwen
Laser powder bed fusion of multilayer corrugated sandwich structures: Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms under bending loadings
Mejia-Alvarez, Ricardo
Design strategies for a multi-material Hopkinson bar that provides a specific spectral character loading
Mendelsohn, Daniel
Nonlinear vibration of a cohesively cracked beam, I: Quasi-static nonlinear load-displacement relations for a linear softening cohesive edge-crack in bending
Nonlinear vibration of a cohesively cracked beam, II: Perturbation analysis of Euler-Bernoulli beam vibration using a nonlinear spring for damage representation
Mendez, Juan
Stability of discrete topological defects in graphene
Méndez-Sánchez, Rafael
Elastic Wannier-Stark ladders in torsional waves
Meng, Liang
Laser powder bed fusion of multilayer corrugated sandwich structures: Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms under bending loadings
Meng, Zhijuan
A new element-free Galerkin method for 3D elasticity problems
Menga, Nicola
A note on wear of elastic sliding parts with varying contact area
Merlini, Teodoro
Computational shell mechanics by the helicoidal modeling. Part I: Theory
Computational shell mechanics by the helicoidal modeling. Part II: Shell element
On successive differentiations of the rotation tensor: An application to nonlinear beam elements
Merodio, Jose
On acoustoelasticity and the elastic constants of soft biological tissues
Wave velocity formulas to evaluate elastic constants of soft biological tissues
Metelli, Giovanni
Analytical estimates for the lateral thrust in bolted steel buckling-restrained braces
Mi, Changwen
A simplified strain gradient Kirchhoff rod model and its applications on microsprings and microcolumns
Analytical solutions for displacements and stresses in functionally graded thick-walled spheres subjected to a unidirectional outer tension
Nanoparticles under the influence of surface-interface elasticity
Stress concentration around a nanovoid eccentrically embedded in an elastic lamina subjected to far-field loading
The hemi-spherical nano-pit at the plane boundary of an elastic half-space subjected to statically equivalent shear tractions
Tuning stress concentrations through embedded functionally graded shells
Miao, Linchang
Vibration reduction of low frequency of phononic-like crystal structures for subways
Miao, Xinwei
Seismic performance of concrete-filled steel tube devices for precast concrete beam-column connections
Miao, Yanan
Analysis & design of winding tension system based on influence of thermal-dependent parameters
Micheletti, Andrea
A marching procedure for form-finding for tensegrity structures
Mierzwiczak, Magdalena
Computer simulation of the effective viscosity in Brinkman filtration equation using the Trefftz method
The application of the method of fundamental solutions to a simulation of two-dimensional sloshing phenomenon
The inverse determination of volume fraction of fibers in unidirectionally reinforced composite for a given effective thermal conductivity
The optimal shape parameter of multiquadric collocation method for solution of non-linear steady-state heat conduction in multilayered plate
Miladi Chaabane, Mariem
Edge stiffness effects on thin-film laminated double glazing system dynamical behavior by the operational modal analysis
Min, Guangjie
Prediction of fatigue crack extension life in crane main girders and assessment of load reduction
Miroshnichenko, Andrey
Mirzaei, Yaser
Size-dependent free vibration analysis of infinite nanotubes using elasticity theory
Mirzavand Boroujeni, Babak
Thermoelastic stability analysis of imperfect functionally graded cylindrical shells
Mishnaevsky, Leon
Statistics of micro structure, peak stress and interface damage in fiber reinforced composite
Mishuris, Gennady
Remarks on the accuracy of algorithms for motion by mean curvature in bounded domains
Weight function approach to a crack propagating along a bimaterial interface under arbitrary loading in an anisotropic solid
Misra, Ashoh
Dynamic analysis of banana fiber reinforced low density polyethylene /poly (e-caprolactone) composites
Misra, Raghvendra
Dynamic analysis of banana fiber reinforced low density polyethylene /poly (e-caprolactone) composites
Mistou, Sébastien
A new model to predict the behavior with the interfaces of multilayer structures
Mitchell, John
A position-aware linear solid constitutive model for peridynamics
Mitra, Anirban
Large Amplitude Dynamic Analysis of Stiffened Plates with Free Edges
Mitra, Mira
Perturbation technique for wave propagation analysis in a notched beam using wavelet spectral element modeling
Wavelet spectral element for wave propagation studies in pressure loaded axisymmetric cylinders
Mocanu, Marcelina
Quantitative Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Cell Membranes: An Exact Solution
Mofrad, Mohammand
Mogilevskaya, Sofia
Case study of the Bövik-Benveniste methodology for imperfect interface modeling of two-dimensional elasticity problems with thin layers
Equivalent inhomogeneity method for evaluating the effective conductivities of isotropic particulate composites
Evaluation of the effective elastic moduli of particulate composites based on Maxwell's concept of equivalent inhomogeneity: microstructure-induced anisotropy
Maxwell's equivalent inhomogeneity and remarkable properties of harmonic problems involving symmetric domains
Numerical study of the Gurtin-Murdoch model for curved interfaces: Benchmark solutions and analysis of curvature-related effects
Semi-analytical solution for a viscoelastic plane containing multiple circular holes
Viscoelastic state of a semi-infinite medium with multiple circular elastic inhomogeneities
Mohammad-Sedighi, Hamid
Implementation of Hermite-Ritz method and Navier’s technique for vibration of functionally graded porous nanobeam embedded in Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation using bi-Helmholtz type of nonlocal elasticity
Nonlinear bending, buckling and vibration of functionally graded nonlocal strain gradient nanobeams resting on elastic foundation
Mohammadi, Vahid
Buckling and postbuckling behavior of functionally graded timoshenko microbeams based on the strain gradient theory
Mohr, Dirk
Quasi-static Punch Indentation of a Honeycomb Sandwich plate: Experiments and modelling
Mokashi, Prasad
Nonlinear vibration of a cohesively cracked beam, I: Quasi-static nonlinear load-displacement relations for a linear softening cohesive edge-crack in bending
Nonlinear vibration of a cohesively cracked beam, II: Perturbation analysis of Euler-Bernoulli beam vibration using a nonlinear spring for damage representation
Mokhtari, Mohamed
Using a CZM and XFEM technique to predict the damage of aluminum notched reinforced with composite patch
Molaiee, Alireza
Experimental and Numerical Energy Absorption Study of Aluminum Honeycomb Structure Filled with Graded and non-graded Polyurethane Foam under in-plane and out of plane loading
Monaco, Michela
A no-tension analysis for a brick masonry vault with lunette
Mondali, Mehdi
A modified shear-lag model for prediction of stress distribution in unidirectional fibrous composites considering interphase
Monsivais Galindo, Guillermo
Dispersion relations for SH waves on a magneto-electro-elastic heterostructure with imperfect interfaces
Elastic Wannier-Stark ladders in torsional waves
Shear vertical waves in laminated coupled electro-mechanics materials with imperfect contact conditions at the interfaces
Stark ladder resonances in acoustic waveguides
Montanino, Andrea
Automatic generation of statically admissible stress fields in masonry vaults
Limit Analysis of cloister vaults: the case study of Palazzo Caracciolo di Avellino
Montassar, Sami
A hysteretic Bingham model for MR dampers to control cable vibrations
Morandini, Marco
Computational shell mechanics by the helicoidal modeling. Part I: Theory
Computational shell mechanics by the helicoidal modeling. Part II: Shell element
On successive differentiations of the rotation tensor: An application to nonlinear beam elements
Moreno, Michael
Conjugate stress/strain base pairs for planar analysis of biological tissues
Morgado, M. Luísa
Variational methods for the solution of fractional discrete/continuous Sturm--Liouville problems
Mori, Alejandro
Elastic Wannier-Stark ladders in torsional waves
Mori, Kotaro
Nonlinear bending response of giant magnetostrictive laminated actuators in magnetic fields
Mori, Lapo
Deformation and fracture modes of Sandwich Structures subjected to underwater impulsive loads
Morini, Lorenzo
Weight function approach to a crack propagating along a bimaterial interface under arbitrary loading in an anisotropic solid
Moroz, Halyna
Some general theorems for local gradient theory of electrothermoelastic dielectrics
Morrison, David
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Mosalmani, Reza
Nonlinear vibration of functionally graded circular nanoplates based on the stress-driven method
Moslehi, Morteza
Optimal synthesis of an adjustable six-bar path generator mechanism using a cuckoo optimization algorithm
Moslemian, Ramin
Failure Investigation of Debonded Sandwich Columns: An Experimental and Numerical Study
Motahari, Siamak
Effect of adding crumb tire rubber particles on mechanical properties of DCPD modified sulfur polymer mortars
Motamarri, Phani
An energy-momentum conserving algorithm for nonlinear transient analysis within the framework of hybrid elements
Moumni, Ziad
Cyclic behavior and energy approach to the fatigue of shape memory alloys
Mousavi, Seyed
Bending analysis of laminated cylindrical panels with various boundary conditions using differential cubature method
Analytical Modeling and Computational Analysis on Topological Properties of 1-D Phononic Crystal in Elastic Media
Muracciole, Jean-Michel
Fields of stored energy associated with localized necking of steel
Murthy, Kondepudi
A simple technique for estimation of mixed mode (I/II) stress intensity factors
Comparison of different methods for estimating the notch stress intensities at sharp V-notches
Determination of strain gage locations for accurate measurement of the opening mode stress intensity factors
Determination of the mode I stress intensity factors of the complex configurations using the strain gages
Murugesan, Arun
A state-of-art review on the mechanical performance of basalt textile reinforced concrete (BTRC)
Musceo, Francesco
Axialsymmetric indentation of a rigid cylinder on a layered compressible and incompressible halfspace
Muschik, Wolfgang
Exploitation of the dissipation inequality, if some balances are missing
Muthu, Jacob
Characterization of CNT Properties using Space-frame Structure
Muyarama, Mitsuhiro
Effect of tip profile on cutting processability of trapezoidal cutting blade indented to aluminum sheet