Volume 20 Number 1
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – N
Nadler, Ben
An Eulerian formulation for large deformations of elastically isotropic elastic-viscoplastic membranes
Nagasawa, Shigeru
Effect of tip profile on cutting processability of trapezoidal cutting blade indented to aluminum sheet
Nahshon, Ken
Nair, Kalyani
A multi level numerical model quantifying cell deformation in encapsulated alginate structures
Najmeddine, Aimane
Physics-based constitutive equation for thermochemically aged elastomers based on crosslink density evolution
Nakamura, Tasuku
Nonlinear bending response of giant magnetostrictive laminated actuators in magnetic fields
Napier, John
Effective properties of shear band structures in rock at different length scales
Narayanan, Jinesh
Multiple crack damage detection of structures using simplified PZT model
Narendar, Saggam
Scale effects on ultrasonic wave dispersion characteristics of a monolayer graphene embedded in elastic medium
Narita, Fumio
Dynamic fatigue of cracked piezoelectric ceramics under electromechanical loading: three-point bending test and finite element analysis
Electroelastic intensification and domain switching near plane strain crack in rectangular piezoelectric material
Nonlinear bending response of giant magnetostrictive laminated actuators in magnetic fields
Nonlinear Electromechanical Fields and Localized Polarization Switching of Piezoelectric Macro-Fiber Composites
Numerical and experimental evaluation of cryogenic tensile strength of woven fabric-reinforced glass/epoxy composites using the open hole specimens
Nataatmadja, Andreas
Influence of vehicular positions and thermal effects on structural behaviour of concrete pavement
Natarajan, Chennimalai Kumar
Dissipation energy as a stimulus for cortical bone adaptation
Natarajan, Sundararajan
Linear buckling analysis of cracked plates by SFEM and XFEM
Nath, J.
Improved smeared and zigzag third order theories for piezoelectric angle-ply laminated cylindrical shells under electrothermomechanical load
Nath, Yogendra
On the nonlinear dynamics of oval cylindrical shells
Navrath, Uwe
Network evolution model of anisotropic stress softening in filled rubber-like materials: Parameter identification and finite element implementation
Needleman, Alan
Conical indentation of thick elastic spherical shells
Neff, Patrizio
Cosserat micropolar elasticity: Classical Eringen vs. dislocation form
Geometrically nonlinear Cosserat elasticity in the plane: applications to chirality
Negri, Matteo
A variational formulation for quasi-brittle fracture
Nekkanty, Srikant
A cohesive zone finite element approach to model tensile cracks in thin film coatings
Nemat-Nasser, Sia
Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Compressive Response of Single and Hex-arrayed Aluminum Tubes
Nemeth, Michael
Stress and buckling analyses of laminates with a cutout using a {3,0}- plate theory
Nemirovsky, Yuri
Dynamic rigid-plastic deformation of arbitrarily shaped plates
Neto, Maria
Optimization of a satellite with composite materials
Neustadt, Yuriy
Continuum deployable shells made of thin plates
Mixed variational principle for shape memory solids
Ngo, Duc
The effect of thin film/substrate radii on the Stoney formula for thin/film substrate subject to nonuniform axisymmetric misfit strain and temperature
Nguyen, Quyet
Polarization approximations for elastic moduli of isotropic multicomponent materials
Nguyen, Quoc Son
Nguyen, Viet
Thermomechanical modelling of friction effects in granular flow using the discrete element method
Nguyen, Viet
Detection of fatigue crack using breathing crack phenomenon
Nguyen, Xuan Huy
A finite difference formulation based on a complementary strain energy variational principle for the stress analyses in FRP flexural-strengthened beams
Nguyen-Tajan, Thi Mac-Lan
Cyclic approximation of the heat equation in finite strains for the heat build-up problem of rubber
Ni, Bin
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Ni, Qiao
Dynamics and stability analysis of an axially moving beam in axial flow
Nonlinear impacting oscillations of pipe conveying pulsating fluid subjected to distributed motion constraints
Ni, Yiwen
Accurate buckling analysis of piezoelectric functionally graded nanotube reinforced cylindrical shells under combined electro-thermo-mechanical loads
Nicolas, Alfredo
Natural convection fluid flow and heat transfer in porous media
Nie, Chongyang
Analysis on the interfacial mechanics of mirco-scratching test for DLC-G95Cr18 film-substrate system
Nie, Qing
Size-normalized robustness of Dpp gradient in Drosophila wing imaginal disc
Nierenberger, Mathieu
An asymptotic method for the prediction of the anisotropic effective elastic properties of the cortical vein – superior sagital sinus junction embedded within a homogenized cell element
Nikolskiy, Dmitry
Maxwell's equivalent inhomogeneity and remarkable properties of harmonic problems involving symmetric domains
Nikonov, Anatolij
Explicit model for bending edge wave on an elastic orthotropic plate supported by the Winkler-Fuss foundation
Niordson, Christian
Basic strain gradient plasticity theories with application to constrained film deformation
Nitzsche, Fred
A semi-analytical approach for the variational asymptotic sectional analysis of a beam with high values of initial twist and curvatures
Nonlinear dynamic response of an accelerating composite rotor blade using perturbations
Niu, Zhongrong
Numerical study of the Gurtin-Murdoch model for curved interfaces: Benchmark solutions and analysis of curvature-related effects
The extended boundary element analysis of stress fields of V-notched/cracked structures in bonded bi-materials
Nobili, Andrea
Axisymmetric loading of an elastic-plastic plate on a general two-parameter foundation
On low-frequency vibrations of a composite string with contrast properties for energy scavenging fabric devices
Nogueira de Codes, Rodrigo
Effects of specimen geometry on the characteristics of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect due to dynamic strain aging for AA5083-H116 aluminium alloy
Noh, Jin Yee
Topology optimization of structures tracing given nonlinear load-displacement curves
Norris, Andrew
Extreme values of Poisson's ratio and other engineering moduli in anisotropic materials
Green's function for symmetric loading of an elastic sphere with application to contact problems
Invariants of C1/2 in terms of the invariants of C
Novati, Giorgio
Diagnosis of concrete dams by flat-jack tests and inverse analyses based on proper orthogonal decomposition
Nowak, Marcin
Numerical simulations of mechanical properties of alumina foams based on computed tomography
Nowak, Zdzisław
Numerical simulations of mechanical properties of alumina foams based on computed tomography
Nuller, Boris
A closed-form solution for a crack approaching an interface
Nuñez, Ismael
Flushing of the Port of Ensenada using a SIBEO wave-driven seawater pump