Recent Issues
Volume 20, 1 issue
Volume 19, 5 issues
Volume 19
Issue 5, 747–918
Issue 4, 541–746
Issue 3, 303–540
Issue 2, 157–302
Issue 1, 1–156
Volume 18, 5 issues
Volume 18
Issue 5, 621–764
Issue 4, 427–565
Issue 3, 293–425
Issue 2, 143–291
Issue 1, 1–141
Volume 17, 5 issues
Volume 17
Issue 5, 403–501
Issue 4, 297–401
Issue 3, 193–296
Issue 2, 97–192
Issue 1, 1–95
Volume 16, 5 issues
Volume 16
Issue 5, 595–696
Issue 4, 389–594
Issue 3, 237–388
Issue 2, 105–235
Issue 1, 1–104
Volume 15, 5 issues
Volume 15
Issue 5, 555–633
Issue 4, 435–554
Issue 3, 291–434
Issue 2, 185–289
Issue 1, 1–184
Volume 14, 5 issues
Volume 14
Issue 5, 601–770
Issue 4, 449–599
Issue 3, 309–448
Issue 2, 193–308
Issue 1, 1–191
Volume 13, 5 issues
Volume 13
Issue 5, 607–714
Issue 4, 421–605
Issue 3, 247–419
Issue 2, 141–246
Issue 1, 1–139
Volume 12, 5 issues
Volume 12
Issue 5, 563–722
Issue 4, 353–561
Issue 3, 249–351
Issue 2, 147–247
Issue 1, 1–146
Volume 11, 5 issues
Volume 11
Issue 5, 491–617
Issue 4, 329–490
Issue 3, 197–327
Issue 2, 91–196
Issue 1, 1–90
Volume 10, 5 issues
Volume 10
Issue 5, 537–630
Issue 4, 447–535
Issue 3, 207–445
Issue 2, 105–206
Issue 1, 1–103
Volume 9, 5 issues
Volume 9
Issue 5, 465–574
Issue 4, 365–463
Issue 3, 259–363
Issue 2, 121–258
Issue 1, 1–119
Volume 8, 8 issues
Volume 8
Issue 8-10, 385–523
Issue 5-7, 247–384
Issue 2-4, 109–246
Issue 1, 1–107
Volume 7, 10 issues
Volume 7
Issue 10, 887–1007
Issue 8-9, 735–885
Issue 7, 613–734
Issue 6, 509–611
Issue 5, 413–507
Issue 4, 309–412
Issue 3, 225–307
Issue 2, 119–224
Issue 1, 1–117
Volume 6, 9 issues
Volume 6
Issue 9-10, 1197–1327
Issue 7-8, 949–1195
Issue 6, 791–948
Issue 5, 641–790
Issue 1-4, 1–639
Volume 5, 6 issues
Volume 5
Issue 6, 855–1035
Issue 5, 693–854
Issue 4, 529–692
Issue 3, 369–528
Issue 2, 185–367
Issue 1, 1–183
Volume 4, 10 issues
Volume 4
Issue 10, 1657–1799
Issue 9, 1505–1656
Issue 7-8, 1185–1503
Issue 6, 987–1184
Issue 5, 779–986
Issue 4, 629–778
Issue 3, 441–627
Issue 2, 187–440
Issue 1, 1–186
Volume 3, 10 issues
Volume 3
Issue 10, 1809–1992
Issue 9, 1605–1807
Issue 8, 1403–1604
Issue 7, 1187–1401
Issue 6, 1033–1185
Issue 5, 809–1031
Issue 4, 591–807
Issue 3, 391–589
Issue 2, 195–389
Issue 1, 1–193
Volume 2, 10 issues
Volume 2
Issue 10, 1853–2066
Issue 9, 1657–1852
Issue 8, 1395–1656
Issue 7, 1205–1394
Issue 6, 997–1203
Issue 5, 793–996
Issue 4, 595–791
Issue 3, 399–594
Issue 2, 201–398
Issue 1, 1–200
Volume 1, 8 issues
Volume 1
Issue 8, 1301–1500
Issue 7, 1097–1299
Issue 6, 957–1095
Issue 5, 837–956
Issue 4, 605–812
Issue 3, 407–604
Issue 2, 205–406
Issue 1, 3–200
Author Index – P
Padovani, Cristina
Propagation of waves in masonry-like solids
Static analysis of masonry vaults
Paesold, Martin
Conditions for the localization of plastic deformation in temperature sensitive visco-plastic materials
Paganelli, Corrado
Force--displacement relationship in the extraction of a porcine tooth from its socket: experiments and numerical simulations
Paggi, Marco
Singular harmonic problems at a wedge vertex: mathematical analogies between elasticity, diffusion, electromagnetism, and fluid dynamics
Pahkamaa, Andreas
Mechanics of materials and structures - a simulation-driven design approach
Palazotto, Anthony
Property Estimation in FGM Plates Subject to Low-Velocity Impact Loading
Pamin, Jerzy
Gradient-enhanced large strain thermoplasticity with automatic linearization and localization simulations
Pamplona, Djenane
Characterization of human skin through skin expansion
Pampolini, Giampiero
Strain localization in polyurethane foams: experiments and theoretical model
Pamulaparthi Venkata, Sairam
Instabilities in the free inflation of a nonlinear hyperelastic toroidal membrane
Pan, Ernian
Interaction between a screw dislocation and a piezoelectric circular inclusion with viscous interface
Pan, Haizhu
Dynamic facture behavior in functionally graded piezoelectric bi-materials with interfacial cracks emanating from a circular cavity
Pan, Sheng
A summary of boundary conditions to govern web lateral movement in roll-to-roll process machines
Pan, Wei
Analysis of crack path instabilities in a quenched glass plate using the phase-field cohesive zone model
Pan, Yi
Influence of matrix plasticity and residual thermal stress on interfacial debonding of a single fiber composite
Interfacial crack kinking subjected to contact effects
Numerical characterization of material elastic properties for random fiber composites
Pan, Yihui
Mechanical degradation of natural fiber reinforced composite materials under constrained swelling
Pandey, Mahesh
Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of coupled viscoelastic systems driven by white noise
Panja, Sourav
Two collinear cracks in a transversely isotropic medium under the hyperbolic heat conduction law
Panoskaltsis, Vassilis
On large deformation generalized plasticity
Papa Dukić, Edita
Characteristic bending length in micropolar materials with periodic internal structure
Papagiannakis, AT
A Coupled Honeycomb Composite Sandwich Bridge-vehicle interaction model
Papenfuss, Christina
Exploitation of the dissipation inequality, if some balances are missing
Papes, Ondrej
Advantages of formulating evolution equations for elastic-viscoplastic materials in terms of the velocity gradient instead of the spin tensor
Pappas, Athanasios
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of Masonry Circular Arches with Non-Negligible Tensile Capacity
Parilla-Gomez, Andres
Antiplane shear field for a class of hyperelastic incompressible brittle material : analytical and numerical approaches
Park, Yong
Element stacking method for topology optimization with material-dependent boundary and loading conditions
Parks, Michael
Inverse problems in heterogeneous and fractured media using peridynamics
Parry, Guillaume
Investigating the secondary buckling of thin films with an analytical model
Pasquinelli, Giuseppe
Static analysis of masonry vaults
Passarella, Francesca
Decay properties of solutions of a Mindlin-type plate model for rhombic systems
Patel, Badri
On the nonlinear dynamics of oval cylindrical shells
Patil, Mayuresh
Variable-order finite elements for nonlinear, intrinsic, mixed beam equations
Pavasson, Jonas
Mechanics of materials and structures - a simulation-driven design approach
Pavlović, Ivan
Thermal buckling and free vibration of Timoshenko FG nanobeams based on the higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory
Vibrations of nonuniform bi-directional functionally graded nanotubes based on the refined beam theory in a thermal environment
Pavlović, Ratko
Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability for two coupled oscillators
Pęcherski, Ryszard
Numerical simulations of mechanical properties of alumina foams based on computed tomography
Pecker, Alain
Seismic bearing capacity of circular footing: a yield design approach
Pecorari, Claudio
Nonlinear vibration of a cohesively cracked beam, II: Perturbation analysis of Euler-Bernoulli beam vibration using a nonlinear spring for damage representation
So . . . is this a surface-breaking crack?
Pei, Qingxiang
Simulations of micro and nanoindentations
Pelegri, Assimina
Influence of matrix plasticity and residual thermal stress on interfacial debonding of a single fiber composite
Interfacial crack kinking subjected to contact effects
Numerical characterization of material elastic properties for random fiber composites
Serration effects on an interfacial crack
Pellegrini, Daniele
Propagation of waves in masonry-like solids
Pellegrino, Sergio
A zero-stiffness elastic shell structure
Wrinkled Membranes. Part I: Experiments
Wrinkled Membranes. Part II: Analytical Models
Wrinkled Membranes. Part III: Numerical Simulations
Pence, Thomas
Design strategies for a multi-material Hopkinson bar that provides a specific spectral character loading
Expansion-contraction behavior of a pressurized poro-hyperelastic spherical shell due to fluid redistribution in the structure wall
Penta, Francesco
Homogenization of a Vierendeel girder with elastic joints into an equivalent polar beam
Perego, Umberto
A variational formulation for quasi-brittle fracture
Perera, Nimal
Study of Viscoelastic and Friction Damper Configurations in the Seismic Mitigation of Medium-Rise Structures
Pérez Álvarez, Rolando
Interfacial waves in an A/B/A piezoelectric structure with electro-mechanical imperfect interfaces
Pham, Duc
Polarization approximations for elastic moduli of isotropic multicomponent materials
Shakedown working limits for circular shaft and helical spring subjected to dynamic fluctuating loads
Unified original and iteration minimum energy bounds on longitudinal-transverse elastic constants of transversely isotropic unidirectional composites
Pham, Vinh
An approximate formula of first peak frequency of ellipticity of Rayleigh surface waves in orthotropic layered half-space model
Effective boundary condition method and approximate secular equations of Rayleigh waves in orthotropic half-spaces coated by a thin layer
Formulas for the H$/$V ratio of Rayleigh waves in compressible pre-stressed elastic half-spaces
On acoustoelasticity and the elastic constants of soft biological tissues
Wave velocity formulas to evaluate elastic constants of soft biological tissues
Pham, Phe Van
A finite difference formulation based on a complementary strain energy variational principle for the stress analyses in FRP flexural-strengthened beams
Phoenix, Stuart
Effects of layer stacking order on the V_50 velocity
Statistical strength of a twisted fiber bundle: an extension of daniels equal-load-sharing parallel bundle theory
Statistical Strength of Twisted Fiber Bundles with Load Sharing Controlled by Frictional Length Scales
Pi, Yong-Lin
Elastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Circular
Piccardo, Giuseppe
A linear model of curved beam for the analysis of galloping of suspended cables
Pignataro, Marcello
A direct one-dimensional beam model for the flexural-torsional buckling of thin-walled beams
The effects of warping constraints on the buckling of thin-walled structures
Pijaudier-Cabot, Gilles
Chaotic vibrations in a damage oscillator with crack closure effect
Pinarbasi, Seval
Buckling analysis of nonuniform columns with elastic end restraints
Pintucchi, Barbara
Orthotropic plane bodies with bounded tensile and compressive strength
Polit, Olivier
A refined sine-based finite element with transverse normal deformation for the analysis of laminated beams under thermomechanical loads
Polymenakos, Lazaros
On large deformation generalized plasticity
Pontin, Michael
Dynamic shear rupture of steel plates
Popenko, Natalia
Predictive modelling of mechanical properties of metal filled anodic aluminium oxide
Porwal, Pankaj
Effects of layer stacking order on the V_50 velocity
Statistical strength of a twisted fiber bundle: an extension of daniels equal-load-sharing parallel bundle theory
Statistical Strength of Twisted Fiber Bundles with Load Sharing Controlled by Frictional Length Scales
Potapov, Vadim
The simulation of stochastically excited viscoelastic systems and their stability
Potoczek, Marek
Numerical simulations of mechanical properties of alumina foams based on computed tomography
Poznic, Milan
So . . . is this a surface-breaking crack?
Pradhan, Suresh
Vibration suppression analysis of FGM shells with higher
Praveen Kumar, Gideon
Effect of number of crowns on the crush resistance in open-cell stent design
Prikazchikov, Danila
Explicit model for bending edge wave on an elastic orthotropic plate supported by the Winkler-Fuss foundation
Prikazchikova, Ludmila
On low-frequency vibrations of a composite string with contrast properties for energy scavenging fabric devices
Proença, Sergio
Application of a lumped dissipation model to reinforced concrete structures with the consideration of residual strains and cycles of hysteresis
Provatidis, Christopher
B-splines collocation eigenanalysis of 2D acoustic problems
B-splines collocation for plate bending eigenanalysis
Global collocation method for 2-D rectangular domains
Morphological processing of principal orthogonal modes for crack detection in beam structures
Prukvilailert, Monchai
Boundary element analysis of the stress field at the singularity lines in three-dimensional bonded joints under thermal loading
Pryce, Lewis
Weight function approach to a crack propagating along a bimaterial interface under arbitrary loading in an anisotropic solid
Pučik, Thomas
Nonuniqueness and instability of classical formulations of nonassociated plasticity, part I: Case study
Pucillo, Giovanni Pio
Homogenization of a Vierendeel girder with elastic joints into an equivalent polar beam
Purbolaksono, Judha
Nonlinear buckling formulations and imperfection models for shear deformable plates by the boundary element method
Puri, Saurabh
Modeling dislocation sources and size effects at initial yield in continuum plasticity
Puria, Sunil
A cochlear model using the time-averaged Lagrangian and the push-pull mechanism in the organ of Corti
A multiscale model of the organ of Corti
Calculation of inertial properties of the Malleus-Incus complex from micro-CT imaging
Frequency and spacial response of basilar membrane vibration ina three-dimensional Gerbil cochlear model
Puswewala, Udeni G.
Numerical modelling of soil creep
Pyatigorets, Andrey
Application of a matrix operator method for thermo-viscoelastic analysis of composite structures
Viscoelastic state of a semi-infinite medium with multiple circular elastic inhomogeneities