Volume 20 Number 1
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – R
Rabczuk, Timon
Linear buckling analysis of cracked plates by SFEM and XFEM
Rabinovitch, Oded
Dynamics of FRP Strengthened Unidirectional Masonry Walls – Part I: A Multi-layered Finite Element
Dynamics of FRP Strengthened Unidirectional Masonry Walls – Part II: Experiments and Comparison
Geometrically nonlinear effects in the flexural response of masonry walls strengthened with composite materials
In-Plane Dynamic Excitation of AAC Masonry Walls Patched with FRP – Dynamic Testing and Analysis
Rädel, Martin
A mode-dependent energy-based damage model for peridynamics and its implementation
Radford, Darren
Dynamic failure of clamped circular plates subjected to an underwater shock
Radi, Enrico
Analytical solution for ductile and FRC plates on elastic ground loaded on a small circular area
Axisymmetric loading of an elastic-plastic plate on a general two-parameter foundation
Shaft-hub press fit subjected to couples and radial forces: analytical evaluation of the shaft-hub detachment loading
Radowicz, Andrzej
Rahman, Rania
An asymptotic method for the prediction of the anisotropic effective elastic properties of the cortical vein – superior sagital sinus junction embedded within a homogenized cell element
Rajagopal, Anurag
Stress and strain recovery for the in-plane deformation of an isotropic tapered strip-beam
Rajaie, Hossein
Bending of laminated plates with mixed boundary conditions based on higher-order shear deformation theory
Rajapakse, R. K. Nimal
Finite element simulation of strain-rate effects on localized unstable pseudoelastic response of shape memory alloys
Rajvanshi, Satish
Plane waves at the boundary of two micropolar thermoelastic solids with distinct conductive and thermodynamic temperatures
Ramasubramanian, Melur
Stiffness based sorting of paper on a high speed conveyor
Ramezanifard, Mohammadreza
An endoscopic grasper with corrugated plate shape tactile sensors
Ramezannejad Azarboni, Habib
The effect of fractional viscoelastic supports on the response of a flexible rotor based on H∞ and H2 optimization methods
Ramirez, José
Multimodal piezoelectric device for energy harvesting from engine vibration
Rang, Joachim
Time-adaptive finite element simulations of dynamical problems for temperature-dependent materials
Ranganathan, Shivakumar
Buckling of two-phase inhomogeneous columns at arbitrary phase contrasts and volume fractions
Rangelov, Tsviatko
Time-harmonic elastodynamic Green's for the half-plane with quadratic-type inhomogeneity
Ranocchiai, Giovanna
Numerical homogenization techniques for the evaluation of mechanical behavior of a composite with SMA inclusions
Raoult, Ida
Cyclic approximation of the heat equation in finite strains for the heat build-up problem of rubber
Rastgoo, Abbas
Analysis of pull-in instability of electrostatically actuated carbon nanotubes using the homotopy perturbation method
Rathi, Ankit
Adhesive and viscoelastic response of MWCNT/ZrO2 hybrid epoxy nanocomposites
Ratnaswamy, Vishagan
Tapping dynamics for a column of particles and beyond
Ravikumar, Krishnakumar
Spontaneous unwinding of a labile domain in a collagen triple helix
Ray, Manas
Improved thermoelastic coefficients of a novel short fuzzy fiber-reinforced composite with wavy carbon nanotubes
Ray, Tapabrata
Efficiencies of algorithms for vibration-based delamination detection: A comparative study
Razi, Pejman
On the vibration simulation of submerged pipes- structural health monitoring aspects
Rega, Guiseppe
Regenauer-Lieb, Klaus
Conditions for the localization of plastic deformation in temperature sensitive visco-plastic materials
Reinhardt, Erik
A new earthquake-resistant concrete frame with fiber-reinforced plastic fabrics and shifted plastic hinges
Rémond, Yves
An asymptotic method for the prediction of the anisotropic effective elastic properties of the cortical vein – superior sagital sinus junction embedded within a homogenized cell element
Ren, Jianwei
Comparative Study of Graded Honeycombs With Various Cellular Structures Under Impacting Load
Ren, Yao
A summary of boundary conditions to govern web lateral movement in roll-to-roll process machines
Renaud, Guillaume
Analytical evaluation of laminated composite DCB test data for achieving validated modelling analysis
Restuccia, Liliana
Thermodynamics of inhomogeneous ferroelectrics
Thermoelastic damping in an auxetic rectangular plate with thermal relaxation: forced vibrations
Retamal, Facundo
Strength prediction model for foamed cellular concrete
Reyes Guzman, Marco
Interfacial waves in an A/B/A piezoelectric structure with electro-mechanical imperfect interfaces
Reza, Arash
Optimal synthesis of an adjustable six-bar path generator mechanism using a cuckoo optimization algorithm
Rezaei, Davood
A novel application of a laser Doppler vibrometer in a health monitoring system
Rhee, Seung Yun
Molecular dynamics-based continuum models for the linear elasticity of nanofilms and nanowires with anisotropic surface effects
Rivest, Christopher
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Rizza, Gregory
Effects of contact surface shape on lifetime of cellular focal adhesion
Rizzi, Gianluca
Cosserat micropolar elasticity: Classical Eringen vs. dislocation form
Rizzi, Nicola
A direct one-dimensional beam model for the flexural-torsional buckling of thin-walled beams
The effects of warping constraints on the buckling of thin-walled structures
Robi, Puthuveettil
A simple technique for estimation of mixed mode (I/II) stress intensity factors
Determination of strain gage locations for accurate measurement of the opening mode stress intensity factors
Determination of the mode I stress intensity factors of the complex configurations using the strain gages
Roccabianca, Sara
Long wavelength bifurcations and multiple neutral axes of elastic layered structures subject to finite bending
Rodríguez, Patricio
On the modeling of dissipative mechanisms in a ductile softening bar
Rodríguez-Ramos, Reinaldo
A dispersive nonlocal model for wave propagation in periodic composites
Dispersion relations for SH waves on a magneto-electro-elastic heterostructure with imperfect interfaces
Evaluation of effective material properties of rendomly distributed short cylindrical fiber composites using a numerical homogenization technique
Homogenization and effective properties of periodic thermomagnetoelectrostatic composites
Shear vertical waves in laminated coupled electro-mechanics materials with imperfect contact conditions at the interfaces
Roehl, Deane
A three dimensional contact model for soil-pipe interaction
Rogerson, Graham
Resonance phenomena at the interface of two perfectly bonded, pre-stressed elastic strips
The influence of an initial simple shear deformation on long-wave motion in an elastic layer
Rojas, Enrique
The mechanics of tip growth morphogenesis: what we have learned from rubber balloons
Romanel, Celso
A three dimensional contact model for soil-pipe interaction
Romano, Giovanni
Nonlinear theory of shells as foliations of submanifolds
Romanova, Tatiana
Dynamic rigid-plastic deformation of arbitrarily shaped plates
Rong, Bin
Axial compression stability of a crisscross section column composed of concrete-filled square steel tubes
Experimental and analytical investigation of the behavior of diaphragm-through joints of concrete-filled tubular columns
Shear capacity of T-shaped diaphragm-through joints of CFST columns
Studies on performance and failure mode of T-shaped diaphragm-through connection under monotonic and cyclic loading
Rosakis, Ares
Experimental Investigations of Spontaneous Bimaterial Interfacial Fractures
The effect of thin film/substrate radii on the Stoney formula for thin/film substrate subject to nonuniform axisymmetric misfit strain and temperature
Rosato, Anthony
Tapping dynamics for a column of particles and beyond
Rossikhin, Yuri
Forced vibrations of a nonlinear oscillator with weak fractional damping
Rougier, Viviana
Strength prediction model for foamed cellular concrete
Rouhi, Gholamreza
Modeling bone resorption using Mixture Theory with chemical reactions
Rousseau, Carl-Ernst
Experimental Investigations of Spontaneous Bimaterial Interfacial Fractures
Roy, Ajit
Interaction between a screw dislocation and a piezoelectric circular inclusion with viscous interface
Roy, Anish
Modeling dislocation sources and size effects at initial yield in continuum plasticity
RoyChoudhuri, Snehangshu
One-dimensional thermo-elastic waves in elastic half-space with dual-phase-lag effects
Royer-Carfagni, Gianni
On the occurrence of lumped forces at corners in classical plate theories: a physically-based interpretation
Plastic hinges as phase transitions in strain softening beams
The effective thickness of laminated glass plates
Rubin, Jamie
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Rubin, Miles
A generalized Cosserat point element (CPE) for isotropic nonlinear elastic materials including irregular 3-D brick and thin structures
A simple hard-particle collision model with a smooth transition to full slip
A simple scalar directional hardening model for the Bauschinger effect compared with a tensorial model
Advantages of formulating evolution equations for elastic-viscoplastic materials in terms of the velocity gradient instead of the spin tensor
An Eulerian formulation for large deformations of elastically isotropic elastic-viscoplastic membranes
Contact stress on a rotating elastic band saw blade
Rubio, Nelly
A three dimensional contact model for soil-pipe interaction
Rueger, Zachariah
Cosserat elasticity of octet truss titanium alloy lattices
Russell, Benjamin
Dynamic compressive response of composite corrugated cores
Multi-hit armour characterisation of metal-composite bi-layers
Quasi-static deformation and failure modes of composite square honeycombs
Ruta, Giuseppe
A direct one-dimensional beam model for the flexural-torsional buckling of thin-walled beams
The effects of warping constraints on the buckling of thin-walled structures
Ruzzene, Massimo
A wave-based damage index for the analysis of the filtered response of damaged beams
Numerical and experimental analysis of the static compliance of chiral truss-core airfoils
Perturbation technique for wave propagation analysis in a notched beam using wavelet spectral element modeling
Rylko, Natalia
Representative volume element in 2D for disks and in 3D for balls
Ryvkin, Michael
A closed-form solution for a crack approaching an interface
Design of crack-resistant two-dimensional periodic cellular materials
Ryzhak, Eugene
Analytical investigation of free vibrations of a bounded nonlinear bulk-elastic medium in a mass force field