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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
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Author Index – S
Sabbaghian, Mehdy
Exact closed-form solution of the dynamic coupled thermoelastic response of a functionally graded Timoshenko beam
Sabina Císcar, Federico
A dispersive nonlocal model for wave propagation in periodic composites
Homogenization and effective properties of periodic thermomagnetoelectrostatic composites
Safarpour, Pedram
The effect of fractional viscoelastic supports on the response of a flexible rotor based on H∞ and H2 optimization methods
Saha, Kashinath
Large Amplitude Dynamic Analysis of Stiffened Plates with Free Edges
Saheli, Ghazal
Homogenization Relations for Elastic Properties of Two Phase Composites Using Two-Point Statistical Functions
Şahin, Onur
The effect of boundary conditions on the lowest vibration modes of strongly inhomogeneous beams
Sahoo, Prakash
Dynamic response of stiffened plates under moving loads and masses
Sahoo, Prasanta
Large Amplitude Dynamic Analysis of Stiffened Plates with Free Edges
Said, Samia
The effect of variability thermal conductivity on an infinite fiber-reinforced thick plate under initial stress
Saiidi, Mehdi
A new earthquake-resistant concrete frame with fiber-reinforced plastic fabrics and shifted plastic hinges
Saini, Rahul
Thermal buckling analysis of nonuniform FG nanobeams: Analytical and numerical solutions
Saini, Renu
Thermal buckling analysis of nonuniform FG nanobeams: Analytical and numerical solutions
Saito, Fumitoshi
Electroelastic intensification and domain switching near plane strain crack in rectangular piezoelectric material
Saito, Yuki
Cylindrical indentation induced deformation state in face-centered cubic (FCC) single crystals
Salamon, Nicholas
Nonlinear deflection experiments: Wrinkling of plates pressed onto foundations
Salamon, Peggy
Nonlinear deflection experiments: Wrinkling of plates pressed onto foundations
Salençon, Jean
Seismic bearing capacity of circular footing: a yield design approach
Salerno, Ginevra
Hexagonal boron nitride nanostructures: a nanoscale mechanical modelling
Samaniego, Esteban
On the modeling of dissipative mechanisms in a ductile softening bar
Sampaio, Rubens
Analysis of non-stationary random processes using smooth decomposition
Sanches, César
Active control of vortex-induced vibrations in offshore catenary risers: a non-linear normal mode approach
Sánchez, Jesús
A study of penalty formulations used in the numerical approximation of a radially symmetric elasticity problem
Sandeep, K.
Dynamic analysis of banana fiber reinforced low density polyethylene /poly (e-caprolactone) composites
Sang, Sheng
Particle swarm optimization for curved beams in multistable structures
Sant, Zdenka
Analysis of stress-strain distribution within the spinal segment
Saravanos, Dimitris
Coupled finite element for the nonlinear dynamic response of active piezoelectric plates under thermoelectromechanical loads
Sarva, Sai
Mechanics of polycarbonate during high rate tension
Sato, Koji
Nonlinear Electromechanical Fields and Localized Polarization Switching of Piezoelectric Macro-Fiber Composites
Saxena, Prashant
Instabilities in the free inflation of a nonlinear hyperelastic toroidal membrane
Sburlati, Roberta
Elastic solution in a functionally graded coating subjected to a concentrated force
Indentation problems in thin films on elastic substrate systems
Scalia, Antonio
Uniqueness theorems in the equilibrium theory of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures for microstretch solids
Scarpas, Athanasios
A Winkler ligament contact between a rigid disc and an elastic halfspace
Scheidler, Michael
Nonuniform shear strains in torsional Kolsky bar tests on soft specimens
Schiavone, Peter
A double coated circular elastic inhomogeneity with internal uniform deviatoric stresses
A nonlinearly coupled thermoelectric circular inhomogeneity with interface slip and diffusion
A spherical elastic inhomogeneity with interface slip and diffusion under a deviatoric far-field load
A three-phase anisotropic elastic elliptical inhomogeneity with internal linear stress and strain distributions
An anisotropic elastic inhomogeneous elliptical inclusion
An anisotropic piezoelectric half-plane containing an elliptical hole or crack subjected to uniform in-plane electromechanical loading
An edge dislocation interacting with an elliptical incompressible liquid inclusion
An interfacial arc crack in bonded dissimilar isotropic laminated plates
Closed-form solutions for an edge dislocation interacting with a parabolic or an elliptical elastic inhomogeneity
Degenerate orthotropic materials in the Stroh formalism for steady state problems
Displacement field in an elastic solid with mode-III crack and first-order surface effects
Elastic Fields for a Parabolic Hole Endowed with Surface Effects
Eshelby Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape in Isotropic Elastic Materials with a Parabolic Boundary
Harmonic shapes in isotropic laminated plates
The net interaction force between two skew dislocations in an anisotropic quasicrystalline space or half-space
Thermal stress around an arbitrary shaped nano-hole with surface elasticity in a thermoelectric material
Thermal Stress around an Elliptic Hole weakened by Electric Current in an Infinite Thermoelectric Plate
Transient response of multilayered orthotropic strips with interfacial diffusion and sliding
Uniform stress resultants inside two non-elliptical inhomogeneities in isotropic laminated plates
Uniformity of stresses within an elliptical inhomogeneity coated by an interphase layer with eigenstrains
Schnabl, Simon
Buckling of circular CFDST slender columns with compliant interfaces: Exact solution
Schneider, Konrad
Fully periodic RVEs for technological relevant composites: not worth the effort!
Sciarra, Giulio
A variational deduction of second gradient poroelasticity: Part I - General Theory
A variational deduction of second gradient poroelasticity: Part II - an application to the Consolidation Problem
Scully, John
Tubular aluminum cellular structures: fabrication and mechanical response
Sedaghati, Ramin
Rib location and optimization of stiffened panels considering geometric nonlinearity
Seidel, Gary
Hierarchical multiscale modeling of the effect of carbon nanotube damage on the elastic properties of polymer composites
Seleson, Pablo
Sellitto, Carmen
Nonlinear theory of shells as foliations of submanifolds
Selvadurai, Antony
A Winkler ligament contact between a rigid disc and an elastic halfspace
Sendkowski, Dariusz
Geometrical Analysis of a Double Physical Pendulum Dynamics
Senjuntichai, Teerapong
Dynamic response of multiple flexible strips on a multilayered poroelastic half plane
Serier, Boualem
Using a CZM and XFEM technique to predict the damage of aluminum notched reinforced with composite patch
Serri, Jérôme
A contribution to a critical review of FSW numerical simulation
Sethuraman, Raju
Finite element modeling of layered and multiphase magneto-electro-elastic cylindrical shell subjected to axi-symmetric temperature distribution
Seyednour, Reza
Genetic Programming and Orthogonal Least Squares: A Hybrid Approach to Compressive Strength of CFRP Confined Concrete Cylinders Modeling
Seyyed Fakhrabadi, Mir Masoud
Analysis of pull-in instability of electrostatically actuated carbon nanotubes using the homotopy perturbation method
Shah, Arvind
Generalized thermoelastic waves in cylinders due to localized heating
Shah, S.
On torsional vibrations of infinite hollow poroelastic cylinders
Shahbazpanahi, Shahriar
Development of fracture mechanics model of beam retrofitted with cfrp plate subjected to cyclic loading
Shahsavari, Rouzbeh
Indentation analysis of fractional viscoelastic solids
Shakiba, Maryam
Physics-based constitutive equation for thermochemically aged elastomers based on crosslink density evolution
Shan, Baoxiang
Interfacial crack kinking subjected to contact effects
Shankar, Krishna
Efficiencies of algorithms for vibration-based delamination detection: A comparative study
Shankar, Krishnapillai
Dynamic behavior of magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminate cylindrical shells due to electromagnetic force
Multiple crack damage detection of structures using simplified PZT model
Transient response of megneto-electro-elastic simply supported cylindrical shell using finite elements
Shao, Xinyuan
The closest isotropic, cubic and transversely isotropic stiffness and compliance tensor to arbitrary anisotropic material
Shao, Xuewen
Active vibration control for three-dimensional braided composite beams based on piezoelectric sensor and actuator
Shardakov, Igor
Experimental study of deformation processes in large-scale concrete structure under quasistatic loading
Shariati, Mojtaba
Nonlinear vibration of functionally graded circular nanoplates based on the stress-driven method
Sharif-Khodaei, Zahra
Microstructure-based modeling of elastic functionally graded materials: One dimensional case
Shariff, Mohd Halim bin Mohd
An anisotropic model for the Mullins effect in magneto-active rubber-like materials
Sharifi, Shokrollah
Flexural behavior of functionally graded slender beams with complex cross-section
Sharifishourabi, Gholamali
Flexural behavior of functionally graded slender beams with complex cross-section
Sharma, Jagan
Modelling of acousto-diffusive surface waves in Piezoelectric-semiconductor composite structures
Plane harmonic elasto-thermodiffusive waves in semiconductor materials
Sharma, K.
Modelling of acousto-diffusive surface waves in Piezoelectric-semiconductor composite structures
Shcheglova, Tatiana
Forced vibrations of a nonlinear oscillator with weak fractional damping
Sheinman, Izhak
Dynamic buckling of a beam on a nonlinear elastic foundation under step loading
Shekhar, Sudhanshu
Applications of modified Dugdale model to multiple collinear straight cracks with coalesced yield zones
Shen, Hui
A numerical investigation of the effect of boundary conditions and representative volume element size for porous titanium
Shen, Quan
The interpolating element-free Galerkin method for the variational-hemivariational inequality of the frictionless elastic contact problem with normal compliance and unilateral constraint
Sheng, Daichao
Thermomechanical formulation of strain gradient plasiticity for geomaterials
Sheoran, Sandeep
A two-dimensional problem in magnetothermoelasticity with laser pulse under different boundary conditions
Shestakov, Aleksey
Experimental study of deformation processes in large-scale concrete structure under quasistatic loading
Sheveleva, Alla
A dielectric breakdown model for an interface crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial
Shi, Chuanfu
Interface stress of orthotropic materials with a nano defect under anti-plane shear loading
Shi, Jinxin
A summary of boundary conditions to govern web lateral movement in roll-to-roll process machines
Shi, Yunfei
A poroelastic model for cell crawling including mechanical coupling between cytoskeletal contraction and actin polymerization
Shiao, Ya-Po
Two complementary trios material model and experimental simulations of SAE 4340 and RHA
Shield, Thomas
Ferromagnetic shape memory effects in an iron palladium alloy
Shilyaeva, Yulia
Predictive modelling of mechanical properties of metal filled anodic aluminium oxide
Shindo, Yasuhide
Dynamic fatigue of cracked piezoelectric ceramics under electromechanical loading: three-point bending test and finite element analysis
Electroelastic intensification and domain switching near plane strain crack in rectangular piezoelectric material
Non-local continuum models for carbon nanotubes subjected to static loading
Nonlinear bending response of giant magnetostrictive laminated actuators in magnetic fields
Nonlinear Electromechanical Fields and Localized Polarization Switching of Piezoelectric Macro-Fiber Composites
Numerical and experimental evaluation of cryogenic tensile strength of woven fabric-reinforced glass/epoxy composites using the open hole specimens
Shirokova, Elena
Approximal conformal mappings and elasticity problems for noncircular tubes
Shishehsaz, Mohammad
Nonlinear vibration of functionally graded circular nanoplates based on the stress-driven method
Shitikova, Marina
Forced vibrations of a nonlinear oscillator with weak fractional damping
Shivpuri, Rajiv
A cohesive zone finite element approach to model tensile cracks in thin film coatings
Shmegera, Sergii
Statistics of micro structure, peak stress and interface damage in fiber reinforced composite
Shodja, Hossein
Gradient reproducing kernel particle method
Shorter, Robert
Axial compression of hollow elastic spheres
Shu, DongWei
Dislocation interacting with collinear rigid lines in piezoelectric media
Shu, Yuan-Jie
Spherical indentation of EPDM and silicone rubber materials under high- and low-temperature conditions
Shukla, Arun
Asymptotic analysis and reflection photoelasticity to study transient crack propagation in graded materials
Shuminov, Maor
2-D multistable structures under shear: equilibrium configurations, transition patterns, and boundary effects
Shupikov, Alexander
Dynamic response of multilayer cylin ders. Three-Dimensional Elasticity Theory
Siami, Ali
A semi-analytical approach for the variational asymptotic sectional analysis of a beam with high values of initial twist and curvatures
Siddiqui, Faisal
Applications of Extended Higher Order Sandwich Panel Theory for Plates with Arbitrary Aspect Ratios
Extended Higher Order Sandwich Panel Theory for Plates with Arbitrary Aspect Ratios
Sielert, Kelly
The strength of turtle shells and mammal skulls
Sieniutycz, Stanislaw
Variational principles for heat conduction in dissipative continua
Šilhavý, Miroslav
A new class of equilibrated stress fields for no tension bodies
Integration of measures and admissible stress fields for masonry bodies
On the choice of functions spaces in the limit analysis for masonry bodies
Silibin, Maxim
Predictive modelling of mechanical properties of metal filled anodic aluminium oxide
Silling, Stewart
A position-aware linear solid constitutive model for peridynamics
An approach to modelling extreme loading of structures using peridynamics
Origin and effect of nonlocality in a composite
Sim, Jae Hoon
Calculation of inertial properties of the Malleus-Incus complex from micro-CT imaging
Singh, Baljeet
Propagation of waves in an incompressible transversely isotropic elastic solid with initial stress: Biot revisited
Reflection of P and SV waves from the free surface of a two-temperature thermoelatic solid half-space
Singh, Dilbag
Lamb waves in nonlocal elastic plate with voids
Singh, Meera
Experimental evaluation of two multiphase constitutive models applicable to metal matrix composites under non-proportional variable amplitude loading
Singh, Ramesh
A mass spring model applied for characterizing mode-I fracture in orthotropic materials
Singh, Sanasam
Shear waves at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar fibre-reinforced elastic half-spaces
Singh, Shailendra
Dynamic conservation integrals as dissipative mechanisms in the evolution of inhomogeneities
Singh, Shankar
Adhesive and viscoelastic response of MWCNT/ZrO2 hybrid epoxy nanocomposites
Singh, V.
Dynamic response of twin lined shells due to incident seismic waves
Sinyukhina, Svetlana
Analytical investigation of free vibrations of a bounded nonlinear bulk-elastic medium in a mass force field
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal
Sixto, Lázaro
Homogenization and effective properties of periodic thermomagnetoelectrostatic composites
Śliwa, Romana
Numerical simulations of mechanical properties of alumina foams based on computed tomography
Smith, John
Axial compression of hollow elastic spheres
Sobhy, Hany
Assessment of degradation of railroad rails - finite element analysis of insulated joints and unsupported sleepers
Sofia A., Sathya
Multi-Objective Optimization of Laminated Composite Plate with Elliptical Cut-out Using ANN based NSGA-II
Sokolov, Igor
Sokolow, Adam
Nonuniform shear strains in torsional Kolsky bar tests on soft specimens
Soldatos, Dimitris
On large deformation generalized plasticity
Soldatos, Kostas
On small azimuthal shear deformation of fibre-reinforced cylindrical tubes
Plane strain polar elasticity of fibre reinforced functionally graded materials and structures
Sollazzo, Alfredo
Axialsymmetric indentation of a rigid cylinder on a layered compressible and incompressible halfspace
Soltane, Selsebil
A hysteretic Bingham model for MR dampers to control cable vibrations
Solzbacher, Florian
Energy absorption of a helicoidal bistable structure
Soman, Sajith
A simple technique for estimation of mixed mode (I/II) stress intensity factors
Song, Hao-Peng
Thermal stress around an arbitrary shaped nano-hole with surface elasticity in a thermoelectric material
Thermal Stress around an Elliptic Hole weakened by Electric Current in an Infinite Thermoelectric Plate
Song, Kun
Stress concentration around an arbitrarily-shaped hole in nonlinear fully coupled thermoelectric materials
Thermal stress around an arbitrary shaped nano-hole with surface elasticity in a thermoelectric material
Thermal Stress around an Elliptic Hole weakened by Electric Current in an Infinite Thermoelectric Plate
Song, Tianshu
Dynamic facture behavior in functionally graded piezoelectric bi-materials with interfacial cracks emanating from a circular cavity
Sorzia, Andrea
Axisymmetric loading of an elastic-plastic plate on a general two-parameter foundation
Spadoni, Alessandro
Numerical and experimental analysis of the static compliance of chiral truss-core airfoils
Spanos, Pol
A collocation approach for spatial discretization of stochastic peridynamic modeling of fracture
Determination of offshore spar structural stochastic response accounting for nonlinear stiffness and radiation damping effects
Effective elastic properties of nanotube reinforced composites with slightly weakened interfaces
Spiteri, Michelle
Analysis of stress-strain distribution within the spinal segment
Srikanth, Manda
Determination of the mode I stress intensity factors of the complex configurations using the strain gages
Srinivasan, Gopalakrishnan
A wave-based damage index for the analysis of the filtered response of damaged beams
Perturbation technique for wave propagation analysis in a notched beam using wavelet spectral element modeling
Scale effects on ultrasonic wave dispersion characteristics of a monolayer graphene embedded in elastic medium
Wave Propagation in Uncertain Beam Structures: A Monte-Carlo Simulation based approach under Spectral Finite Element Environment
Wavelet spectral element for wave propagation studies in pressure loaded axisymmetric cylinders
Stamenkovic, Marija
Nonlocal forced vibration of a double single-walled carbon nanotube system under the influence of an axial magnetic field
Starosta, Roman
Electromagnetoelastic waves in a vortex layer of a superconductor
Propagation of a surface wave in a vortex array along a superconducting heterostructure
Thermoelastic damping in an auxetic rectangular plate with thermal relaxation: forced vibrations
Steele, Charles
A cochlear model using the time-averaged Lagrangian and the push-pull mechanism in the organ of Corti
Calculation of inertial properties of the Malleus-Incus complex from micro-CT imaging
Frequency and spacial response of basilar membrane vibration ina three-dimensional Gerbil cochlear model
Marie-Louise (Bühler) Steele (1943–2009)
Steeves, Craig
Bimaterial lattices with anisotropic thermal expansion
Steigmann, David
Peridynamics analysis of the nanoscale friction and wear properties of amorphous carbon thin films
Transient elastic-viscoplastic dynamics of thin sheets
Steinmann, Paul
Coupled thermally general imperfect and mechanically coherent energetic interfaces subject to in-plane degradation
Growth-induced instabilities of an elastic film on a viscoelastic substrate: Analytical solution and computational approach via eigenvalue analysis
Stepanova, Larisa
Asymptotic stress field in the vicinity of the mixed-mode crack under plane stress conditions
Stern Forgach, Catalina
Shear vertical waves in laminated coupled electro-mechanics materials with imperfect contact conditions at the interfaces
Stewart, Iain
Stewart, Kristopher
Buckling of simply supported-clamped functionally graded material column: New closed-form solutions
Stojanović, Vladimir
Stolarski, Henryk
Application of a matrix operator method for thermo-viscoelastic analysis of composite structures
Evaluation of the effective elastic moduli of particulate composites based on Maxwell's concept of equivalent inhomogeneity: microstructure-induced anisotropy
Stolz, Claude
Antiplane shear field for a class of hyperelastic incompressible brittle material : analytical and numerical approaches
Cyclic approximation of the heat equation in finite strains for the heat build-up problem of rubber
Some applications of optimal control to inverse problems in elastoplasticity
Strozzi, Antonio
Shaft-hub press fit subjected to couples and radial forces: analytical evaluation of the shaft-hub detachment loading
Strunin, Dmitry
The role of rheology in modelling elastic waves with gas bubbles in granular fluid-saturated media
Stump, Fernando
Perturbation stochastic finite-element-based homogenization of polycrystalline materials
Sturdy, Jacob
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of material parameters in crystal plasticity finite element models
Su, Jie
Two-dimensional fretting contact of piezoelectric materials under a rigid conducting cylindrical punch
Su, Jie
Spherical indentation of EPDM and silicone rubber materials under high- and low-temperature conditions
Suarez, Luis
A New Variable Damping Semi-Active (VDSA) Device for Seismic Response Reduction of Civil Structures
Sudak, Les
3D Green's functions for a steady point heat source interacting with a homogeneously imperfect interface
Modeling bone resorption using Mixture Theory with chemical reactions
Sudheer, Mehran
Dynamic response of interlocking plastic-block wall with opening
Sumelka, Wojciech
Sun, Chin-Teh
Brittle fracture beyond stress intensity factor
Mechanical Behavior of Silica Nanoparticle-Impregnated Kevlar Fabrics
Sun, Jiabin
Accurate buckling analysis of piezoelectric functionally graded nanotube reinforced cylindrical shells under combined electro-thermo-mechanical loads
Sun, Jun-yi
Application of the Kirchhoff hypothesis to bending thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression
Sun, Guojun
Numerical and experimental investigation of dynamic characteristics of cable supported barrel vault structure
Sun, Wei
A multi level numerical model quantifying cell deformation in encapsulated alginate structures
Sun, Yunyun
A mechanical model for direct wafer bonding by strain energy under the normal pressure
On the slip damping of a press-fit joint under non-uniform pressure distribution along the interface
Sun, Yuqing
A continuous stiffness approach for modeling edge-cracked beams with different cross-sections based on energy theory
Sun, Zhongwei
The hemi-spherical nano-pit at the plane boundary of an elastic half-space subjected to statically equivalent shear tractions
Suryawanshi, Pradeepkumar
A mass spring model applied for characterizing mode-I fracture in orthotropic materials
A mass spring model applied for simulation and characterization of behavior of composite structures
A novel mass spring model for simulating deformable objects
Svanadze, Merab
Fundamental solution in the theory of viscoelastic mixtures
Uniqueness theorems in the equilibrium theory of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures for microstretch solids
Swaddiwudhipong, Somsak
3D phase-evolution-based thermomechanical constitutive model of shape memory polymer with finite element implementation
Swamy, Sanda
Determination of the mode I stress intensity factors of the complex configurations using the strain gages
Sypniewska-Kaminska, Grazyna
The application of the method of fundamental solutions in modelling of auxetic material
Szabó, László
A note on cross product between two symmetric second-order tensors
Szalai, Robert
On time-delayed and feed-forward transmission line models of the cochlea