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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – W
Waas, Anthony
Wadley, Haydn
Deformation and fracture modes of Sandwich Structures subjected to underwater impulsive loads
Dynamic Compression of Square Honeycomb Structures During Underwater Impulsive Loading
Dynamic compression of square tube cellular structures
Dynamic compressive response of composite corrugated cores
Quasi-static deformation and failure modes of composite square honeycombs
Truss waviness effects in cellular lattice structures
Tubular aluminum cellular structures: fabrication and mechanical response
Walczak, Tomasz
The application of the method of fundamental solutions in modelling of auxetic material
Walter, Mark
A cohesive zone finite element approach to model tensile cracks in thin film coatings
Observations of anisotropy evolutions and identification of plastic spin parameters by uni-axial tensile tests
Walton, Jay
Reconsidering the boundary conditions for a dynamic, transient mode I crack problem
Wan, Frederic
Size-normalized robustness of Dpp gradient in Drosophila wing imaginal disc
Wan, Jing
A viscoplastic approach to the chemo-mechanical behavior of Sn microstructure
Wan, Yun
In-situ monitoring of solid propellants under compressive load by MWCNT piezoresistive sensor
Wang, Aiguo
Comparative Study of Graded Honeycombs With Various Cellular Structures Under Impacting Load
Wang, Bao-Lin
A mode III moving crack between a functionally graded coating and a homogeneous substrate
Strain gradient fracture of a mode III crack in an elastic layer on a substrate
Transient thermal stresses in a laminated spherical shell of thermoelectric materials
Wang, Bing
Structural design of pyramidal truss core sandwich beams loaded in 3-point bending
Wang, Cheng-Der
Elastic solutions for an inclined transversely isotropic material due to three-dimensional point loads
Fundamental solutions for an inhomogeneous cross-anisotropic material due to horizontal and vertical plane strain line loads
Wang, Cuiying
An interfacial arc crack in bonded dissimilar isotropic laminated plates
Wang, Dung-An
Prediction of Springback and residual stress of a beam/plate subjected to three-point bending
Wang, Fangxin
In-situ monitoring of solid propellants under compressive load by MWCNT piezoresistive sensor
Wang, Guannan
Three-dimensional (3d) Trefftz computational grains (tcgs) for the micromechanical modeling of heterogeneous media with coated spherical inclusions
Wang, Hai
Ordinary state-based peridynamics for open-hole tensile strength prediction of fiber-reinforced composite laminates
Wang, Heying
Tuning the propagation characteristics of the trapped and released strongly nonlinear solitary waves in 1-D composite granular chain of spheres
Wang, Hui
A computational homogenization model for mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced cementitious composites with functionally graded interphase
Wang, Ji
Electromechanical Fields in a Nonuniform Piezoelectric Semiconductor Rod
Wang, JianXiang
Effects of surface and initial stresses on the bending stiffness of tri-layer plates and nanofilms
Wang, Jianxin
Effects of in-plane electric fields on the toughening behavior of ferroelectric ceramics
Wang, Juan
Localized bulging of rotating elastic cylinders and tubes
Wang, Junbo
Three-dimensional (3d) Trefftz computational grains (tcgs) for the micromechanical modeling of heterogeneous media with coated spherical inclusions
Wang, Junjie
Vibration reduction of low frequency of phononic-like crystal structures for subways
Wang, Junsheng
Analytical model for tension-induced residual stress of pre-stress filament hoop wound composite rings by inverse iteration method
Wang, KaiFa
Transient thermal stresses in a laminated spherical shell of thermoelectric materials
Wang, Lin
Dynamics and stability analysis of an axially moving beam in axial flow
Nonlinear free vibration of nanobeams based on nonlocal strain gradient theory with the consideration of thickness-dependent size effect
Nonlinear impacting oscillations of pipe conveying pulsating fluid subjected to distributed motion constraints
Stability and nonplanar postbuckling behavior of current-carrying microwires in a longitudinal magnetic field
Wang, Liyuan
Diffraction of SV waves by a surface effective elliptic cavity
Wang, Meiqin
Analytical solution of a concentrated force on free surface of coated materials
Wang, Q
Reliability analysis of hard coatings on a substrate containing inhomogeneities
Wang, Quan
Non-local continuum models for carbon nanotubes subjected to static loading
Wang, Shuheng
Equivalent mechanical properties of additively manufactured octagonal honeycombs: Theoretical and experimental analysis
Wang, Yikun
Nonlinear impacting oscillations of pipe conveying pulsating fluid subjected to distributed motion constraints
Wang, Wei-Jer
Fundamental solutions for an inhomogeneous cross-anisotropic material due to horizontal and vertical plane strain line loads
Wang, Weihan
Effect of welding parameters on surface formation and microstructure for TC4 titanium alloy joint welded by CMT
Wang, Xiao
A simplified strain gradient Kirchhoff rod model and its applications on microsprings and microcolumns
Wang, Xiaodong
Elastic wave dispersion and polarization in a chiral elastic metamaterial
Wang, Xiaofeng
Effect of inflating air on the static behavior of ETFE cushions
Wang, Xing
Numerical study on the force-mate bushing cold expansion of composite holes using a novel assisting sleeve
Wang, Xu
3D Green's functions for a steady point heat source interacting with a homogeneously imperfect interface
A double coated circular elastic inhomogeneity with internal uniform deviatoric stresses
A nonlinearly coupled thermoelectric circular inhomogeneity with interface slip and diffusion
A spherical elastic inhomogeneity with interface slip and diffusion under a deviatoric far-field load
A three-phase anisotropic elastic elliptical inhomogeneity with internal linear stress and strain distributions
An anisotropic elastic inhomogeneous elliptical inclusion
An edge dislocation interacting with an elliptical incompressible liquid inclusion
An interfacial arc crack in bonded dissimilar isotropic laminated plates
Closed-form solutions for an edge dislocation interacting with a parabolic or an elliptical elastic inhomogeneity
Degenerate orthotropic materials in the Stroh formalism for steady state problems
Elastic Fields for a Parabolic Hole Endowed with Surface Effects
Eshelby Inclusion of Arbitrary Shape in Isotropic Elastic Materials with a Parabolic Boundary
Harmonic shapes in isotropic laminated plates
Interaction between a screw dislocation and a piezoelectric circular inclusion with viscous interface
Nonuniform interfacial slip in fibrous composites
The net interaction force between two skew dislocations in an anisotropic quasicrystalline space or half-space
Transient response of multilayered orthotropic strips with interfacial diffusion and sliding
Uniform stress resultants inside two non-elliptical inhomogeneities in isotropic laminated plates
Uniformity of stresses inside an anisotropic elliptical inhomogeneity with an imperfect interface
Uniformity of stresses within an elliptical inhomogeneity coated by an interphase layer with eigenstrains
Wang, Xue-Bin
A model for shear displacement distribution of a flow line in the adiabatic shear band based on gradient-dependent plasticity
A new method for calculating the peak temperature evolution in the adiabatic shear band of steel
Numerical simulation of failed zone propagation process and anomalies related to the released energy during a compressive jog intersection
Wang, Xuyue
Fracture mechanics analysis of three-dimensional ion cut technology
Wang, Yanqing
Wave propagation in three-dimensional graphene aerogel cylindrical shells resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation
Wang, Yi-Ming
Dynamic analysis of a mass traveling on a simply supported non-homogeneous beam composed of transversely embedded periodic arrays
Wang, Youneng
Comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric deformation of Al single crystal under micro scale laser shock peening
Wang, Yuanxin
Forming mechanics of a twin-roll cast AA1100/409L clad sheet after annealing and cold rolling
Wang, Yue-Sheng
Two-dimensional fretting contact of piezoelectric materials under a rigid conducting cylindrical punch
Wang, Yuhang
Nonconforming generalized H-R mixed element for static and dynamic analysis of piezoelectric composite laminated plates
Wang, Zhongxian
A singular integral equation method for examining asymptotic solutions of a kinked crack with infinitesimal kink length
Crack front position and crack back position techniques for evaluating T-stress
Influences of different integral kernels to the solutions of boundary integral equation
Wang, Zemin
Laser powder bed fusion of multilayer corrugated sandwich structures: Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms under bending loadings
Wang, Zhaoyao
Comparative analysis of axial and radial mechanical properties of cortical bone using nano-indentation
Wang, Ziping
Particle swarm optimization for curved beams in multistable structures
Wang, Zonghua
Forming mechanics of a twin-roll cast AA1100/409L clad sheet after annealing and cold rolling
Washio, Seiichi
Assessment of the mechanical properties of the nucleus inside a spherical endothelial cell based on micro-tensile testing
Watanabe, Shinya
Numerical and experimental evaluation of cryogenic tensile strength of woven fabric-reinforced glass/epoxy composites using the open hole specimens
Wattrisse, Bertrand
Fields of stored energy associated with localized necking of steel
Wcisło, Balbina
Gradient-enhanced large strain thermoplasticity with automatic linearization and localization simulations
Weaver, Paul
Buckling of stiffened composite panels with stringer terminations
Weckner, Olaf
Wei, Gaofeng
Active vibration control for three-dimensional braided composite beams based on piezoelectric sensor and actuator
Weller, Tanchum
Buckling and postbuckling behavior of laminated composite stringer stiffened curved panels under axial compression: Experiments and design guidelines
Wheeler, Lewis
Whitman, Zachary
Bistable structures for energy absorption - part 1: metallic structures under tension
Bistable structures for energy absorption - part 2: composite structures under tension
Wiedemann, Lasse
A mode-dependent energy-based damage model for peridynamics and its implementation
Wierzbicki, Tomasz
Protection performance of double-layered metal shields against projectile impact
Wijaya, Gunawan Budi
Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation using the characteristic based split method
Wijeyewickrema, Anil
Wave propagation in a pre-stressed compressible elastic layer with constrained boundaries
Wildman, Raymond
A dynamic electro-thermo-mechanical model of dielectric breakdown in solids using peridynamics
A perfectly matched layer for peridynamics in two dimensions
Fast Fourier transform-based solutions of initial value problems for wave propagation in microelastic media
Wilke, Hans-Joachim
A nonlinear micromechanical model for progressive damage of vertebral trabecular bones
Willberg, Christian
A mode-dependent energy-based damage model for peridynamics and its implementation
Williams, Martin
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of Masonry Circular Arches with Non-Negligible Tensile Capacity
Williams, Philip
Post-buckling of truss-lattice shear panels using exact theory
Williams, William
A marching procedure for form-finding for tensegrity structures
Willis, Adam
Design strategies for a multi-material Hopkinson bar that provides a specific spectral character loading
Wilson, James
Measuring Impact Responses of Foamed Polymers
Winikes, Luiz Carlos
Parameters estimation of a three-layered sandwich beam
Wojciechowski, Krzysztof
The application of the method of fundamental solutions in modelling of auxetic material
Wong, Y.
Wrinkled Membranes. Part II: Analytical Models
Wrinkled Membranes. Part III: Numerical Simulations
Wootton, Peter
Approximate analysis of surface wave--structure interaction
Wredenberg, Fredrik
Delamination of thin coatings at scratching - Experiments and numerics
On the numerics and correlation of scratch testing
Wu, Bin
Tuning the propagation characteristics of the trapped and released strongly nonlinear solitary waves in 1-D composite granular chain of spheres
Wu, Chen-Wu
Evaluation of film-substrate adhesion via impact using coated bullets
Wu, Lin-Zhi
Structural design of pyramidal truss core sandwich beams loaded in 3-point bending
The nonlocal theory solution of a Mode-I crack in functionally graded materials subjected to the harmonic strees waves
Wu, Shijing
A mechanical model for direct wafer bonding by strain energy under the normal pressure
Wu, Xijia
A Higher-Order Theory for Fiber-Metal Laminates
Wu, Zhi-Lin
Evaluation of film-substrate adhesion via impact using coated bullets
Wu, Zhigen
Analytical solution of a concentrated force on free surface of coated materials