Volume 20 Number 1
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – X
Xia, Kaiwen
Dynamic fracture tests of polymethylmethacrylate using a semi-circular bend technique
Experimental Investigations of Spontaneous Bimaterial Interfacial Fractures
Xian, Guang
In-situ monitoring of solid propellants under compressive load by MWCNT piezoresistive sensor
Xiao, Chuan
Vibrational analysis of finite plate on elastic foundation subjected to oblique impact
Xiao, Huifang
On the slip damping of a press-fit joint under non-uniform pressure distribution along the interface
Xiao, Jun
Analytical model for tension-induced residual stress of pre-stress filament hoop wound composite rings by inverse iteration method
Xiao, Junhua
An analytical solution for heat flux distribution of cylindrically orthotropic fiber reinforced composites with surface effect
Interface stress of orthotropic materials with a nano defect under anti-plane shear loading
Mode III fracture analysis of an oblique through-crack emanating from a nano-hole with surface effect
Xiao, Qi-Zhi
Accurate simulation of mixed-mode cohesive crack propagation in quasi-brittle structures using exact asymptotic fields in XFEM
Xiao, QiZhi
Asymptotic fields at frictionless and frictional cohesive crack tips in quasibrittle materials
Xiao, Zhongmin
Dislocation interacting with collinear rigid lines in piezoelectric media
Interaction of a dislocation with collinear rigid lines at the interface of piezoelectric media
Micro-crack initiation at the tip of a finite rigid conducting line in piezoelectric media
Xie, Haiqiao
Seismic performance of concrete-filled steel tube devices for precast concrete beam-column connections
Xie, Wei-Chau
Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of coupled viscoelastic systems driven by white noise
Xie, Wenfeng
2D Shock Induced Collapse of Gas Bubble near a Semi-Infinite Deformable Solid
Xie, Yi Min
Predicting the effective stiffness of cellular and composite materials with self-similar hierarchical microstructures
Xie, Yuxin
Nonlinear oscillations in dielectric visco-elastomer generators
Xin, Yuyan
Mode III fracture analysis of an oblique through-crack emanating from a nano-hole with surface effect
Xiu, Hu
Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of vibro-impacto system under harmonic excitation
Xu, Chao
Modeling and experiment of viscoelastic micro-vibration damper based on a chain network model
Xu, Guochen
Quantifying fatigue cracks in TC4 titanium alloy using nonlinear modulation ultrasonic testing method
Xu, Jingyu
A rational and efficient local stress recovery method for composite laminates
Xu, Jinwu
On the slip damping of a press-fit joint under non-uniform pressure distribution along the interface
Xu, Mei
Fracture mechanics analysis of three-dimensional ion cut technology
Xu, Wei
Experimental analysis of oblique ballistic impacts on Kevlar and steel plates from a blunt-nosed hollow projectile
Xu, Xingqian
Bending of nonconforming thin plates based on the first-order manifold method
Xu, Xinsheng
Accurate buckling analysis of piezoelectric functionally graded nanotube reinforced cylindrical shells under combined electro-thermo-mechanical loads
Xu, Yaoling
An analytical solution for heat flux distribution of cylindrically orthotropic fiber reinforced composites with surface effect
Interface stress of orthotropic materials with a nano defect under anti-plane shear loading
Xu, Yeshou
Interfacial reinforced viscoelastic damper: experimental and theoretical study
The equivalent Havriliak-Negami model for characterizing the dynamic properties of viscoelastic dampers
Xu, Zhao-Dong
Interfacial reinforced viscoelastic damper: experimental and theoretical study
Modeling and experiment of viscoelastic micro-vibration damper based on a chain network model
The equivalent Havriliak-Negami model for characterizing the dynamic properties of viscoelastic dampers
Xue, Shifeng
A Hermite interpolation element-free Galerkin method for elasticity problems
A level-set viscoelastic constitutive model for multi-shape memory polymer and its composite
Xue, Zhenyu
Deformation and fracture modes of Sandwich Structures subjected to underwater impulsive loads
Dynamic Compression of Square Honeycomb Structures During Underwater Impulsive Loading
Mechanical behavior and constitutive modeling of metal cores
Metal Sandwich Plates with Polymer Foam-Filled Cores
Performance and Failure of Metal Sandwich Plates Subject to Shock Loading
Plastic yield and collapse mechanism of planar lattice structures
Quasi-static Punch Indentation of a Honeycomb Sandwich plate: Experiments and modelling