Volume 20 Number 1
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – Y
Yadav, Vikramaditya
Microscale Hydrogels for Medicine and Biology: Synthesis, Characteristics and Applications
Yaghoubshahi, Mojgan
Bending of laminated plates with mixed boundary conditions based on higher-order shear deformation theory
Yahya, Mohd
Flexural behavior of functionally graded slender beams with complex cross-section
Yakhno, Valery
A new analytical approach for solving equations of elasto-hydrodynamics in quasicrystals
Yakovlev, Victor
Predictive modelling of mechanical properties of metal filled anodic aluminium oxide
Yakovleva, Ekaterina
Asymptotic stress field in the vicinity of the mixed-mode crack under plane stress conditions
Yamaki, Satoru
Numerical and experimental evaluation of cryogenic tensile strength of woven fabric-reinforced glass/epoxy composites using the open hole specimens
Yan, Dejun
Vibration and damping characteristics of auxetic honeycomb sandwich panels with polyurea-metal laminate face sheets
Yan, Karen
A multi level numerical model quantifying cell deformation in encapsulated alginate structures
Yan, Lei
Collapse mechanisms of metallic sandwich structures with aluminum foam-filled corrugated cores
Yan, Lei
Analytical model for tension-induced residual stress of pre-stress filament hoop wound composite rings by inverse iteration method
Yan, Quansheng
Analysis of pedestrian-induced lateral vibration of a footbridge that considers feedback adjustment and time delay
Yan, Renjun
Progressive failure and ultimate strength analysis of sandwich composite hat-stringer-stiffened panels under transverse in-plane loading
Yan, Wuzhu
Numerical study on the force-mate bushing cold expansion of composite holes using a novel assisting sleeve
Yan, Xiangqiao
SIFs of rectangular tensile sheets with symmetric double edge defects
Yan, Xin
Axisymmetric vibration analysis of graded porous Mindlin circular plates subjected to thermal environment
Yan, Hao
Dynamics and stability analysis of an axially moving beam in axial flow
Nonlinear impacting oscillations of pipe conveying pulsating fluid subjected to distributed motion constraints
Yang, Bin
In-situ monitoring of solid propellants under compressive load by MWCNT piezoresistive sensor
Yang, Chun-He
Approximate analysis of interaction of closely spaced cracks
Yang, Guangying
Electromechanical Fields in a Nonuniform Piezoelectric Semiconductor Rod
Yang, Hai-Bing
Longitudinal shear behavior of composites with unidirectional periodic nanofibers of some regular polygonal shapes
Stress concentration around an arbitrarily-shaped hole in nonlinear fully coupled thermoelectric materials
Yang, Jiashi
Effects of surface deformation on the collective buckling of an array of rigid beams on an elastic substrate
Electromechanical Fields in a Nonuniform Piezoelectric Semiconductor Rod
Yang, Jie
Nonlinear local bending of FGM sandwich plates
Yang, Le
A poroelastic model for cell crawling including mechanical coupling between cytoskeletal contraction and actin polymerization
Yang, Mijia
A Coupled Honeycomb Composite Sandwich Bridge-vehicle interaction model
Yang, Nan
Experimental and analytical investigation of the behavior of diaphragm-through joints of concrete-filled tubular columns
Yang, Ping
Research on accumulative plastic damage for low-cycle fatigue analysis of hull notched plate
Yang, Qingshan
Effect of inflating air on the static behavior of ETFE cushions
Yang, Siqi
Laser powder bed fusion of multilayer corrugated sandwich structures: Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms under bending loadings
Yang, Xiaodong
Wave propagation in layered piezoelectric rings with rectangular cross sections
Yang, Xiaoying
Predicting the effective stiffness of cellular and composite materials with self-similar hierarchical microstructures
Yang, Xiaozheng
Comparative analysis of axial and radial mechanical properties of cortical bone using nano-indentation
Yang, Y.
Wave Propagation in Carbon Nanotubes: Nonlocal Elasticity Induced Stiffness and Velocity Enhancement Effects
Yang, Fufeng
Magnetorheological elastomer isolator in compression mode for IMU vibration isolation
Yano, Masayuki
Assessment of the mechanical properties of the nucleus inside a spherical endothelial cell based on micro-tensile testing
Yao, Jianjun
Analysis on the interfacial mechanics of mirco-scratching test for DLC-G95Cr18 film-substrate system
Yao, W.
A new analytic symplectic elasticityapproach for beams resting on Pasternak elastic foundations
Yao, Y.
Comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric deformation of Al single crystal under micro scale laser shock peening
Yaylacı, Murat
A study on the contact problem of a layer consisting of functionally graded material (FGM) in the presence of body force
Solution of a receding contact problem using an analytical method and a finite element method
Yepin, Valeriy
Experimental study of deformation processes in large-scale concrete structure under quasistatic loading
Yi, Zhi-jian
Queries about the famous closed form elastic-plastic solution for mode III crack given by Hult and McClintock
Yiakopoulos, Christos
Morphological processing of principal orthogonal modes for crack detection in beam structures
Ying, Lixia
Analysis on the interfacial mechanics of mirco-scratching test for DLC-G95Cr18 film-substrate system
Yiournas, A.
Flexure of Beams with an Interlayer - Symmetric Beams with Orthotropic Adherends
Yoon, Gil Ho
Element stacking method for topology optimization with material-dependent boundary and loading conditions
Topology optimization of structures tracing given nonlinear load-displacement curves
Yoon, Yongjin
A cochlear model using the time-averaged Lagrangian and the push-pull mechanism in the organ of Corti
Frequency and spacial response of basilar membrane vibration ina three-dimensional Gerbil cochlear model
You, Guangchao
Studies on performance and failure mode of T-shaped diaphragm-through connection under monotonic and cyclic loading
Young, Yin Lu
2D Shock Induced Collapse of Gas Bubble near a Semi-Infinite Deformable Solid
Youssef, Hamdy
State-Space Approach of Two-Temperature Generalized Thermoelastic Medium Subjected to Moving Heat Source and Ramp-Type Heating
Youssef, Haytham
Assessment of degradation of railroad rails - finite element analysis of insulated joints and unsupported sleepers
Yu, Bo
Collapse mechanisms of metallic sandwich structures with aluminum foam-filled corrugated cores
Yu, Chuan-bin
Longitudinal shear behavior of composites with unidirectional periodic nanofibers of some regular polygonal shapes
Stress concentration around an arbitrarily-shaped hole in nonlinear fully coupled thermoelectric materials
Yu, Jiangong
Dispersion of guided waves in initially stressed layered plates
Wave propagation in layered piezoelectric rings with rectangular cross sections
Yu, Lingyu
In-situ optimized PWAS phased arrays for lamb wave structural health monitoring
Yu, Shudong
Free vibration of a simulation CANDU nuclear fuel bundle structure inside a tube
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Beam Bimorph Piezoelectric Power Harvesters
Yu, Wenbin
A unified theory for constitutive modeling of composites
A Variational A Variational Asymptotic Micromechanics Model for Predicting Conductivities of Composite Materials
Stress and strain recovery for the in-plane deformation of an isotropic tapered strip-beam
The Effect of Taper on Section Constants for In-Plane Deformation of an Isotropic Strip
Yu, Xiaolin
Analysis of pedestrian-induced lateral vibration of a footbridge that considers feedback adjustment and time delay
Yu, Yue
Discontinuity-induced mixed mode oscillations for the non-smooth Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua circuit
Yucesoy, Atacan
Design strategies for a multi-material Hopkinson bar that provides a specific spectral character loading
Yue, Xiaokui
Solutions of the von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n plate equations by a Galerkin method, without inverting the tangent stiffness matrix