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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
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Author Index – Z
Zahrouni, Hamid
A contribution to a critical review of FSW numerical simulation
Zaïri, Fahmi
Mechanical properties of nano-cracks in hybrid graphene/hexagonal boron nitride sheets
Zait, Yuval
The Effect of Contact Conditions and Material Properties on Elastic-Plastic Spherical Contact
Zaki, Wael
Cyclic behavior and energy approach to the fatigue of shape memory alloys
Zamani, Mohammad Reza
Elastic moduli of boron nitride nanotubes based on finite element method
Zamani, Vahid
Expansion-contraction behavior of a pressurized poro-hyperelastic spherical shell due to fluid redistribution in the structure wall
Zampoli, Vittorio
Decay properties of solutions of a Mindlin-type plate model for rhombic systems
Zani, Nicola
A new class of equilibrated stress fields for no tension bodies
Integration of measures and admissible stress fields for masonry bodies
On the choice of functions spaces in the limit analysis for masonry bodies
Orthotropic plane bodies with bounded tensile and compressive strength
Zaoui, André
Zare, Mohammad
A modified shear-lag model for prediction of stress distribution in unidirectional fibrous composites considering interphase
Zeman, Jan
Microstructure-based modeling of elastic functionally graded materials: One dimensional case
Zenkour, Ashraf
Hygrothermal analysis of exponentially graded rectangular plates
Zhan, Chunxiao
Analytical solution of a concentrated force on free surface of coated materials
Zhang, Fan
Multi-axial mechanical properties of additive manufactured titanium gyroid
Stiffness characteristics of elastic thin plates equipped with precision instruments
Vibrational analysis of finite plate on elastic foundation subjected to oblique impact
Zhang, Fucheng
An analytical solution for heat flux distribution of cylindrically orthotropic fiber reinforced composites with surface effect
Interface stress of orthotropic materials with a nano defect under anti-plane shear loading
Zhang, Fulai
Numerical simulation of frozen soil under uniaxial and coupled dynamic–static impact loads
Zhang, Gongye
A simplified strain gradient Kirchhoff rod model and its applications on microsprings and microcolumns
Elastic Wave Propagation in a Periodic Composite Plate Structure: Band Gaps Incorporating Microstructure, Surface Energy and Foundation Effects
Zhang, H.X.
Interaction of a dislocation with collinear rigid lines at the interface of piezoelectric media
Zhang, Han
Free vibration of functionally graded piezoelectric hexagonal quasicrystal plates
Zhang, Hongwu
The simulation of residual stresses in friction stir welds
Zhang, Hongxia
Micro-crack initiation at the tip of a finite rigid conducting line in piezoelectric media
Zhang, Huaiyue
Comparative analysis of axial and radial mechanical properties of cortical bone using nano-indentation
Zhang, Jiaming
Phase field simulation of the inclusion instability and splitting processes in interconnects due to interface diffusion induced by electromigration
Zhang, Jian
Multi-axial mechanical properties of additive manufactured titanium gyroid
Zhang, Jinghua
Axisymmetric vibration analysis of graded porous Mindlin circular plates subjected to thermal environment
Zhang, Jinming
Free vibration of functionally graded piezoelectric hexagonal quasicrystal plates
Zhang, Jiwei
On perfectly matched layers of nonlocal wave equations in unbounded multiscale media
Zhang, Junhua
Energy absorption characteristics of a new auxetic honeycomb and its application to a bumper
Zhang, Kun
Evaluation of film-substrate adhesion via impact using coated bullets
Zhang, Liang
An atomistic instability condition and application
An Eshelby-type approach for defect energetics in carbon nanotubes
Zhang, Liangliang
Free vibration of functionally graded piezoelectric hexagonal quasicrystal plates
Zhang, Qian
Collapse mechanisms of metallic sandwich structures with aluminum foam-filled corrugated cores
Zhang, Rui
Effect of welding parameters on surface formation and microstructure for TC4 titanium alloy joint welded by CMT
Zhang, Ruoyu
Experimental and analytical investigation of the behavior of diaphragm-through joints of concrete-filled tubular columns
Shear capacity of T-shaped diaphragm-through joints of CFST columns
Studies on performance and failure mode of T-shaped diaphragm-through connection under monotonic and cyclic loading
Zhang, Sen
Equivalent mechanical properties of additively manufactured octagonal honeycombs: Theoretical and experimental analysis
Zhang, Tao
Experimental analysis of oblique ballistic impacts on Kevlar and steel plates from a blunt-nosed hollow projectile
Zhang, Teng-Fei
Spherical indentation of EPDM and silicone rubber materials under high- and low-temperature conditions
Zhang, Wei
Energy absorption characteristics of a new auxetic honeycomb and its application to a bumper
Zhang, Xiao-Bing
Crack initiation prediction for V-notches under mixed mode loading in brittle materials
Zhang, Xuan
Free vibration of a simulation CANDU nuclear fuel bundle structure inside a tube
Zhang, Yihui
Plastic yield and collapse mechanism of planar lattice structures
Zhang, Zhao
An integrated modelling of tool wear-microstructural evolution internal relations in friction stir welding with worn pin profiles
The simulation of residual stresses in friction stir welds
Zhang, Zhifang
Efficiencies of algorithms for vibration-based delamination detection: A comparative study
Zhang, Zhong
A Higher-Order Theory for Fiber-Metal Laminates
Zhao, Fei
A level-set viscoelastic constitutive model for multi-shape memory polymer and its composite
Zhao, Jidong
Thermomechanical formulation of strain gradient plasiticity for geomaterials
Zhao, Manhong
Numerical and experimental studies of deep indentation on single crystals
Zhao, Ming
Dynamic facture behavior in functionally graded piezoelectric bi-materials with interfacial cracks emanating from a circular cavity
Zhao, Minghao
Extended displacement discontinuity method for crack analysis in 3D two-phase transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic media
Zhao, Shuo
An interface crack in piezoelectric bimaterial with an electrically conductive and two electrically permeable zones at its faces
Zheludkevich, Mikhail
Predictive modelling of mechanical properties of metal filled anodic aluminium oxide
Zheng, Chenyi
Analytical solutions for displacements and stresses in functionally graded thick-walled spheres subjected to a unidirectional outer tension
Tuning stress concentrations through embedded functionally graded shells
Zheng, Huayong
Pull-in instability of multilayered quasicrystal cantilever nanoactuator with bonding imperfections based on nonlocal theory
Zheng, Zhou-lian
Application of the Kirchhoff hypothesis to bending thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression
Zhong, Yucheng
Effect of number of crowns on the crush resistance in open-cell stent design
Zhong, Zheng
Mechanical degradation of natural fiber reinforced composite materials under constrained swelling
Zhou, Bo
A Hermite interpolation element-free Galerkin method for elasticity problems
A level-set viscoelastic constitutive model for multi-shape memory polymer and its composite
Zhou, Hao
Stiffness characteristics of elastic thin plates equipped with precision instruments
Zhou, Jiawei
Electroelastic effects on local-global buckling of piezoelectric cylindrical shells with stepped thickness
Zhou, Kun
Reliability analysis of hard coatings on a substrate containing inhomogeneities
Zhou, Kun
Dynamics and stability analysis of an axially moving beam in axial flow
Zhou, Linyong
Effect of interconnect linewidth on the evolution of intragranular microcracks due to surface diffusion in a gradient stress field and an electric field
Phase field simulation of the inclusion instability and splitting processes in interconnects due to interface diffusion induced by electromigration
Zhou, Min
Response of submerged metallic sandwich structures to underwater impulsive loads
Zhou, Qiang
Vibrational analysis of finite plate on elastic foundation subjected to oblique impact
Zhou, Shichen
A level-set viscoelastic constitutive model for multi-shape memory polymer and its composite
Zhou, Weizhi
Study on the microstructure evolution mechanism of high entropy alloys under impact loading
Zhou, Wenyao
Discontinuity-induced mixed mode oscillations for the non-smooth Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua circuit
Zhou, Xiangming
Numerical simulation of ram extrusion in short-fiber-reinforced fresh cementitious composites
Zhou, Xingkun
A continuous stiffness approach for modeling edge-cracked beams with different cross-sections based on energy theory
Zhou, Yangxin
Vibrational analysis of finite plate on elastic foundation subjected to oblique impact
Zhou, Zhen-Gong
The nonlocal theory solution of a Mode-I crack in functionally graded materials subjected to the harmonic strees waves
Zhou, Zhenhuan
Accurate buckling analysis of piezoelectric functionally graded nanotube reinforced cylindrical shells under combined electro-thermo-mechanical loads
Zhu, Chen
The equivalent Havriliak-Negami model for characterizing the dynamic properties of viscoelastic dampers
Zhu, Hanxing
Effects of surface and initial stresses on the bending stiffness of tri-layer plates and nanofilms
Zhu, Jiamei
Vibration and damping characteristics of auxetic honeycomb sandwich panels with polyurea-metal laminate face sheets
Zhu, Shengbo
Accurate buckling analysis of piezoelectric functionally graded nanotube reinforced cylindrical shells under combined electro-thermo-mechanical loads
Zhu, Weinan
Discontinuity-induced mixed mode oscillations for the non-smooth Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua circuit
Zhu, Yin
Effects of spring oscillators on the vibro-acoustic properties of porous sandwich plates under elastic constraints
Zhu, Zhiwu
Numerical simulation of frozen soil under uniaxial and coupled dynamic–static impact loads
Zhu, Zuoquan
A viscoplastic approach to the chemo-mechanical behavior of Sn microstructure
Ziegler, Franz
Modal analysis of laminated beams with fuzzy core stiffness/fuzzy interlayer slip
Zirakashvili, Natela
Investigation of stress-strain state of incompressible elliptic cylinder with hole
Zisis, Thanasis
The Burmister’s problem extended for a microstructured layer
Wave reflection and Rayleigh waves in the context of the complete Toupin-Mindlin theory of strain gradient elasticity
Zohdi, Tarek
Particle collision and adhesion under the influence of near-fields
Zok, Frank
Damage development in an armor alumina impacted with ductile metal spheres
Dynamic buckling of impulsively loaded prismatic cores
Implications of Shakedown for Design of Actively-Cooled Thermostructural Panels
Zou, Yuxing
Effects of spring oscillators on the vibro-acoustic properties of porous sandwich plates under elastic constraints
Zubelewicz, Aleksander
Concentrated force acting on power law creep half-plane
Zulli, Daniele
A linear model of curved beam for the analysis of galloping of suspended cables
Zuo, Keping
Effect of number of crowns on the crush resistance in open-cell stent design
Zuo, Zhi Hao
Predicting the effective stiffness of cellular and composite materials with self-similar hierarchical microstructures