Vol. 16, No. 4, 2021

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Lamb waves in nonlocal elastic plate with voids

Gurwinderpal Kaur, Dilbag Singh and S. K. Tomar

Vol. 16 (2021), No. 4, 389–405

The propagation of Lamb-type waves in a nonlocal elastic plate with voids having uniform thickness has been investigated. Using appropriate boundary conditions, the dispersion relations corresponding to symmetric and antisymmetric vibrations have been presented. It is found that the both symmetric and antisymmetric families face critical frequency beyond which they cease to propagate. For the fundamental modes, the phase speeds, the attenuation coefficients and their mode shapes are computed numerically for a particular model. The effect of nonlocality and void parameters on these phase speeds and attenuation coefficients has been depicted and the results obtained are presented graphically.

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Lamb waves, nonlocality, voids, dispersion, attenuation
Received: 3 September 2020
Revised: 16 April 2021
Accepted: 10 May 2021
Published: 26 September 2021
Gurwinderpal Kaur
Department of Mathematics
Panjab University
Chandigarh 160 014
Dilbag Singh
Department of Mathematics
Panjab University
Chandigarh 160 014
University Grants Commission
New Delhi 110 002
S. K. Tomar
Department of Mathematics
Panjab University
Chandigarh 160 014