Vol. 16, No. 4, 2021

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Analytical investigation on prediction of fatigue crack growth lives of cracked nonhomogeneous materials

Oğuzhan Demir

Vol. 16 (2021), No. 4, 429–440

Determination of the resistance of modern structural materials containing cracks to possible fatigue damages is important in evaluating the structures in terms of design and performance and to ensure a safe operation of the materials with cracks. Structures with damage/crack tolerance can be designed by prediction of crack growth lives of materials accurately and precisely. In this study, analytical investigations are performed to study the role of equivalent stress intensity factor range (ΔKeq) equation in the modified Paris’ law on prediction of the crack growth lives of cracked nonhomogeneous materials. The fatigue damage models are examined using the numerical and experimental data from literature reported for inclined cracked steel plates strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) patch and two-phase composite material with slant interface. Results show that the ΔKeq model plays a remarkable role on prediction of the crack growth lives.

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fatigue crack growth, crack growth criterion, fatigue life, equivalent stress intensity factor
Received: 24 December 2020
Revised: 8 April 2021
Accepted: 2 July 2021
Published: 26 September 2021
Oğuzhan Demir
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bilecik Seyh Edebali University
11230 Bilecik