George A. Gazonas, Burak Aksoylu and Raymond A.
Vol. 19 (2024), No. 1, 61–89
DOI: 10.2140/jomms.2024.19.61
An inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) algorithm is developed to solve initial value
problems (IVPs) for wave propagation in nonlocal peridynamic media. The IFFT
solutions compare well with solutions obtained using Mathematica’s NIntegrate function
and are verified using a spherical Bessel function series solution. We solve a peridynamic
microelastic IVP by using Floquet theory to determine a nonlinear dispersion relation
for a periodically layered elastic medium and demonstrate that microelastic peridynamic
IVP solutions can be used to represent the behavior of homogenized waves in periodic
elastic media. A local-nonlocal peridynamic correspondence principle is identified, which
enables direct determination of nonlocal Fourier transform domain solutions to IVPs; the
correspondence principle only requires identification of the nonlinear dispersion curve for
the material and does not require definition of a micromodulus function, although the
latter is implicitly defined via an integral equation. Results are useful for modeling and
verification of dispersive wave propagation in large-scale peridynamic numerical simulations.
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