As a typical nonsmooth strong coupling dynamic problem, the vibrational analysis on
the plate subjected to the oblique impact requires us to develop the effective
method that can be used to deal with the nonsmooth strong coupling problem
well. Focusing on the local dynamic behaviors of the impact system, the
generalized multisymplectic method is employed to reproduce the dynamic
response of the finite plate on the elastic foundation subjected to an oblique
impact in this paper. Firstly, the first-order approximate symmetric form of
the dynamic equation describing the vibration of the finite plate on the
elastic foundation subjected to an oblique impact is deduced based on the
multisymplectic theory. Then, a generalized multisymplectic scheme equivalent to
the Preissmann scheme for the first-order approximate symmetric form is
constructed. The validity as well as the high precision of the generalized
multisymplectic scheme are verified by the finite element method and the
approximate theoretical solution in the numerical simulations finally. From
the numerical results, the effects of the angle parameters for the oblique
impact on the maximum transverse displacement of the plate are discussed in
detail. The main contribution of this work is proposing a structure-preserving
method to investigate the nonsmooth strong coupling dynamic problem
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