In this article, molecular dynamics simulation method was used to establish a high
entropy alloy atomic model, and different impact velocities were applied to study the
impact induced high entropy alloy phase transformation and dislocation motion
mechanism. It creatively reveals the evolution mechanism of thermal mechanical
coupling response of FeCoCrCuNi high entropy alloy under impact loading. The
results show that when the impact speed is higher than 1400 m/s, the temperature
rise breaks through 5000 K under the impact, and the high entropy alloy particles
become amorphous. When the impact speed reaches 1000 m/s, the atomic motion
speed of Ni and Cu atoms is slightly increased compared to other elements, and the
face-centered cubic (FCC) phase is largely transformed into hexagonal close-packed
(HCP) phase, with the dislocation density reaching its peak. After passing
through the wavefront, twinning is formed under the action of cross slip
and dislocation reaction, which prevents further expansion of dislocations
and forms a dislocation hollow area, enhancing the strength of localized
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